The Blue Pill. - Printable Version

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RE: The Blue Pill. - Mystic Wanderer - 04-01-2020

To those who refuse to take the red pill regarding Muslims taking over America, take a look at Ilhan Omar's tweets today:

[/url][Image: 1Z_8dssN_bigger.jpg]

Ilhan Omar


Quote:Quote Tweet
[Image: mRBhigcY_normal.jpg]
· 21h
NEW: Trump says next two weeks in the U.S. will be "very painful" and that he wants "every American to be prepared for the days that lie ahead."
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“And those who accuse chaste women, and produce not four witnesses, flog them with eighty stripes, and reject their testimony forever. They indeed are the Faasiqoon (liars, rebellious, disobedient to Allaah)” [al-Noor 24:4].

She's suggesting using the Koran instead of our Constitution in how we should rule in this country!  WAKE UP!!

RE: The Blue Pill. - guohua - 04-01-2020

She's suggesting using the Koran instead of our Constitution in how we should rule in this country!  WAKE UP!!
@"Mystic Wanderer" 

Ask this Worthless Bitch.
What does the Koran say about marrying your own brother? Reportedly she did, Is that Okay?

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 04-09-2020

Well there may be some light at the end of this tunnel as the BBC -along with other accepted news outlets
begin to re-frame the Coronavirus narrative back into their little well-cultivated, outrage-inducing and social
-dividing arenas.

The Blue Pill must be back on the menu!

Quote:Are minorities being hit hardest by coronavirus?

[Image: attachment.php?aid=7433]

'Coronavirus can affect anyone, but statistics are highlighting that some communities appear to be affected
more than others. In Chicago, the city reported that 70% of coronavirus victims were black, despite representing
only a third of the population.
Similar reports have emerged from New York, Detroit and New Orleans.

What is the situation in the UK?
Unlike in some US states, both the overall number of confirmed coronavirus cases and deaths in the UK are not
currently broken down by ethnicity. But there is some evidence to suggest that coronavirus is having a disproportionate
impact on people from ethnic minority backgrounds...'

'Some evidence'...'suggest'... The BBC just can't leave the race-dividing alone. Their social settings are so racist that
even the graph below was originally saved with the fie name: '_111714015_critically_ill_no_white-nc.png'

They can't help it! People with white skin -whatever that means, cannot be racially-abused because the BBC belief-structure
perceives 'non-white' people in a higher standard place than another ethnicity. Therefore -according to the BBC, we should
always look down on black and Asian folk because they are lesser... and more vulnerable than Mr. Whitey!

Quote:[Image: attachment.php?aid=7434]

'Data from the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC) suggests that 35% of critically ill coronavirus
patients are from black or minority ethnic backgrounds.
The research is based on about 2,000 patients from intensive care units across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

According to the 2011 Census, 14% of the population in England and Wales was from black and minority backgrounds.

Prof Kamlesh Khunti, from the University of Leicester and the Centre for BME Health, says "A lot of people have been
concerned about this issue based on anecdotal reports and now this data is showing a signal regarding a higher number
of black and minority ethnic populations being admitted to intensive care units."

But this data is just a first step in understanding the issue, he warns, with more research and analysis needed.

'More research', it's a bit earlier for the usual back-tracking, Auntie?! Anyway, back to the one place you know best,
the capital. By the way, notice the above graph refers to patients, not NHS employees -which this article was supposed
to be about. What the f....?!

Quote:Coronavirus in London
Since the outbreak took hold in the UK, coronavirus cases have been concentrated in London - the top ten worst affected
areas in England are located there, once we account for population. Brent, for example, has had 250 cases for every 100,000
people in the borough - the highest in the country.

The borough also has the second highest percentage of individuals from black and minority ethnic backgrounds.
As a whole, 40% of people living in London are from ethnic minority backgrounds. But there are other reasons that could play
a role, according to Prof Khunti.

