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Operation Reboot: In the End, its only the beginning
"My god," MAMG sat back in her chair.. "Its.. F#$% me.."

"MAMG.." Austin's face took a deep breath, "He.. He took the gavel.. I.. He said to talk with you.."

The older Asian woman sat back, "Your not.. F#$% it aint a request. He is THE boss now."

Mr. MAMG dropped his coffee cup, "Alex.. He.."

"My mother was Abigail.. This," Tears fell down Austin's face.. "They did not even blink.. The Wendigo, Templars, and Last Standing Regiment of the Confederacy.. They followed Alex's orders on the spot.. " Austin sipped a cup of green tea as MAMG held her hand up to stop her husband.. "The Yeti Tribes are happy.. The Church of science was .."

"Alex had an issue with them," Mr. MAMG spoke with a deep breath.. "He knows.. I.."

MAMG snaps her finger..

"I have no clue what is was over.. That C#$% Victoria was given this dead guy pierres seat.." Seeing MAMG's face, "The Illuminati are being reformed under Alex's command.."

"Alex sent you here darling.." MAMG narrowed her eyes, "Shut the door darling husband on your way OUT.."

Austin got nervous, "Alex said you would be able to help me.. I need to borrow about.."

MAMG reached under the sink, "That evil little SOB.." Taking out an envelope hidden behind a drawer.. She counts out Three thousand dollars.. Austin goes wide eyed as Mr. MAMG leaves, "Little girl start at the begining.. You are about to eran your three grand.."

Austin is wide, "But Alex will be.."

"You are to tell me everything.." MAMG slid the cash to under the sugar container on the table, "Slick little bastard.. Austin darling.. I pay top grade for information.." Counting out five one hundred dollar bills, "This is to listen to my rules.. "

Swallowing hard, "I.. alex wont..."

"Austin.. He planned this.. You asked to borrow money.. He is having you deliver a message.." MAMG smiles politely, "If I told you that.. Bruce Lee.."

Austin shakes her head, "Killed Chuck Norris.." Austin pauses and looks at MAMG, "And that.. Well Inhumans.."

"Is better than cable guy starring.."

"Matthew and jim," Austin is confused..

"Me and a few others are with the Chairman's senior advisory committee.. You just gave the courrier codes.." MAMG shook her head, "We will be here most of the night Austin.. Get comfortable.. "

MAMG slides the cash to Austin, "Half now Half when we are done.. We will be here till about lunch tomorrow.."

"Sandra would never.. She told Alex and Helos to not," Tears fell down her face.. "Why would he.."

"TANSTAAFL Austin.. After Lunch you will sleep on my couch and then we will talk over you and that little A$$hole.." MAMG sighs, "Husband of mine.. We will need coffee and.."

Mr. Mamg opened the door and brought in little hand sandwhiches and more tea and hot water.. "Me and the boys are going to go play poker my love.." After a few seconds, "I will let them know you wont be there.."

"Tell Lucius I will take his money later.. " Kissing her husband, "Pat Patricia's pregnant A$$ for me to.."

No chuckle came from Mr. Mamg, "An interesting life indeed.."

Austin watches the exchage for a few minutes..

Mr. Mamg is at the door, "Husband of mine.. I need you to pick up pads again.."

Pausing for a second,"Yes mam.. I wont be back till about noon tomorrow.."

"It will wait till then my love," MAMG turns back towards Austin.. "When we are finished walking through everything you heard and saw.. We..We will discuss littleman.."

Austin started to object..

Holdig her hand up, "Alex sent you to me.. I will be brutally honest with you.."

"MAMG.. Alex has rules about relationships.."

"So how am I supposed to Advise him on your relationship with littleman.. All we have is this.. You F#$%ed him his first two weeks back.. You understand and speak soul speak when you get angry or excited.. "

"I fail to see how.."

"I have to make sure your relationship is slash was not rape darling.. " MAMG let her words sink in.. "I love littleman to death but my job is to analyse all the information.. Relax darling dear.. I am a professional.."

"MAMG it.. I mean," Austin has tears fall..

"What did you think about him the day you first met him?"

"God.. He was a little snot nosed punk.." Austin laughs, "But he got Diana's necklace back from some.." Austin looks at MAMG, "He was my littleman.. It is the first time I called him that.."

"Your littleman," MAMG reached into her desk and took out paper.. "I see.. Yours.. Not your sisters?"

"No.. He is not property I mean," Austin shook her head. "He was so weak and yet.."

MAMG smiled as Austin started talking, not realizing she was telling more than she should..

San Diego, California

A four star Admiral was standing on the dock with his jaw dropped.. A very advanced Sub with a pirate flag was parked in the repair dock..

"Admiral.." A black Lt. Commander held his hand, "Let me talk with him.."

An armored man with a red cross on his armor stopped when he saw the Lt. commander stepping forward..

