Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Printable Version

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RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Wallfire - 11-23-2020

Lets see what Sweden thinks

Quote:[Image: johan-carlsson-fhm-faksimil-svt.jpg]Photo: Facsimile SVT.
The Public Health Agency acknowledges: Rapidly developed corona vaccine can have catastrophic side effects

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Samhällsnytt has previously reported that every fourth Swede refuses to be vaccinated against covid-19 due to fears of side effects. Skeptics are now receiving support from the Swedish Public Health Agency's director general Johan Carlsson, who admits that side effects cannot be ruled out.
Many people remember the scandal surrounding the swine flu vaccine and its serious side effects. The assessment is made that "the cure can be worse than the soot" as most people only get mild to moderate symptoms of covid-19.
READ ALSO: [url=]Every fourth person says no to corona vaccine
In a feature in SVT Agenda , FHM's CEO Johan Carlsson says that he “fully understands” the large group who do not want to take the risk of being hit harder by a rapidly developing vaccine than by the disease the vaccine is supposed to protect against.
Carlsson also admits that fears of "catastrophic" side effects such as those for the swine flu vaccine 11 years ago cannot be ruled out, but at the same time says that every effort is being made to avoid this.

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - NightskyeB4Dawn - 11-23-2020

(11-23-2020, 04:25 PM)Wallfire Wrote: Lets see what Sweden thinks

The Public Health Agency acknowledges: Rapidly developed corona vaccine can have catastrophic side effects

Samhällsnytt has previously reported that every fourth Swede refuses to be vaccinated against covid-19 due to fears of side effects. Skeptics are now receiving support from the Swedish Public Health Agency's director general Johan Carlsson, who admits that side effects cannot be ruled out.
Many people remember the scandal surrounding the swine flu vaccine and its serious side effects. The assessment is made that "the cure can be worse than the soot" as most people only get mild to moderate symptoms of covid-19.

READ ALSO: Every fourth person says no to corona vaccine

In a feature in SVT Agenda , FHM's CEO Johan Carlsson says that he “fully understands” the large group who do not want to take the risk of being hit harder by a rapidly developing vaccine than by the disease the vaccine is supposed to protect against.

Carlsson also admits that fears of "catastrophic" side effects such as those for the swine flu vaccine 11 years ago cannot be ruled out, but at the same time says that every effort is being made to avoid this.

I was wondering how they were going to get around this. Not all people are stupid. Extremely gullible maybe. But when people are not sick, or don't have symptoms, how many are willing to take a fast tracked, vaccine with no real history of efficacy, outside of what they have been willing to tell us they know, over a few months of time.

How many drugs have they pumped through the market for years, that they later pulled, because they were causing death and harm? So we are supposed to trust them that this vaccine is safe, when they don't even know enough about the virus itself, without using a ton of guess work. And how many times have they been wrong already?

I still am waiting to hear the rest of the story, because where we stand today, the virus has not shown itself worth the risk.

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Mystic Wanderer - 11-23-2020

Seems all videos put up on You Tube by well-educated doctors about Covid are being removed within 24 hours.
Here is one M3thods shared from a site where you can unlock videos.

Listen to someone other than the overlords at WHO. They have an agenda, and it isn't in YOUR best interest.

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Mystic Wanderer - 12-16-2020

Now that people think Biden won, this comes out. Imagine that!  They couldn't allow Trump to prevent all those deaths, they needed people living in fear.   tinyok 

Quote:John Basham @JohnBasham
WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG! #AmericanMedicalAssociation QUIETLY REVERSED Position On #Hydroxychloroquine

[Image: EpU0MkhXYAAm9iq?format=png&name=large]

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - F2d5thCav - 12-17-2020

@"Mystic Wanderer" 

Yeah, so much of the maneuvering has been a shameless sh**-show.  I have zero respect for "experts" anymore.  Ditto for the "professions".  They have crapped on society and should reap what they've sown.


RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Wallfire - 12-18-2020

And the real reason is----------------------

Quote:EU countries are preparing for a vaccination contract for their citizens. A vaccination point built for the arena was piloted on Thursday in Bamberg, Germany. ZUMAWIRE / MVPHOTOS

Until now, confidential price information on EU coronary vaccine contracts has accidentally ended up in the public domain.
The figures came to light when the Secretary of State for the Budget in Belgium, Eva De Bleeker, tweeted a picture of the vaccine price list on Thursday. According to De Bleeker, the publication was a mistake made by his communications team, and the tweet was soon removed. However, the Belgian newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws (HLN) had time to take a screenshot of the table.
The European Commission procures coronary vaccines centrally for the needs of EU member states and has negotiated prices with six pharmaceutical companies that make vaccines. However, the Commission has refused to publish price information, citing the confidentiality of the negotiations. Several European NGOs and politicians have called for disclosure because taxpayers' money is being traded.
The table published by De Bleeker shows that there are significant variations in the prices of vaccines from different manufacturers. The prices per vaccine dose are as follows:
  • Oxford / AstraZeneca: € 1.78 (EU reserves 300 million doses)
  • Johnson & Johnson: $ 8.50 (€ 6.94, EU sets aside 200 million servings)
  • Sanofi / GSK: € 7.56 (EU reserves 300 million doses)
  • CureVac: € 10 (EU reserves 225 million doses)
  • Pfizer / BioNTech: € 12 (EU reserves 200 million doses)
  • Moderna: $ 18 (€ 14.7, EU reserves 80 million servings)
In total, therefore, coronary vaccination costs between EUR 3.56 and EUR 29.4 per inhabitant in an EU Member State, as two doses of vaccine must be taken.
Of the manufacturers, at least AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson have previously said they are not seeking financial gain with the coroner vaccine. Their products are the cheapest of the EU agreements. Pfizer and Moderna, which have priced their vaccines the most, have instead openly admitted that they want to make money with their products.
“The vaccine is, of course, priced very, well, very much less than the value it brings to society,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said in the summer.

[Image: ecf00c2ad5080d52a26aa24c4528aaac63f90ecd...d8a378.jpg][Image: ecf00c2ad5080d52a26aa24c4528aaac63f90ecd...d8a378.jpg]
Secretary of State Eva De Bleeker's communications tax revealed the prices of coronary vaccines. Picture from October. ZUMAWIRE / MVPHOTOS

Finland involved in all
Each EU country handles its vaccine orders within the framework of EU agreements. According to De Bleeker's tweet, Belgium, for example, with a population of around 11.5 million, plans to buy 33.5 million doses of vaccine this year for € 279 million.
Finland is involved in all six EU vaccine procurement agreements. Vaccinations are scheduled to begin with a product from Pfizer and BioNTech on December 27, if the vaccine is pre-authorized. The state provides vaccines to anyone who wants to.
Finland aims to start vaccination on 27 December

In Belgium, opposition parties are now worried about possible sanctions on the country over De Bleeker’s tweet. However, according to the Secretary of State, the error does not in any way jeopardize the supply of vaccines to Belgium.
The European Commission commented on the leak, saying only that vaccine price information was confidential.

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Ninurta - 12-18-2020

(12-18-2020, 01:41 PM)Wallfire Wrote: And the real reason is----------------------

Quote:Finland involved in all
Each EU country handles its vaccine orders within the framework of EU agreements. According to De Bleeker's tweet, Belgium, for example, with a population of around 11.5 million, plans to buy 33.5 million doses of vaccine this year for € 279 million.
Finland is involved in all six EU vaccine procurement agreements. Vaccinations are scheduled to begin with a product from Pfizer and BioNTech on December 27, if the vaccine is pre-authorized. The state provides vaccines to anyone who wants to.
Finland aims to start vaccination on 27 December


So Belgium is buying THREE doses per person rather than the required TWO? What do you suppose they intend to do with the overage?

Things that make you go "hmmm..."...


RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - BIAD - 12-18-2020

Just in case anyone is still wondering why the UK wanted out of the allegedly-transparent European Union...

Quote:"The European Commission commented on the leak, saying only that vaccine price information was confidential."

Even when there's a plague, you'll have to wait until the Elites tell you how much of your own money they're spending!

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Mystic Wanderer - 12-23-2020

[/url][Image: WcYS_xFR_bigger.jpg]

SurgeonGen.ElectDrLynnFynn @LynnFynn3

BREAKING: Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BEITA, that the World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million United States Dollars in the form of "Covid Relief Aid" on condition that he do the following:

 Impose an "extreme lockdown on his people" Force them to wear face masks. Impose very strict curfews. Impose a police state. Crash the economy. Every country in EU et al took the payment. Dirty US governors and Congressmen took the payment. 10s of thousands of us scientists and physicians have exposed the garbage assay, horrifically inaccurate data and completely backwards measures taken by politicians and bureaucrats in public health and scratch our heads as to WHY? You don’t use masks for viruses, you done quarantine healthy. WHY?

well this admission by President Lukashenko tells me everything I need to know. Now we know why! When did Fauci get paid? And Redfield? And many of our governors? I know  @potus didn’t. He fought all of this, but was guilted into it. This is it folks. If you think it’s about a virus, it’s not. As stated by a Russian commentator: "Belarus, a country led by an authoritarian figure, is a freer country than all of the so-called free world combined."