"These include BME populations coming from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, having [public-facing] occupations, different
cultural beliefs and behaviours or being at high risk in view of their increased risk of certain diseases such as diabetes and heart

Self-isolation in larger households could be difficult, for example.
Just under a third of Bangladeshi households are classified overcrowded, as are 15% of black African households, according to
government statistics. Only 2% of white British households are classified as overcrowded...'

And white people are causing this...?!! Considering the first line in this article was 'Coronavirus can affect anyone', isn't it obvious
the current virus situation is down to personal health and life-choices? Add in the fact that built-up areas like London and other
cities are natural breeding grounds for disease and quick infection, foreign employment borne out of dismantling Trade-Union
control and cheaper labour, then the answers lie in these realities and not the colour of people's skin.
Jeez, they really can't help their racism!

Quote:Key workers
Black and other minority ethnic individuals make up a large share of jobs considered essential in tackling the virus.
One in five people working for the NHS in England, for example, is from an ethnic minority background, however these numbers are
even higher when we look solely at doctors and nurses...'

Ah, the proper back-tracking begins. Now non-pigment realities are returning to the click-bait piece.
Now we're re-setting the outrage back to what the statistics really tell us. There are more white peope working in the UK's National
Health Service than other ethnicities and the race factor disappears when shown in graph form.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=7435]

And finally, a single sentence that negates all the baloney above.

Quote:'A number of doctors and nurses who have died in the UK were from immigrant backgrounds.'

RE: The Blue Pill. - Ninurta - 04-09-2020

In a perverse sort of way, the news that coronavirus is disproportionately attacking black folks is good news for me! You see, up until now, every single risk factor, and I mean EVERY single risk factor, that has crossed the news outlets indicate that I am at the tip end of the highest risk of dying from it. Now this news comes in, I ran and looked in a mirror to be sure, and discover that I am not black! This means there IS a chance, however slight, that I may survive after all!

Thank you, black folks, for distracting the coronavirus away from me!


RE: The Blue Pill. - Wallfire - 04-09-2020

Some more info

Quote:Why 7 Deadly Diseases Strike Blacks Most

Health care disparities heighten disease differences between African-Americans and white Americans.
By Daniel J. DeNoon
Several deadly diseases strike black Americans harder and more often than they do white Americans.
Fighting back means genetic research. It means changing the system for testing new drugs. It means improving health education. It means overcoming disparities in [url=]health care. It means investments targeted to the health of black Americans. And the evidence so far indicates that these investments will pay health dividends not just for racial minorities, but for everyone.
Yet we're closer to the beginning of the fight than to the end. Some numbers:
  • Diabetes is 60% more common in black Americans than in white Americans. Blacks are up to 2.5 times more likely to suffer a limb amputation and up to 5.6 times more likely to suffer kidney disease than other people with diabetes.
  • African-Americans are three times more likely to die of asthma than white Americans.
  • Deaths from lung scarring -- sarcoidosis -- are 16 times more common among blacks than among whites. The disease recently killed former NFL star Reggie White at age 43.
  • Despite lower tobacco exposure, black men are 50% more likely than white men to get lung cancer.
  • Strokes kill 4 times more 35- to 54-year-old black Americans than white Americans. Blacks have nearly twice the first-time stroke risk of whites.
  • Blacks develop high blood pressure earlier in life -- and with much higher blood pressure levels -- than whites. Nearly 42% of black men and more than 45% of black women aged 20 and older have high blood pressure.
  • Cancer treatment is equally successful for all races. Yet black men have a 40% higher cancer death rate than white men. African-American women have a 20% higher cancer death rate than white women.

Genes definitely play a role. So does the environment in which people live, socioeconomic status -- and, yes, racism, says Clyde W. Yancy, MD, associate dean of clinical affairs and medical director for heart failure/transplantation at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
Yancy says that all humans have the same physiology, are vulnerable to the same illnesses, and respond to the same medicines. Naturally, diseases and responses to treatment do vary from person to person. But, he says, there are unique issues that affect black Americans.

read more

RE: The Blue Pill. - Mystic Wanderer - 04-09-2020

Quote:Several deadly diseases strike black Americans harder and more often than they do white Americans.
Fighting back means genetic research.