"Templar One.. What in the F#$% have you done," The Lt. Commander shook his head.. "The Chinese chased you across the Pacific Son.. The .."

"Admiral on Deck," Templar one came to attention..

The Four star behind the Lt. Commander smiled and returned the salute, "Admiral Creast.."

The older man stopped when Templar One did not drop his salute..

"Templar One.. The Admiral Saluted you," The Lt. Commander was in Templar Ones face.. "He wants to know who ordered the mission!"

Andros held his salute..

"Captain.. It is Captain Colt isnt it," The Lt. Commander's comment drew a look.. "You are required to re..." Pausing for a second the Lt. Commander stepped back.. He saluted Andros..

Andros snapped his salute back, "Good morning Admiral Williams.. Captain Colt of the worlds most powerful Navy, reporting as ordered.."

"Son.. I.. Admiral Williams," The Four star paused and whispered something to the Lt. Commander.. The Admiral waived at the Lt. Commander with Williams on his name tag..

"Report Captain.." Williams did not miss a beat..

"My Apologies Admiral Winters.. " Andros switches to Williams Voice, "If You dumb F#$% ever happen to be the one to go back in time.. With all yalls stupid S#$%.. Reaquisition the Mao for me, you owe me one. I want her for my first command." Andros switches to his older voice, "The Mao as ordered Admiral.. We are SO mother F#$%ing even even sir!"

"I.. " Williams looks at the sub, "Admiral Winters.. This is the Sub I.. The Mao.. This.." Looking at the sub, "They did steal her design.."

In Williams voice, "Down to the electric windows and steering wheel warmers Admiral.."

Admiral Winters is surprised when Andros does salute him, "Son.." Returning the salute, "May I ask what the favor was that got my Lt. Commander and me a new sub.."

Andros did not respond..

"Captain.. Please explain to me and Admiral Winters what .." Looking at the sub as his eyes gleamed with hope, "My first ship to command.."

"Lt. Commander Esfers sir.. I was enlisted and she.." Smiling, "Was outside my class sir.. You were in the room next to us.. She got loud.. You told me jokingly not to worry about it.. Years later.. After pendelton you told me what you would love to have.."

Admiral Winters smiled, "I see.. You were the man on the Turtle .. You.. Fourteen.. God D@#$.. Son.."

"Sir.. This has has all the BELLS and Whistles from DARPA.. China built it.. Sub surface drones, Our next gen in sonar.. "

Andros interrupts and goes down the list for three minutes as Admiral Winters goes wide eyed..

As he finishes, "My. god.. This.. Son I.."

Andros blocked the Admiral's way, "My apologies.. As Captain I cant let you on board.. I.. I have to have a signature.. Of.."

Lt. Williams was wide eyed, "Admiral.. May.. May I.."

"Do you know all these systems son," Winters looks at Williams..

"Yes Sir.."

"Then relieve that SOB.. Now!.."

"Captain Colt.. I Hereby assume command of.."

"The USS Ex-Wife," Andros smiles.. 

Both of the other men smile, "Because the USS C#$% would be frowned upon."

"I stand Relieved Commander Williams.." Andros Looks at Admiral Winters, "That is a condition sir."

"Commander Williams.. May I come Aboard.. Lets see what you traded for us.." Admiral Winters stops cold for a second, "When we are done son.. If you need any other favors Captain Colt.. Let me know.. I want a sub carrier.."

"Sir.. He was fourteen when the other incident sir.. I ," Williams pauses as both Andros and Winters glared at him..

"He makes Admiral CAPTAIN?"

"Under your watchful eye sir.." Andros looks at the new Sub Commander,"Commander.. One issue.. " Andros grinned, "Your plank owners are a group of mercs.. They need. to.. To be quietly escorted off the boat and released into San Diego.. I have made arrangements."

Andros whistles as a group of thirteen men start walking out of the vessel.. They lay down their weapons and start stripping nude, "Our deal still good Captain?"

"Admiral Winters.. Uhm.. " Andros smiles, "Their former CO and XO are in the freezer sir.."

"Blindfold them Captain.. I want them off my base in ten minutes.." Admiral winters looks over to his peer as several unscheduled armored men arrive, "SPAWAR.. "

"It will be Ten minutes sir.. Commander," Andros tosses two keys to Williams.. "Makes sure everyone forgets My ungentlemanly behavior.. Admirals.."

Both men salute Andros, As armored Marines come down the dock.. They start tossing black mask over the nude men..

"I will mark it down as one of my Captains misdeeds.." Admiral Winters narrows his eyes, "You mean for me to assign her as the XO.."

"Williams.. It is just a recommendation.. You do need a solid XO.. At your level .." Taking a deep breath, "At your level Admiral Williams.. She is a SecNav and CNO where I am from.."


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RE: Operation Reboot: In the End, its only the beginning - by Armonica_Templar - 12-10-2017, 05:42 AM
!" - by Armonica_Templar - 01-16-2018, 10:16 PM

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