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Happiness is USSB, Layla, Tiki, and me. The beginning
The Dwarf stars in our own Milky way galaxy have 83.9 billion planets orbiting in what is referred to as their 'Goldilocks Zone' with another 18.6 billion planets orbiting Earth G type stars in the same preferred zone .

The first Bulk travelers came from a small cluster of Red M-type Dwarf stars that were born before Earth's arm of the Milky Way was even formed. There were many regrettable mistakes made during that early time because there were those who initially wanted to direct and control the less developed beings and make all of them in their own image, values, and science . Even though it was STUPID in my opinion it is understandable when tribal or family values are considered. Those type of values are a survival mechanism for primitives . The first Bulk travelers floundered around in a very bad system for almost three thousand years before USSB was formed by adding the Bio-Chip.

Just because some entity achieves Bulk travel does not mean they have the right to seed planets with their own biology, especially if the seeding requires the destruction of other higher sentient life forms .

New races of sentient beings bring to USSB different and sometimes amazing ways of doing surprisingly different things. It has just been proven to be better to leave them alone and monitor their science and progress until they achieve Bulk Zone Travel . Then make them an offer they really can not refuse if they want to travel the universe.

Our home Milky Way Galaxy is slightly smaller than the average 4 armed bar galaxy as far as bar Galaxies go, so you can double and usually quadruple X 10 the average numbers for Goldilocks planets in a statistical representation of the Galaxies for our dimensional universe.

The bad news is, just because a planet is in the Goldilocks zone, it does not mean it is fit for higher life much less sentient life. However the odds are much better if the planet is not to large or small, has a rocky surface and a magnetic field, not to hot or cold due to the chemical make-up of its' atmosphere and has liquid WATER! Otherwise simple forms of bacteria and fungus rule almost everywhere in the universe if numbers and the weight of these simple life forms are even slightly considered.

Another hard rule/fact that has never been disproved is: You never find just one of something in a galaxy. Rare yes, just one , no way.

No Dwarf K stars (up to this date and time) have ever been found to produce different sentient type beings other than what is commonly referred to as the Big Grays; with the large black eyes, grayish skin, and mostly everything the Gray's entail. If there is sentient life at all in a K system you can bet it will be a Buggy Gray .

“An earthly mind really has a problem with such scale and numbers in just the two mentioned Galaxies; now imagine over 450 Billion Galaxies in this (what we call our) dimensional universe . You really can't do it except in some broad anemic general mind game term”.

Again I can't say it enough; USSB is on such a grand scale it creates havoc of the mind with any concept of what makes an Empire of this size. USSB and its' existence, makes any effort to imagine such a thing just a simple exercise in a very limited primitive childhood fantasy.

USSB has remotely mapped and briefly explored another 100 BILLION Galaxies and is currently waiting on many of their Sentients to achieve Bulk travel.

Having Sentients for the huge personnel requirements for USSB would make any head of an H.R. Department go mad with needing beings (people) for all kinds of duties and stuff !

Probes and Droids are one thing but nothing replaces whatever a Sentient uses for seeing and moving over the ground of some far flung planet.

All Probe and Droid info is relayed to a general data base called the MAIN. However, if a USSB sentient saw or discovered something truly 'amazing and new' it went into a hierarchical Que plus the general MAIN data base that all us chippers could view at our leisure. My chip Que presently has 117 things of interest .. Talk about a email overload ! The good news is when I open this Que I know everything that has been sent in a fraction of a second. I routinely open my Que several times a sleep cycle and mentally thank USSB for the bio-chip. There is no way any one being could assimilate all the knowledge that is part of USSB and be able to recall anything and everything with just a thought without the chip. It also helps when you want to think about something to know it exist. Otherwise it is like a veil of stupidity hiding unknown knowledge.

Hey.... now you might get a glimmer of understanding why they let little old Earthlings into the USSB; they need sentient life forms of all shapes and sizes. If your species is smart enough to tap the Bulk you will have a shot at entry into this 'not quite so exclusive' club. Education and the way things work is provided by the bio-chip implant for the good of all USSB species and gives us all an understanding of, 'we were all in this dimension/universe together for a common purpose'.

Our main purpose is to seed the universe with sentient life forms in all their shapes and sizes. I guess you could say, “It is how the universe learns about itself as if the multitude of Species are the synapses of the universal brain”.

Our secondary purpose is to provide scientific proof and answers to anything a USSB species could imagine. My little special bundle of DNA made me an explorer with a desire “to boldly go where no one has gone before” !

“Haha Even in USSB there was a place for someone like me; in-spite of the Droids”.

In truth there is a place for every sentient being in USSB. Just because today I want to go 'boldly', there is nothing stopping me in the future from doing something else of interest. This is not a caste system where you are locked into doing something forever due to some made up social status. USSB is a system where each individual is free to choose and seek their own fulfillment for the betterment of all USSB sentient life.

Knowledge could be considered a USSB religion; not some dogma by a people or government wanting to control the thoughts and actions of their species by some invisible omnipotent sky god entity. In all the travels of USSB they have not met a true God; just some species that if turned loose on a primitive culture the natives would darn sure think they were gods.

“The Asuramâya comes to mind right off the bat; they used to put on quite a show for primitives or new seedlings”. They are consummate actors, incredible psychic healers of primitives, and amazing showmen with or without a script.

So, yes it used to happen but things have been tightened up after watching where these brief intentional contacts led the local primitive species. More often than not these contacts ended in a promising species destroying itself and its' whole planet, negating any possible future Sentient Seedlings.