Replying to @"Wallfire" above,

I'd say our "genetic research" of the past is partly responsible for all the diseases black folks have. Haven't they been used as guinea pigs long enough in the name of science?

Probably not the right thread to say this, but some ancient texts state that each race is a decedent of a particular other-worldly race that was dropped off here. In the beginning they all had their own country in which they lived, and each race had their own "god" (the one who brought them here).

Over time, they began to travel and mix in with other races.
The history of our beginnings has been hidden from us, and now we think all humans are made the same, but we're not.
I see "man-made" vaccines and medicines being used on everyone, thinking all people are the same, as the problem. Everyone is an individual, so what works for one race won't necessarily work for another race.

I also think certain vaccines were given to blacks with the intention of making them sick in hope of wiping them off the map. Just look what happened with the AIDS vaccine! If you (general population) don't know that was intentional, go do more research; you'll find it's true.

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 04-09-2020

(04-09-2020, 12:39 PM)Ninurta Wrote: In a perverse sort of way, the news that coronavirus is disproportionately attacking black folks is good news for me! You see, up until now, every single risk factor, and I mean EVERY single risk factor, that has crossed the news outlets indicate that I am at the tip end of the highest risk of dying from it. Now this news comes in, I ran and looked in a mirror to be sure, and discover that I am not black! This means there IS a chance, however slight, that I may survive after all!

Thank you, black folks, for distracting the coronavirus away from me

Certain areas of those who enjoy reaching for power by constantly bitching about victimhood
suddenly realised they had inadvertently placed the white man on that hallowed throne!

It doesn't matter that Covid-19 would effect every person, it matters that the racist white folks
would be in that group and we can't have that!

So they're ignoring life-choices of individuals and instead, pointing at people of colour and waving
frantically at the white men in suits that look down from their towers whilst twirling their moustaches.

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 04-11-2020

Here's a prime example of where fantasy meets reality. Now... you tell me if my TV licence money is being wasted.
'Holby City is a BBC drama set in -where else but London and one would've thought the actors weren't real doctors
and the equipment used was fake too.

Quote:Coronavirus: Holby City donates ventilators to London Nightingale hospital.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=7446]

'The BBC medical drama Holby City has donated fully working ventilators from its set at Elstree to be used in London's
new NHS Nightingale Hospital. The corporation shared the news in a tweet, with a photo of workers unloading equipment
from a van.

Holby City executive producer Simon Harper said they wanted to help "the courageous and selfless real-life medics".
The drama, set in a fictional West Country city, has paused production.

Quote:BBC Studios
Fully operational ventilators from the Holby City set arrived at the new Nightingale Hospital yesterday. 
Exec Producer Simon Harper said: "We are only too happy to help out and do what we can for the
courageous and selfless real life medics."
[Image: attachment.php?aid=7447]

It is unclear how many ventilators have been donated, or why operational medical equipment was used on set...'

Well, one would have thought that since this article comes from the BBC website and supposedly written by Journalists,
they would've investigated the situation to explain how much of the medical equipment was real and how much wasn't.

It would be a little embarrassing if one of the delivered ventilators is later discovered to be made of plywood and some
DIY hosing! Yes, I think investigating -that strange word for the BBC, should be in order. If not, then this is mere virtue

Quote:'...A ventilator takes over the body's breathing when disease has resulted in the lungs failing.
The first of the government's emergency field hospitals to help fight the pandemic was created in just nine days, opening
at east London's ExCel centre last Friday.

The BBC donated the ventilators to the London Nightingale as the drama is filmed at Elstree studios, in Hertfordshire.
Last month, Holby City and another BBC medical drama, Casualty, announced plans to donate protective equipment
and other kit from their sets to the NHS.

