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Chronicles from the Future: The Amazing Story of Paul Amadeus Dienach
Great! Just... great!

The Godless Commies make a roaring comeback and take over the world, eradicating all traces of humanity as represented in individual expression and individual initiative, in a nightmare world that was so well expounded upon by the apparent prophet Orwell, turning the Earth into just another giant ant hill or bee hive.

And we won't even be able to buy a lousy goddamned greasy hamburger! probly hafta eat bean sprouts or tofu instead. I want mine fried in lard. LOTS of lard - need to get some flavor for it somewhere!

maybe it's NOT bean sprouts and tofu - maybe it's Soylent Green instead!

I've spent most of my life fighting against the totalitarian hive mind, and now in my golden years I find out we lose as a species despite my efforts, and the world becomes an early-21st century progressive/communist's wet dream. It presents an interesting philosophical question - should one continue to fight the good fight for humanity everywhere, despite the certain knowledge of crushing failure in the end, or should one just sell out, tune in, turn on, and drop out of the human race with the increasing masses of lemmings?

Decisions, decisions!

(06-01-2016, 04:38 PM)Minstrel Wrote: If this information is legit...and it were to get out to the mass public --- Who in their right minds would go to Mars?

If it were me, witnessing the ultimate destruction of all that it means to be human, I'd jump on those boats in a heartbeat! Put me on the very first one, so that I can build my house directly under the intersection of the crosshairs!

The one bright speck in an otherwise dismal tale of a dystopian future is the mention of "cyber-pirates" trying to carry the good fight on to the bitter end. I presume they're not just stealing "intellectual property" like software and music, but perhaps engaging in actual acts of constructive (or destructive, depending on your perspective) disobedience. It matters little in the end, of course, since evil eventually prevails, but one can hope that the last gasp of a dying race might be a thing or awsomeness before the forces of evil crush them just as they did the pirates of old in early 18th century Nassau.

They can't even let a man be in peace without invading his very mind and stealing his even thoughts, the very last private possession that a human owns? Dear God, take me before these wretched events come to pass!
Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: Chronicles from the Future: The Amazing Story of Paul Amadeus Dienach - by Ninurta - 06-02-2016, 12:17 AM

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