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Clinton amnesty tax: $15,000 per household, $1.2 trillion
That's right, you'll pay more in taxes for Hillarys Amnesty plan for illegals.
They get MORE Benefits and You Pay the Tax!

Quote:Amnesty for illegal immigrants like a program proposed by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton would require an immediate tax hike of $1.2 trillion, a $15,000 hit on every household in America, according to a new analysis of immigration reform.

The authoritative National Academy of Sciences said the cost to give some 11 million illegals citizenship rights would be staggering, though it suggested long-term benefits.
 Bull-Shit the only Benefit will be for Future Votes For Democrats, The Same Scam they Ran On The Black Americans.
Quote:A Heritage Foundation analysis of the NAS study looked at just the impact amnesty would have and said that an immediate tax increase of $1.29 trillion would be needed to finance the infrastructure, school, welfare and other costs of illegals.

"The findings in the report indicate that if amnesty for illegal immigrants were enacted, the government would have to raise taxes immediately by $1.29 trillion and put that sum into a high-yield bank account to cover future fiscal losses generated by the amnesty recipients and their children," said Robert Rector, Heritage's senior domestic research fellow.

"To cover the future cost, each U.S. household currently paying federal income tax would have to pay, on average, an immediate lump sum of over $15,000," he added.

Rector explained that the costs are high because illegals are poorly educated and have children who get U.S. citizenship if born in the U.S.

From his analysis published on the Daily Signal:
Illegal immigrants currently receive routine government services such as roads, sewers, and police and fire protection. The children of illegal immigrants currently receive heavily subsidized public education at an average cost of $12,000 per child per year.
Children of illegal immigrants born in the U.S. are eligible for the same welfare benefits (such as food stamps, Medicaid, Obamacare, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) as children born to U.S citizens.

Because illegal immigrant families already receive many government benefits and services, they currently impose a fiscal cost on taxpayers.

The benefits they receive exceed taxes paid.

Amnesty or "earned citizenship" would provide current illegal immigrants access to an additional level of expensive government entitlements and benefits.
Under a Democrat ran Government. You're SCREWED, Citizen!
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Shit like thats why am damn glad walked away from that cesspool long ago ......  and is one of many reasons why will never go back there .....  the america I knew is long dead with vultures picking the bones ......

*wanders off to sell yankee go the fuck home an stay there t-shirts*
Better to reign in hell ....
  than serve in heaven .....

Has everyone heard what The Traitor En-Chef said to the illegals?
It's All For his Legacy and to give Hillary whats owed her!
Quote:Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions
Yes, he did.

Quote:When readers first sent this to us we thought, no way, not even Obama would be this lawless.

But we were wrong.

Barack Obama openly called on illegal aliens to vote in Tuesday’s election.

This whole administration is lawless!

They lie at every turn.
They lied to get Obamacare passed.
They lied about Benghazi.
They lied about Hillary’s private server and emails.

And now they are calling on illegal aliens to vote.
The video comes from Cavuto.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Not the least bit surprised .......  
*wanders off to start epic drinking binge..... *
Better to reign in hell ....
  than serve in heaven .....

Now see, that is what chaps my azz.   smallnotamused

They "claim" that they will have to cut back on Social Security.
Yet I'll be damned if they have no issue doling out trillions for illegals. 

There is something seriously fucked up here.
I just do not understand how they can push Americans in need to the side, and yet gladly spend trillions for illegals.

Hell, we still have infrastructure problems in places like Flint, Michigan -- to the point of seriously effecting peoples health.

But by gosh, lets spend trillions updating schools and infrastructure for the illegals.

Sorry, I just do not get it.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

(11-07-2016, 12:20 AM)senona Wrote: Now see, that is what chaps my azz.   smallnotamused

They "claim" that they will have to cut back on Social Security.
Yet I'll be damned if they have no issue doling out trillions for illegals. 

There is something seriously fucked up here.
I just do not understand how they can push Americans in need to the side, and yet gladly spend trillions for illegals.

Hell, we still have infrastructure problems in places like Flint, Michigan -- to the point of seriously effecting peoples health.

But by gosh, lets spend trillions updating schools and infrastructure for the illegals.

Sorry, I just do not get it.

This is so true, and it's the comparison between this and places like Flint Michigan, a comparison between this and inner city schools, many of which are losing or lost accreditation due to low funding and not being able to keep up with the basic education requirements - but oh we can support all the illegals that can flood our border.. 

It's truly a shock that any citizen in this country could vote for these kinds of policies, when we lack the ability to properly keep up our own infrastructure as it is, and are up to our ears in debt we have little to no hope of being able to repay.

We are Rome, prior to the fall, doing all the things that cause the fall of empires.
(11-06-2016, 11:00 PM)guohua Wrote: Has everyone heard what The Traitor En-Chef said to the illegals?
It's All For his Legacy and to give Hillary whats owed her!
Quote:Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions
Yes, he did.

Quote:When readers first sent this to us we thought, no way, not even Obama would be this lawless.

But we were wrong.

Barack Obama openly called on illegal aliens to vote in Tuesday’s election.

This whole administration is lawless!

They lie at every turn.
They lied to get Obamacare passed.
They lied about Benghazi.
They lied about Hillary’s private server and emails.

And now they are calling on illegal aliens to vote.
The video comes from Cavuto.

The fascists have taken over our government...
I don't know how many of you watched that video I posted about Andrew Basiago who was in the "secret jump room" training, Project Pegasus, but he said Obummer was in training with his group.
I've also heard they could travel into the past or future to change certain little things so the outcome would suit their agenda.

And I've read in several different articles where Obummer was "chosen" years ago to be the Pres. of the U.S. during the allotted time so he could help bring in the Muslims and the Nazi's to overtake our country. This was his TRUE mission, and he has been groomed since childhood for this. 
Heck, his picture was even on one of the ancient walls in an Egyptian pyramid!   tinybighuh
Is Obummer the reincarnation of this ancient priest, or is this picture showing us the future?

This reminds me of the Bible story too that says there will be a man (the Anti-Christ) that people will see as a great leader and offer great hope, only to turn on them in the end and bring in the "beast". (I'm paraphrasing here.) This man is supposed to be the last leader of our country, and Obummer has always said he will be the last POTUS.  

For those who missed it, Obummer is discussed at the 4:53 mark.

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