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Two dozen Democrats support bill
(07-03-2017, 03:13 AM)Ninurta Wrote: Well, there is an election coming up shortly. You'd think the dumbasses would be trying to find a fieldable candidate to, you know, maybe win an election or something. They've lost miserably in the last several, most recently Georgia. That's because they aren't trying to find a "winner", they're instead expending all their energy to make Trump a "loser" and ignoring their own base, refusing to give their own voters someone worth voting for. That's really not going to be a winning strategy for them, and if they don't get their shit together real, real soon, I look forward to a Republican sweep of the nation, which I can't see as a good thing for the US since there are still so many Neocon holdouts in the Republican party.

The goddamned Neocons are the reason we haven't yet gotten rid of Obamacare. They, being closet Leftists, are fighting tooth and nail to preserve Obama's signature legislation, his legacy, while paying lip service to bullshit "reasons" they won't vote to rid this land of that pestilence. It's all bullshit - they are just circling their Neocon wagons around Obama. Asswipes.

How sad is it when an entire political party cannot find a single individual within itself that is worth voting for, such that it then has to try to drag the opposition down to it's own level in order to try and make itself look better by comparison? They absolutely cannot toot their own horn, so instead they have to try and break their opponent's horn so they can't toot, either, the only way they'd even have a fighting chance in the mud pit.

So now they're going to put all their effort into yet another futile attempt at tilting at windmills, just another wild goose chase to expend all their resources on instead of working to provide viable candidates.

Nice. Dumb as hell, but nice...

... for their opposition, that is.


Very well said, and I agree with every word.   minusculeclap

Messages In This Thread
Two dozen Democrats support bill - by guohua - 07-02-2017, 06:43 AM
RE: Two dozen Democrats support bill - by guohua - 07-02-2017, 07:15 AM
RE: Two dozen Democrats support bill - by Ninurta - 07-03-2017, 03:13 AM
RE: Two dozen Democrats support bill - by Mystic Wanderer - 07-03-2017, 03:30 AM

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