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RE: The Blue Pill. - Mystic Wanderer - 08-20-2018

Are you (the public) still trying to decide which pill to take?  Allow me to help you make a decision.
In the article below Far Left organizations have admitted to censoring Conservative voices on social media. They admit to trying to sway the opinion in favor of the Left.
Isn't America all about freedom of speech?  Do you really wish to support those who want to take away our freedoms?

Take the Red Pill and keep Communism out of our country!

Quote:by Jim Hoft August 20, 2018 162 Comments

In January 2017 after Hillary Clinton was shellacked in the November 2016 election top Democrat operatives at Media Matters, Share Blue, American Bridge, and CREW came together and released their two-year plan to take back power in Washington DC.

Share Blue is a far left website that works with the Democrat party and claims to reach 140 million people a month.
[Image: media-matters-share-blue-action-plan-535x600.jpg]
The Washington Free Beacon obtained a copy of this document

[Image: 47.jpg?mode=stretch&connatiximg=true&sca...&width=820]
The Free Beacon published this lengthy document by David Brock, the founder of Soros-funded Media Matters website, from a January donor retreat.
The 49 page memo outlined how the George Soros-funded groups Media Matters, American Bridge, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and Shareblue planned to undermine President Trump’s agenda and help Democrats win control of Congress and the White House by 2020.

On page two of the plan these top far left organizations announced their strategy.
They will work with the tech giants to eliminate “right wing propaganda and fake news.”
It is right there on page 2:
[Image: media-matters-plan-facebook--497x600.jpg]
The document then claims that Media Matters and far left groups have “access to raw data from Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites” so they can “systemically monitor and analyze this unfiltered data.”
According to their report these far left groups have been working with Facebook and Twitter to eliminate conservative content.
Via The Daily Wire:
Quote:“The earlier we can identify a fake news story, the more effectively we can quash it,” the memo states. “With this new technology at our fingertips, researchers monitoring news in real time will be able to identify the origins of a lie with mathematical precision, creating an early warning system for fake news and disinformation.”
The memo went on to state that Media Matters had a discussion with Facebook on how to crack down on fake news, including Media Matters providing the social media giant with “a detailed map of the constellation of right-wing Facebook pages that had been the biggest purveyors of fake news.” The memo also bragged that Media Matters provided Google with “the information necessary to identify 40 of the worst fake new sites” that would be prevented from using Google’s advertising network.

And this is exactly what happened.
In 2016 The Gateway Pundit was one of the few conservative sites that supported candidate Trump – along with Breitbart, The Drudge Report, Infowars, Zero Hedge, Conservative Treehouse and several others.
In 2017 Harvard and Columbia Journalism Review found that The Gateway Pundit was the 4th most influential conservative news source in the 2016 election.
Because of this we were targeted and have seen our numbers related to Facebook and Twitter decline dramatically.
This had nothing to do with the quality of our posts as we have proof that our generic numbers are up and and continue to increase.
In February Facebook launched another algorithm change to their platform. With the changes we saw our traffic dwindle even further.
We weren’t the only ones to be affected. The algorithmic change caused President Donald Trump’s engagement on Facebook posts to plummet a whopping 45%.
In contrast, according to Breitbart’s Allum Bokhari, Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) do not appear to have suffered a comparable decline in Facebook engagement.
Facebook took our money for advertising and promised a fair playing field. Facebook lied to us and every conservative group in America.  And, according to far left groups, Facebook is working with liberal organizations to eliminate conservative content.
A recent Pew Study found that 71% of Americans see how tech giants are censoring political content.
And they are.

A Gateway Pundit June study of top conservative news outlets found that Facebook has eliminated 93% of traffic to top conservative websites.
[Image: facebook-one-1-1-600x440.jpg]

Facebook began eliminating conservative content after the 2016 election.
[Image: facebook-news-conservatives-478x600.jpg]


RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 08-28-2018

With the convoluted politics of the US still causing the country's electorate to scratch their heads on whether a two-term
coup had taken place, the American mainstream media's craving to call President Trump a traitor is struggling.

