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Impeachment 2.0 - Let's Try Again!
Here we go folks. Let's try this again, only this time let's waste the tax payer's money on investigating how Pres. Trump handled the Coronavirus during the onset.

Russia, Russia, Russia didn't work, first round of impeachment didn't work, couldn't find anything about tax fraud during the Mueller investigation - maybe this will work!   tinywondering (DemocRats wishful thinking.)

Quote:House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday appointed several high-profile Democrats who have been outspoken advocates of impeachment in the past to sit on a new committee overseeing the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, prompting House Republicans to blast the effort as “impeachment 2.0.”

Pelosi, D-Calif., and Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., who will chair the committee, announced six Democrats to serve on the committee:
House Financial Service Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters, D-Calif., House Oversight Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., House Small Business Committee Chairwoman Nydia Velazquez, D-N.Y., and Reps. Bill Foster, D-Ill., Jamie Raskin, D-Md., and Andy Kim, D-N.J.

You can finish reading this article here: GOP decries ‘impeachment 2.0’ as Pelosi names top Trump critics to coronavirus oversight panel

I barely made it through the last impeachment hearings in The House having to see Schiff, Nadler, and many times, Pelosi everyday, but now I have to look at this bi+ch and Pelosi together. tinycrying

[Image: 2d06z8.jpg]
Is this what TDS feels like? Because I get physically sick when I look at Water's face. Sigh...   minusculepuke
Talk about a demon-possessed shell of a human!

Quote:Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi unveiled the roster of lawmakers this week who will sit on the new Committee to investigate the White House’s response to the Coronavirus pandemic; confirming Rep. Maxine Waters will be among the legislators.
REPORT: Pelosi Confirms Maxine Waters to Sit on Committee to Probe Coronavirus Response

Democrats seem to forget that they fought President Trump about closing the border so early, and we have video of Pelosi telling everyone to not pay any attention to Trump, come on out to China Town and party!

This won't go over well for them, and they will never win this case, but it's what they're going to put the public through again watching this clown show.
I hope things start opening soon so we don't have to be stuck inside watching this farce, because you know the media will have it front and center over any other news.
It's gonna suck to be them after President Trump gets re-elected in a landslide not despite their "best efforts" but rather BECAUSE of their best efforts! 

They seem utterly incapable of comprehending that the American People can see right through their charades, can see that the ultimate source is not a "positive" concern for the country, but rather a "negative" visceral dislike of one single man, and that dislike has no discernible source. There is nothing they can point to that he has actually done wrong, and so they continually make shit up.... and think that somehow we can't SEE that it has been invented! Further, they think that when one attempt at make-believe fails, we can't see that they simply move on to another make-believe tale... and they think we can't remember enough to realize that it has been a long, unbroken string of make believe, all based negatively rather than positively or constructively.

Yup, it's gonna suck to be them in November!

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

Talk about panic!  tinybighuh

When at first (and second) you don't succeed, try, try again!

Quote:In a filing with the U.S. Supreme Court, House Democrats reportedly said "'new articles of impeachment" could be filed against President Trump if Democrats are able to review documents from from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

The filing seeks to obtain redacted grand-jury material from Mueller’s Russia probe in order to fulfill an "ongoing presidential impeachment investigation" in their "weighty constitutional responsibility," as reported by Fox News on Monday.

"The [House Judiciary] Committee’s investigation did not cease with the conclusion of the impeachment trial," the Democrats wrote in their filing. "If this material reveals new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses that are not covered by the articles adopted by the House, the committee will proceed accordingly – including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment."

Democrats claimed they were investigating "the possible exercise of improper political influence over recent decisions made in the Roger Stone and Michael Flynn prosecutions, both of which were initiated by the special counsel."

They are scared for their lives, and at this point, they are dangerous. They will do ANYTHING to keep their crimes covered up from the public.

Quote:The House has already conducted an impeachment trial on Trump, voting for an impeachment of the president. The U.S. Senate rejected the impeachment and voted to acquit the president of allegations that he improperly interacted with the president of the Ukraine in order to boost Trump's own domestic re-election

The Justice Department earlier this month, recommended a federal judge reverse the conviction of Flynn and drop the criminal charges, a stunning reversal in a case that became a powerful symbol of FBI misconduct in the Russia investigation.

Russia, Russia = Strike one!
Ukraine call     = Strike two!

One more and THEY'RE OUT!  (They already are, they just don't know it yet.)

(05-19-2020, 01:36 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Russia, Russia = Strike one!
Ukraine call     = Strike two!

One more and THEY'RE OUT!  (They already are, they just don't know it yet.)


That's a fact. If they don't get their asses to work doing what they were hired to do, instead of all these bullshit "investigations", they may very well find themselves out of a job come this fall. 

I, and everyone I know except about 3 people who are simply batshit crazy Party-Liners, are real damned tired of the bullshit and shenanigans, and intend to get folks into office who will do the damned jobs we hire them to do instead of going off on wild goose chases.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

These Subpoenas may just have an effect on Impeachment 2.0

Quote:Russia Hoax: Nearly Three Dozen Subpoenas Approved for Obama Administration Officials
Quote:Senate Republicans had a lot of momentum Thursday for their investigation into the origins of the Russia probe. The Senate Homeland Security Committee authorized subpoena requests for “nearly three dozen” Obama administration officials, reports NBC News. In conjunction, the Judiciary Committee is considering more than 50 additional subpoenas; any action is reportedly postponed until next week.

Quote:What has been aptly referred to as “unmasking the unmaskers” the Senate Republicans seek to get to the bottom of how Trump campaign and transition officials were “unmasked” such as former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Additional questions they want answered are why the FISA application process was so deeply misused to spy on the Trump campaign and the FBI and special counsel’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

G. Soros and Obama and Hillary are going to have to Act Fast to save these criminals.
I foresee them attempting to Burn Down Our White House with Our President and His Family in side.

Then the Democrats will call this Divine Intervention (even though they don't believe in God) to Save us all from Orange-Man.
Quote:[url=]Democratic senator Tom Carper of Delaware refuses to even attend the meetings, saying the committee is “trying to score political points and help a president in an election year.” One just can’t reason with these people. Trying to explain their hypocrisy to them is simply beating a dead horse.

Amongst those the Homeland Security and Judiciary committees are considering issuing subpoenas for include former CIA Director John Brennan, ex-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former FBI Director James Comey, former Obama chief of staff Dennis McDonough, former national security adviser Susan Rice and ex-FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
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