London's temporary Nightingale Hospital is able to hold as many as 4,000 patients and is the first of several such facilities
planned across the UK. There are also Nightingale hospitals in Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol and Harrogate, with two
more announced on Friday on Wearside and in Exeter.

The BBC's move follows a government drive to source thousands more ventilators to help ease the pressure on hospitals
caused by the pandemic. British manufacturers have answered the government's appeal by turning their operations to
making novel ventilators.

An order has been placed by the government for 10,000 newly-designed machines from technology firm Dyson.
It came as the UK recorded its highest daily death toll since the outbreak began, with another 980 recorded hospital deaths,
bringing the total to 8,958. That death toll, which does not include those who died in care homes or the community, has now
exceeded the worst daily figures seen in Italy and Spain...'

Talk about making a drama out of a crisis! It's a noble act by the Broadcasting company, but it's odd that you waited until
the Nightingale facility was available. Maybe the virus likes London and the month of April better than February, March and
the rest of the country?

RE: The Blue Pill. - Wallfire - 04-11-2020

If i understand right the C virus is killing men more than women. Seems that the C virus is not only raciest but also sexist

RE: The Blue Pill. - Ninurta - 04-11-2020

(04-11-2020, 10:01 AM)Wallfire Wrote: If i understand right the C virus is killing men more than women. Seems that the C virus is not only raciest but also sexist

Yup, it IS "racist" and "sexist". It's also "ageist", because it prefers killing older folks, and "blood typist" because it prefers infecting people with Type A blood.


RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 04-12-2020

(04-11-2020, 08:56 PM)Ninurta Wrote: Yup, it IS "racist" and "sexist". It's also "ageist", because it prefers killing older folks, and "blood typist" because it
prefers infecting people with Type A blood.

So you're saying a fifteen year-old Klan member with B-negative blood type could end up ruling the world...?
Ah, I've finally found what Twitter and MSM are for!

RE: The Blue Pill. - Ninurta - 04-12-2020

(04-12-2020, 08:43 AM)BIAD Wrote:
(04-11-2020, 08:56 PM)Ninurta Wrote: Yup, it IS "racist" and "sexist". It's also "ageist", because it prefers killing older folks, and "blood typist" because it
prefers infecting people with Type A blood.

So you're saying a fifteen year-old Klan member with B-negative blood type could end up ruling the world...?
Ah, I've finally found what Twitter and MSM are for!

Not only ruling the world, but doing so after eating a big ol' bowl of SARS-CoV-2 virii for breakfast every morning!


RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 04-24-2020

Eeeh yer' bugger, the supposedly well-trusted media BBC are on the bones of their arse when they have to
report idiotic pieces like this!

24th April 2020.

Quote:Outcry after Trump suggests injecting disinfectant as treatment.

'US President Donald Trump has been lambasted by the medical community after suggesting research into whether
coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body.
He also appeared to propose irradiating patients' bodies with UV light, an idea dismissed by a doctor at the briefing.

Another of his officials had moments earlier said sunlight and disinfectant were known to kill the infection...'

Sunlight and disinfectant does kill diseases on surfaces.

Quote:'...Disinfectants are hazardous substances and can be poisonous if ingested. Even external exposure can be dangerous
to the skin, eyes and respiratory system...'

It's nice to see that the BBC thinks all of its viewers are simple-minded morons with this reminder!
Now, back to obfuscation.

Quote:'What did President Trump say?
During Thursday's White House coronavirus task force briefing, an official presented the results of US government research
that indicated coronavirus appeared to weaken more quickly when exposed to sunlight and heat.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=7518]

The study also showed bleach could kill the virus in saliva or respiratory fluids within five minutes and isopropyl alcohol could
kill it even more quickly...'

Oh my. Such chemicals do kill the virus, whoohoo!!

Quote:'...William Bryan, acting head of the US Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate, outlined
the findings at the news conference. While noting the research should be treated with caution, Mr Trump suggested further
research in that area.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous - whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light," the president said,
turning to Dr Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response co-ordinator, "and I think you said that hasn't been
checked but you're going to test it.