I know it occurred in September, but his statement was translated for me then I found sources backing it up. Since I’m SURE very few people heard this, I categorize it as breaking- it’s urgent people know these things!



RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - BIAD - 12-23-2020

I felt sorry for this guy because in reality, he didn't do anything wrong... he didn't need
a passport and all the law of The Isle of Man requires is for him is to carry some identification.

However, the Covid-scare was enough for him to wander into confusing waters.

Quote:Covid breach jet-skier freed from Isle of Man jail

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8846][Image: attachment.php?aid=8847]

'A man who rode from Scotland to the Isle of Man by jet ski to see his girlfriend has left the island by ferry
upon his release from jail. Dale McLaughlan made the four-and-a-half hour crossing from the Isle of Whithorn
to Ramsey on 11 December.

He then walked another 15 miles (25km) to his girlfriend's home in Douglas.

The 28-year-old - who served part of a four-week sentence for the Covid-19 border control breach - told the
BBC he was "happy to be going home". Under current Isle of Man coronavirus laws McLaughlan, from Irvine
in North Ayrshire, was required to leave the island after his release or face further prosecution.

Speaking to Isle of Man Newspapers, his girlfriend Jessica Radcliffe said: "I don't understand why he's been
told to leave when he's isolated for two weeks before he came over with a negative test.
"He had a negative test in jail, he didn't put any of the public at risk, and he's done isolation in jail.
"That's four weeks already, so why does he need to leave the island? To punish him this much, they shouldn't
be doing that."

'Strong signal'
McLaughlan was arrested two days after his arrival, having spent time mixing with people in two busy nightclubs,
his court case heard. Douglas Courthouse heard it was the first time he had used a jet ski.

Only non-residents given special permission are currently allowed to enter the island.
McLaughlan's defence advocate said he suffered from depression and was not coping with being unable to see
his partner.
Chief Minister Howard Quayle said the sentence sent "a strong signal" to potential lawbreakers...'

On the plus-side, his girlfriend has said she'll marry him!

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Ninurta - 12-23-2020

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Ninurta - 12-23-2020

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - guohua - 12-24-2020

Thank You @"Ninurta"  for the videos, he is Great!
Lucky for R-N 3 we are not on Youtube,,,, Why?
 The Truth, That's Why!

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - NightskyeB4Dawn - 12-25-2020

And this is why you can't believe anything they say.

They think we are so stupid and gullible, that they don't even tell us when they piss on our heads that it is rain anymore.

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - BIAD - 12-27-2020

Two things... first-off, I suggest you get rid of your cell-phone. Secondly, watch this -all of it!

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Wallfire - 12-27-2020

(12-25-2020, 09:05 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: And this is why you can't believe anything they say.

They think we are so stupid and gullible, that they don't even tell us when they piss on our heads that it is rain anymore.

Brings a whole new meaning to "Im a doctor trust me"

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - BIAD - 12-28-2020

Rogue Nation's 'Video Inserter' doesn't have a Bitchute address, so here's the link to a video that may
allay ones fears about the global flu.

If you invested in a pharmaceutical company, here's the genuine explanation on where your money
was spent and why you have to wear a muzzle. Sadly, your media is lying to you.

Computing Forever:

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Wallfire - 12-28-2020

That is one hell of a video if people take the time and understand what is been shown and told

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - BIAD - 12-28-2020

(12-28-2020, 03:17 PM)Wallfire Wrote: That is one hell of a video if people take the time and understand what is been shown and told

Yep... that Jonathan Van-Tam is one of the mouth-pieces of Boris Johnson's Government.
This means he was aware of the hype-bullshit that was needed to create the lock-down agenda.

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Wallfire - 12-28-2020

(12-28-2020, 03:30 PM)BIAD Wrote:
(12-28-2020, 03:17 PM)Wallfire Wrote: That is one hell of a video if people take the time and understand what is been shown and told

Yep... that Jonathan Van-Tam is one of the mouth-pieces of Boris Johnson's Government.
This means he was aware of the hype-bullshit that was needed to create the lock-down agenda.

The big problem with the video is that it has too much info and is too long. The normal youth of today has a visual understanding of about 3 mins, any more than that and they no longer comprehend what is been shown ( they lose interest ) and text is about half a page, after that you lose them.
So how does one explane complicated subjects like this.
If you notice the government always keeps the info they want to get across short and shown  often.