YES, YES, PLEASE DO! GO, We Don't Need Ya! - Printable Version

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YES, YES, PLEASE DO! GO, We Don't Need Ya! - guohua - 11-10-2016

This is Just Fantastic, all because of Trump!
If California did Leave the Union, It's Be A Second Mexico in 3 years.
[Image: mg_cali_leaves_comp02.gif?w=620&h=354&crop=1]
#Calexit: California want to leave the US after Donald Trump’s election win
Quote:That massive blue block on the left – encompassing California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington state – stands out quite a bit against all of the red.
So it may not be a huge surprise that people living in that Democrat-voting block are now looking at other options – specifically, secession.
Since Donald Trump’s electoral victory was first announced, #Calexit has been trending on Twitter, with distraught Californians looking to form their own state.
Quote:And others are saying Oregon and Washington (and maybe Nevada) should secede too
Go, no one is Stopping You.  smallcrackingup
Quote:So could it actually happen?
Possibly – there is no specific ban on state secession in the US Constitution. In fact, there’s nothing on secession in there at all.
Plus, there’s a bit of a legal loophole.
In the case of Texas v White, the Supreme Court said:
Quote:When Texas became one of the United States, she entered into an indissoluble relation. The union between Texas and the other States was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original States. There was no place for reconsideration or revocation, except through revolution or through consent of the States.
Did you notice that last bit? ‘Except through revolution or through consent of the States.’
If enough Californians want it, there’s a chance it could happen.
And this is far from the first west coast secession movement in the US – the Cascadia secessionists have long campaigned for a separate state of Cascadia, which mostly spans the Pacific Northwestern states.
GREAT, Make it Happen and we'll Require You have a Passport and Visa to travel to other States and we'll tax your goods you wish to sell in the REAL America!
Plus we're going to make English our official Language and No California Mexicali Talk Allowed!

So, Please go, don't ask for any bailouts or defense!
Do not expect any federal tax dollars from the USA. After about a year or two of the few supporting the many, the west coast would be a third world country because all of the money people would leave for a better life somewhere else.

RE: YES, YES, PLEASE DO! GO, We Don't Need Ya! - senona - 11-10-2016

If anything this election year, it has shown how immature, childish and what bullies GROWN UPS can be.

Let them throw a temper tantrum, show their azz and leave.
I really don't give a rats azz.

For them to claim to be tolerant, they are the most INTOLERANT group of peoples around.
Bullies to those with differing viewpoints.

So what if Trump won.
It ain't the end of the world despite what most of the MSM are claiming with their sensationalizing headlines.
THAT right there, the MSM, is a large part of the hate and angst coming from the Left, being as the MSM spoon feds it on a daily basis.

Without the news media and social media platforms, people would not have so much to dwelll on day in and day out when it comes to politics.
There would be no hateful comments from keyboard warriors.

Oh hell, lets just ship every unhappy Hillary supporter to North Korea, see how they like it there. :smallwink: 
No sense in ruining Canada or Australia by sending their ignorant azzes there.

RE: YES, YES, PLEASE DO! GO, We Don't Need Ya! - Mystic Wanderer - 11-10-2016

I see the Cabal didn't waste any time on their "Divide and Conquer" agenda.  They will be using every trick they have up their sleeve now that their ship has sunk... namely putting their puppet Hillary in office to do/approve their dirty work.   tinyok 

See ya later California!  We'll be better off without you!   :minusculehi:

RE: YES, YES, PLEASE DO! GO, We Don't Need Ya! - guohua - 11-10-2016

They well need to recede because, Canada Does Not Want Our Liberals!

Quote:Canadians Don’t Want America-Fleeing Liberals (Especially Lena Dunham)
Quote:Bad news for anyone looking to relocate to our neighbor to the north after last night’s election results: Canada doesn’t want you.

After Americans—and especially American celebrities—began considering making good on their promises to “move to Canada” in the wake of Donald Trump election victory, Canadians took to Twitter to warn Americans that they’d best stay where they are.

They’re even talking about building their own wall—to keep immigrants from American out of their pristine cities and away from their mounted law enforcement, gravy and cheese covered French fries, superior hockey coverage and French Sesame Street.

Even CBC, Canada’s state-owned broadcasting network, is trying to actively discourage a mass migration. As the Canadian Immigration and Citizenship website crashed last night, the CBC took to its blog to warn people that emigrating to Canada isn’t as easy as jumping a border.

To avoid deportation back to Trump’s America, they’d have to spend years in Canada’s aggressive filter system and spend thousands of dollars. And then, they’d have to find jobs in Canada’s crowded urban metropolises—unless, of course, they like farming.

But if there’s anyone Canada really doesn’t want, among the number of celebrities who “seriously’ pledged to move north, it’s Girls star Lena Dunham (though, it seems, they’d also prefer not to house either Miley Cyrus or Amy Schumer).

Whiney Liberals, You learn Anything?
Not everyone in the World Wants To Tolerate YOU As America Does. You're Not Special minusculenonono , Got Use To it!
Why is it Liberals Progressives never threaten to move to Mexico?  minusculewtf
Mr. G, says, Mexico has too many brown people. Not white enough. They always threaten to move to white nations and that's what makes progressives so humorous; they revel in the cultural vicissitudes of these backward shiteholes yet none of them ever live in those cesspools.  :smallimpatient:

RE: YES, YES, PLEASE DO! GO, We Don't Need Ya! - Daitengu - 11-10-2016

hell not even lil kim deserve that .....  send em all to kalifornia an nuke it from orbit instead .....

RE: YES, YES, PLEASE DO! GO, We Don't Need Ya! - guohua - 11-10-2016

What Hollywood thinks of YOU, Rural Americans for voting to make America Great Again, Yes For Voting For Trump!
Quote:Taran Killam got himself into trouble when he tweeted "rural = stupid" Tuesday night.

The former "Saturday Night Live" star took a lot of heat for his tweet which was seemingly in reference to election results from those living in rural areas.

The 34-year-old star did tweet out an apology...sort of.

Taran Killam 


Sorry, sorry, sorry. Certainly a flippant comment made in jest. Allow me to be sincerely clear. Vote 4 Trump = I think you're stupid.
Quote:His apology didn't seem to please any of his fans who continued to slam the star for his remarks.

Finally, Wednesday morning, the actor who is married to "How I Met Your Mother" star Cobie Smulders, tweeted he was embarrassed by his "thoughtless and mean statements."

California, Recede PLEASE, take Hollywood Hypocrites with you!

RE: YES, YES, PLEASE DO! GO, We Don't Need Ya! - BIAD - 11-10-2016

It's great, isn't it?!

They'll stand with a candidate and nod when a perspective leader calls for unity
and pride in their country. But when they back the wrong horse, they bleat that
they're leaving to go and live elsewhere!

Then go. Go and be an ambassador for the country that put you into a position
of well-being and wealth. Knock on the door of somewhere else and tell them how
you sold-out because your petulant nature -a nature born in an environment that
allows such practice, demands that you uphold your narcissistic pride.

Leave that land that your parents believed in and scurry off with your riches to a
place that caters for your lifestyle. The fantasy world you think is out there may well
be quite a shock for that fragile conviction you pretend to wear.

I would suggest 'manning up' but I think that may still be politically incorrect.
South Sudan or Somalia look nice this time of the year and you'll get a bigger bang
for your buck too.