"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some
other way. And I think you said you're going to test that too. Sounds interesting," the president continued.

"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something
like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? "So it'd be interesting to check that."
Pointing to his head, Mr Trump went on: "I'm not a doctor. But I'm, like, a person that has a good you-know-what."...'

Where's the bleach/isopropyl alcohol injection comment there...? Does the media think we're all laundry-pod-eaters!!

Quote:'He turned again to Dr Birx and asked if she had ever heard of using "the heat and the light" to treat coronavirus.
"Not as a treatment," Dr Birx said. "I mean, certainly, fever is a good thing, when you have a fever it helps your body
respond. But I've not seen heat or light." "I think it's a great thing to look at," Mr Trump said.

A journalist at the briefing questioned whether Mr Trump's off-the-cuff remarks could spread dangerous disinformation to

So basically speaking, all Americans are dumb, is that it? Up to now, anyone using bleach or a strong disinfectant to wash
surfaces have looked at the burning hands and wondered why.

Any American who's browsed the shelves at a local store has pondered on whether to purchase a family-size of ice-tea to
enjoy in the warm weather or should a bottle of bleach be suffice to quench their thirsts?
Is that what happens every day in places outside of Washington DC?!
Anyway, back to the answer of the questioning of President Trump.

Quote:'What's the reaction been to Trump's comments?
Doctors warned the president's idea could have fatal results.
Pulmonologist Dr Vin Gupta told NBC News: "This notion of injecting or ingesting any type of cleansing product into
the body is irresponsible and it's dangerous. "It's a common method that people utilise when they want to kill themselves."

What the fu...? Where's the President's response?! Where's the information of the intrepid Journalist holding Donald
Trump to account? Oh yeah, I forgot, this is all a derangement-syndrome.

Quote:'...Kashif Mahmood, a doctor in Charleston, West Virginia, tweeted: "As a physician, I can't recommend injecting
disinfectant into the lungs or using UV radiation inside the body to treat Covid-19. "Don't take medical advice from Trump."

John Balmes, a pulmonologist at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, warned that even breathing fumes from
bleach could cause severe health problems.

He told Bloomberg News: "Inhaling chlorine bleach would be absolutely the worst thing for the lungs.
The airway and lungs are not made to be exposed to even an aerosol of disinfectant.
"Not even a low dilution of bleach or isopropyl alcohol is safe. It's a totally ridiculous concept."

Mr Trump has previously hyped a malaria medication, hydroxycloroquine, as a possible treatment for coronavirus, though
he has stopped touting that drug recently. This week a study of coronavirus patients in a US government-run hospital for
military veterans found more deaths among those treated with hydroxychloroquine than those treated with standard care...'

Just as a side-note:
(From 21st April on the PharmaTimes website. Novartis is a Swiss Drug company.)

"Novartis has reached an agreement with US regulators to proceed with a Phase III clinical trial of
hydroxychloroquine in hospitalised patients with COVID-19 disease.

The study, which will involve include around 440 patients, follows early preclinical and clinical evidence
that hydroxychloroquine, which is used to treat malaria and certain autoimmune diseases, may be beneficial
in the fight against the virus...'

I would've thought that if hydroxychloroquine was as lethal as this article makes out, Novartis is wasting its time and money
going down that avenue.

Quote:'Reacting to the president's remarks on Thursday evening, Joe Biden, his likely Democratic challenger in November's
White House election, tweeted: "UV light? Injecting disinfectant? Here's an idea, Mr President: more tests.
Now. And protective equipment for actual medical professionals."...'

Oh I see, it's not the American public who are morons, this this old-duffer. Biden didn't understand what was being said and
instead of writing about 'Creepy Joe's inability to comprehend serious discourse, he processed the information from the briefing
in the only head he hasn't sniffed and tweeted out his conclusion.

The media -being dominantly on the Left, switched it all around. That explains the lack of response to the original Journalist's
question from the President, the delivery of the news is fake.