Planet wide 'petri dish' experiments are still carried out but are much more refined than in the olden days. In times past you might have what would be considered a rogue element in today's USSB time line, basically doing their own thing and screwing up a species so badly that it would take centuries (or never) to straighten out the well intentioned messes they caused by their presence and contact .

USSB had to learn what worked, and what didn't, for the betterment of all species; for nothing is born knowing everything, not even USSB.

Back to speaking of Dimensions; the USSB had mapped ten other parallel Dimensions on a limited basis. But due to personnel shortages (other than mapping probes) that was about as far as they have gone in that direction. All of the ten have galaxies and planets just like our dimensional universe. The universe in our Dimension is huge and provides all that any of the many species could ask for yet, the quest for knowledge and to see what is 'over yonder hill' is strong in all USSB Sentient Being societies.

I plan on going to one of the 10 extra dimensions and doing a little exploratory rock kicking once certain obligations are fulfilled back on earth. There is a slight problem in all ten of the parallel dimensions for they too have bulk travel and as we; they are mapping our dimension.. So far it has been a droid look and see kind of arrangement. But it is fast approaching the time to reach out and touch someone/thing/ whatever, over there.

On one of their far flung mapping missions in our Earthly Dimension ('long long ago'; I like the way that sounds) the USSB came across another consortium of Bulk travelers that basically had the same system as the USSB. There were meetings and agreements made between the two societies which opened a dialog with three other Bulk traveling 'federations' (for lack of a better word).. Billions of Galaxies with room for all was the general consensus. All these Federations became USSB members with the exception of one.

The Darpa consortium:

The Darpa Federation or consortium was the last group we made contact with. They are not as free and technically advanced nor as noble as the USSB (in my opinion). In the worlds under their purview they tended to seed and make sentient life forms in their own image. They were a small psychic group that worked barely half of one Galaxy and did not use a bio-chip for their beings. They seemed to have structural problems in their dominion which ever so often caused the occasional blood bath of their leadership and much destruction of their seeded lifeforms.

“It was usually their new seedlings that caused all the problems... Go figure”. USSB agreed to concede that galaxy to the Darpa with a warning, “If they started that crap in a USSB galaxy they would lose all they thought they had gained”.

The Darpa were tall buggy Grays with buggy eyes that thought they were the top of the evolutionary ladder. We have many different tall Grays too, which were possibly from some long ago (first 6 million year seeding efforts) but our Grays seemed to be more of the live and let live type without all the attitude. We called several of our gray species Tom Ngan because of their psychic abilities.

“I liked our Buggy Grays but the Darpa got on my psychic nerves”.

The tall Grays are not to be confused with the little Grays which most on earth are familiar hearing about. The little Grays are not quite biological sentient beings. They are truly controlled by the MAIN A.I. hive mind of USSB or, any sentient telepathic being they are assigned to for special operations. The little Grays are truly the worker Bees of USSB and are made for that purpose. They all look the same and are impossible to become buds with. There is nothing (emotions/feelings except for a low level of self preservation) inside their large heads; just programed wet/ware, action reaction abilities, that reminded me of some really smart ant colony that never existed on Earth.

The Little Gray's psychic abilities reinforced by the A.I. MAIN hive mind could at times remind you of the “Force” from the Star Wars movie series, as in the latest (58) “The force is all”. I always like those movies and they have shown no sign of slowing down or stopping the production of the films. There were rumors before I left earth that the next film in the series would have the title of, “USSB and the Force”! No doubt they will screw it up, but it should be fun to watch !

“Sorry back on topic”.

The tall Grays were all a cold bunch and rather standoffish in their attitudes at times, but they were very smart even without the chip. Their telepathic abilities were superior to just about all known species; and they knew it.

There was, once upon a time long ago, when our Buggy Grays the Tom Ngan made a power play to take over the entire USSB. They had wanted to destroy a slightly sentient race on a back water world (old grudge with that type of species) and seed it with their own form of Grays. That was something that USSB in their rule book said was a big NO NO; USSB did not destroy (for the most part) but enabled all sentient life forms. Yet because of being superior telepaths these Grays thought they could run a covert operation behind everyone’s back and have it their own devious way. To say they got their telepathic pee pee knocked in some very hard dirt would be an understatement.

Remember the Chip we all have in our bodies..

The bio-chip can be an on and off switch too. The first group of Big Grays that removed the chips had no one to talk to after the chips removal. During the chip removal process a chemical was released and they lost all telepathic abilities. The trouble makers were all rounded up and given a stern talking to (meeting of the minds for they don't talk via sound waves) where they all mostly swore allegiance once again to the USSB.. The few hold outs (superiors in their bug brained minds) were shipped off to a planet where they could all live their wildest fantasies without Bulk travel and the many amenities of being USSB lifeforms.

There were rumors that the leadership of the Buggy Grays were dropped off on a Dino planet.. Now that would have been fun to watch ! Call me a racist (which takes on a whole different meaning around here) but talking to something that looks like a 5 or 6 foot tall earthly Preying Mantis (without all the legs) takes a bit of getting used to and besides, “They always look and act like they want to bite a chunk out of you, I swear”.

You might could say I was becoming very partial to USSB, even patriotic. The life style in this universe they have created is something this “spam in a Can” could never have dreamed of as a possibility, much less be allowed to be part of and live in the actual heaven that is USSB .

“The worlds and the life styles of different sentient beings in the trillions of worlds and Billions of Galaxies that USSB has helped to create is something I wish all could see; for there really is a 'big picture' after all”.

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RE: Happiness is USSB, Layla, Tiki, and me. The beginning - by 727Sky - 06-02-2016, 03:12 AM

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