Quote:'What's the US government's advice?
Only this week, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned Americans to be careful with cleaning products
as sales of household disinfectants soar amid the pandemic.

"Calls to poison centres increased sharply at the beginning of March 2020 for exposures to both cleaners and disinfectants,"
found the agency's weekly morbidity and mortality report. The US Food and Drug Administration has warned against ingesting
disinfectants, citing the sale of bogus miracle cures that contain bleach and purport to treat everything from autism to Aids and

The agency's website says: "The FDA has received reports of consumers who have suffered from severe vomiting, severe
diarrhoea, life-threatening low blood pressure caused by dehydration, and acute liver failure after drinking these products."
Last week a federal judge secured a temporary injunction against one organisation, known as the Genesis II Church of Health
and Healing, for marketing a product equivalent to industrial bleach as a remedy for coronavirus...'

Oh crap, it seems those who enjoy chugging down bleach can also see into the future! Trump says something on the 23rd April
and back in March, they all start swigging the stuff down with confidence. Wow... a breakthrough and by the BBC too.

(We'll take it on good faith that President Trump isn't a member of the 'Genesis II Church of Health and Healing' and his speech
wasn't a sermon.)

Jeez-Louise, journalism is really dying.

(Alternative video access from banned video) -Video Regarding The Virus:

RE: The Blue Pill. - Ninurta - 04-24-2020

I think Trump is on to something here - I've been ingesting disinfectant (ethyl alcohol, high dosage) since before this thing began, and I have not caught the covid yet! I also have a UV flashlight (cops use them to search for fluorescent substances) next to my computer for emergencies...


RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 04-24-2020

(04-24-2020, 01:46 PM)Ninurta Wrote: I think Trump is on to something here - I've been ingesting disinfectant (ethyl alcohol, high dosage) since before this thing began, and I have not caught the covid yet! I also have a UV flashlight (cops use them to search for fluorescent substances) next to my computer for emergencies...

I've just caught BIAD trying shove my bendable torch up his own... Well, it doesn't matter.

I think all this doubting and word-changing of what he suggests is just born from the need to
keep the fear-mongering continuing for media-ratings sake.

RE: The Blue Pill. - Mystic Wanderer - 04-24-2020

I think President Trump was dropping a hint into "medicine/cures" that he already knows exists.

The bleach that the media keeps harping about is not chlorine bleach, it's chlorine dioxide, which is safe AND EFFECTIVE when used properly. This has been proven in studies that big pharma wants to keep hidden because it's use would bankrupt them.
It's called MMS. I don't know if anything much about it is left on the internet to look it up because most of the internet has been scrubbed with anything that goes against the Cabal agenda.

As for the light, there have been studies for the past several years using light to cure certain things. It's not in the mainstream yet, so unless you come across it on alternative sites, it isn't known.

I think the media and the public will have to eat crow when these things turn out to be the cure(s) that mankind has been waiting for.

I found a video by the man who discovered MMS and he tells you how to make it yourself at home. He also has a book you can download that tells all about it.

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 04-24-2020

(04-24-2020, 05:16 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: ETA:
I found a video by the man who discovered MMS and he tells you how to make it yourself at home.
He also has a book you can download that tells all about it...

With all respect, I think that guy is a bit of a Kook.


He chums the waters and the sharks just keep coming! President Trump never mentioned bleach and
he never said injecting bleach was a good idea, it's just the media hate him.

Quote:Donald Trump: I was being sarcastic about using disinfectant as COVID-19 cure.

'The US president had suggested that scientists should investigate inserting the cleaning agent into 
he body to cure COVID-19. Donald Trump has said his comments on using disinfectant inside people's
bodies to fight COVID-19 were sarcastic.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=7523]

His words came just hours after he was widely criticised for holding up disinfectant and "(ultraviolet) light
inside the body" as possible solutions to the coronavirus crisis. He had said about disinfectant: "It knocks
it out in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or
almost a cleaning..."

Among the critics were doctors, who said the idea was "irresponsible" and "dangerous", and companies
that produce disinfectant, such as Dettol maker Reckitt Benckiser, which said that "under no circumstance
should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any
other route)".

But speaking on Friday, Mr Trump said to reporters: "I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like
you just to see what would happen.

"Now, disinfectant when doing this (making a hand-washing gesture), maybe on the hands, would work and
I was asking the question of the gentleman who was there yesterday - Bill (Bill Bryan, head of science and
tech directorate at US Department of Homeland Security's bio-defence laboratories) - because when they
say that something will last three or four hours or six hours but if the sun is out or if they use disinfectant it
goes away in less than a minute - did you hear about this yesterday?

"I was asking a very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside but it does
kill it and it would kill it on the hands and that would make things much better. That was done in a form of a
sarcastic question to the reporters."

Many of his country's citizens, however, might not have been amused by his sense of humour, as the deat
 toll from the virus topped 50,000 in the US, having doubled in 10 days, according to a tally by news agency
The number of confirmed cases in the US has passed 880,000.

The White House had earlier said Mr Trump's initial disinfectant comments had been taken "out of context
and run with negative headlines". Press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in a statement that the president
had "repeatedly said that Americans should consult with medical doctors regarding coronavirus treatment".

The president was already facing criticism for championing the old anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as
a possible cure for COVID-19, which has been shown to provide no benefit and possibly a higher risk of death.
The Food and Drug Administration in the US on Friday also warned people against the drug because of possible
heart complications...'
SKY News:

RE: The Blue Pill. - Ninurta - 04-24-2020



Not going to ingest bleach, and I'm certainly not going to inject it up my ass. Chlorine is bad for living carbon-based things. Very bad. ChlorIDE is ok, but once it gets the "-ine" in place of the "-ide", you're screwed.

Regarding the light contention, it has been acknowledged for millennia that "sunlight is the best disinfectant", which is one of the reasons the human race has gotten sicklier over time, since hanging laundry out in the sunshine to dry has gone out of fashion. Sunlight is good for folk and bad for virii because of it's UV content. Oxygen in the atmosphere blocks most of the UV in sunlight from hitting the Earth, which is why environmentalists make such a big deal about the "ozone hole". Once upon a time, before the oxygen revolution, life could not exist on the surface of the Earth because of the UV bombarding the planet due to the lack of oxygen in the atmosphere. This is why life began in the ocean - the oxygen in H2O blocked the UV from destroying the organisms there. Those organisms (primarily the stromatolite-building blue-green algae), in a bid for self-preservation I suppose, started generating oxygen and releasing it into the atmosphere, eventually accumulating a high enough concentration to block enough UV in the sunlight to allow for life to emerge from the oceans on to dry land.

Enough UV still gets through to kill viruses, which are really only about half-alive to begin with. They can't maintain even that half for long without a living host cell to raid for the other half to life.

Now, this "light" (really just the UV part of it) solution only works on external surfaces. You can't use light internally to kill the covid. Even at that, however, the more of the covid virus you can kill off while it is in transit from one organism to the next, the better off you are... and that is where the sunlight as the best disinfectant comes in.


As an aside, I marvel at the zombie-like control the media appears to be exerting over the left-wingers. There is a young lady I have been patiently discussing current politics with who I was convinced was nearly ready to come into the light, who had nearly been cleansed of communist tendencies and gave all appearances of starting to think for herself... and then this patent bullshit report of what "Bad Orange Man said" came along, and all it took was a single meme on Facebook for her to relapse. The sorcery is strong on the Dark Side...


RE: The Blue Pill. - Mystic Wanderer - 04-24-2020

Quote:Mystic Wanderer Wrote: ETA:
I found a video by the man who discovered MMS and he tells you how to make it yourself at home.
He also has a book you can download that tells all about it...
BIAD said,
Quote:With all respect, I think that guy is a bit of a Kook.

He was on Redpill78's show awhile back. I think YT took it down because I can't find it now. Any time the over lords take something down I have to wonder why.
Anywho...  he sounded pretty sharp on the show. I even ordered his book to keep on hand for personal use if the day should come that I need it.

All I know is, people on Twitter are coming out of the wood work telling about using MMS for many years with no problems. One guy said he had used it for 20 years because he works in the medical field and he hasn't been sick at all during that time.
Jordan Sather swears by it and has made many videos about it, all of which have been removed by You Tube.

I'm not here to convince anyone to use MMS, I'm just sharing what I've seen and learned over the past year or so.
I come more believing actual people who have tried it than any "scientific study" put out and approved by big pharma puppets.

Chlorine dioxide is used in treating municipal water supplies; we drink this stuff!  So if it's so dangerous, why isn't someone raising hell on them for using it?
Why is it sold for hikers to use to disinfect their water supply along their journey? 

But, let's not worry about fluoride. Big pharma approves that. Look on the back and read. It states, CALL POISON CONTROL IF SWALLOWED.

Nope! I'm not believing anything big pharma approves.

RE: The Blue Pill. - Ninurta - 04-24-2020

(04-24-2020, 10:22 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote:
Quote:Mystic Wanderer Wrote: ETA:
I found a video by the man who discovered MMS and he tells you how to make it yourself at home.
He also has a book you can download that tells all about it...
BIAD said,
Quote:With all respect, I think that guy is a bit of a Kook.

All I know is, people on Twitter are coming out of the wood work telling about using MMS for many years with no problems. One guy said he had used it for 20 years because he works in the medical field and he hasn't been sick at all during that time.
Jordan Sather swears by it and has made many videos about it, all of which have been removed by You Tube.

I'm not sure I trust Twitterites any more than I trust "Big Pharma".

Quote:I'm not here to convince anyone to use MMS, I'm just sharing what I've seen and learned over the past year or so.
I come more believing actual people who have tried it than any "scientific study" put out and approved by big pharma puppets.

And I appreciate that, I really do - options are GOOD! The caveat is that we have to thoroughly research those options before entrusting them to our one and only body. No "deadly poison" will kill you if the concentration is small enough... but that concentration is a very important part of the grand scheme of things. It can literally be the difference between life and death.

Quote:Chlorine dioxide is used in treating municipal water supplies; we drink this stuff!  So if it's so dangerous, why isn't someone raising hell on them for using it?

That's true, and it's why some times, if one is on a "city water" system, you can actually smell the chlorine when you turn on the tap - especially right after a big rain storm, when they overload the incoming water with chlorine. Again, it's all in the concentration... and if you can smell chlorine, that's probably too much in the water. in the case of municipal water supplies, drawing water from the tap and letting it stand for 24 hours will allow all the chlorine to escape from the water.

As a matter of full disclosure, I used to sell water filters to remove the chlorine from city water for instant-gratification types, but in all honesty just drawing the water and letting it sit will also remove the chlorine, it just takes longer - but that will NOT remove the heavy metals found in most urban water systems.

Quote:Why is it sold for hikers to use to disinfect their water supply along their journey? 

Because it IS poison, and will therefore kill the mcro-organisms found in some questionable mud puddles out in the wilderness, like Giardia. Again, the concentration is very important - you want enough to kill a bacteria, but NOT enough to kill something with the bulk of a human. Think of it like a hammer - if you hit your thumb with a 4 ounce hammer, it hurts like hell. If you hit a bitty little spider with that same hammer, it kills it flat. Same principle. I never used chlorine for questionable water in the wilderness - I used iodine instead, but poison is poison.

Quote:But, let's not worry about fluoride. Big pharma approves that. Look on the back and read. It states, CALL POISON CONTROL IF SWALLOWED.

Nope! I'm not believing anything big pharma approves.

Of course fluoride is poison! But then again, so is chlorine - that's why it used to carry a "skull and cross bones" warning on the label! I think most city folks would be entirely shocked and dismayed to discover what is actually present in their drinking water!