But the ever-serious BBC have rested their concerns of the movers and shakers of the world and decided to return to what
they know best. Namely the autocratic London elite and ticking the boxes on the list provided by their Diversity Department.

Don't let them fool you, all the images are from the London Underground and stock-photography. Chances are, the author
of this article probably never left their desk.

Quote:Anti-social commuters: Your tales of bad travel etiquette.

'Returning to work after a blissful Bank Holiday can be tiresome enough without being faced with your fellow
commuters' annoying habits. Here are some of our readers' tales of irksome travel etiquette.

The nail clippers.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4390]

Simon Johns was once two seats away from a man who decided the London Underground was the perfect place
to trim his toenails. "As we left Euston, the shoes came off, then the socks, then out came the clippers," said the
50-year-old from London.

"Shards of toenail were sent pinging around the carriage - those in the vicinity were fairly appalled, but London
being London no-one said a thing." Elizabeth Morfakis, 23, from Norfolk, was on a bus in London with a friend
when "a clipping landed right near us". "We looked at each other in a confused and mildly disgusted way but
didn't say anything," she said.

"The passenger got off at the next stop seemingly without a care in the world, leaving a small gift of clippings scattered
around the area they'd been sat in for other lucky passengers to enjoy."

Andrew Randle, 45, from Berkshire was on a Waterloo to Reading train when he heard the "clicking and occasional
pinging noises" of another travel trimmer. "Another passenger noticed him, she was equally perplexed -and the look
between us before I left was one of joint incredulity and bemusement," he said.

The talkers.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4391]

Jessica Cavanagh, 20, said she hated people who spoke loudly about personal matters on her rail commute between
Leicester and Birmingham. "I don't need to know about what your dog's poo looked like this morning," she said.
Steve White said he confronted a man who spent 45 minutes talking on two mobile phones while facing a quiet sign.

"He was totally indignant and really quite abusive saying I had no right to ask him to shut up and he was not harming anyone,"
said the 52-year-old from Manchester. "He did eventually stop making calls but only after a further few minutes. I think he was
trying to prove a point. He did. He proved an inability to read and to consider anyone except himself."

The eaters.
David Thornton, 60, from west Somerset, said he was irritated by food aromas, even those from sushi.
"Perhaps one of the most interesting meals was a girl in the seat opposite who, immediately after the train started to move
out of the station, decided to open her pre-packed mixed sushi delight and for the next hour or so picked slowly at the
decomposing raw fish," he said.

Helen Williams, 26, from Manchester said: "A woman sat next to me, opened a family tray of supermarket cold water prawns
and ate the whole packet with her fingers. No shame." Rob Boyd, 49, from London, said he could not deal with "the chap who
eats his muesli out of a Tupperware tub, ritually between Clapham and Vauxhall each morning slurping it really loudly".
"It's gross and he never seems to finish it all," he added...'

The make-uppers.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4392]

People doing their make up on the train is a regular source of complaint.

Michael Boyd, 61, said he had been dusted with face powder by nearby make-uppers. "I have also been sprayed in the face
as a lady squirted perfume on to her neck," he said. "I coughed very loudly... and she scowled at me."

One anonymous woman, who works for a train operator, said she had seen full makeovers on her journeys around the West
Midlands. She watched a woman spend 30 minutes applying make-up.

"[She] proceeded to do a full-on application of foundation, blending away merrily, followed by contouring, lip liner, lip colour,
eye shadow, eye liner, eyelashes, then a final flourish of powder all over the face - to set it in place I assume.
"Some of the other passengers were looking quite bemused, others just a glance - so clearly totally normal for their journey."

The woman who works for a train operator said she had also seen "a middle aged lady get the nail polish out and proceed
to not only give her fingernails a good top up but also add a layer to her toenails as well".
"It has become the norm to bring bathroom habits to the train journey to presumably snatch a few extra minutes sleep in the
morning," she said.

The recliners.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4393]

"Feet on seats is never, ever acceptable," said Phil Dibbs, from North Yorkshire. "I always ask people to put their feet down."
"Part of it is seat blocking and part of it is a lack of respect. It's a complete disregard of other people."
Martin Officer said it was "totally selfish" and annoyed him "particularly as they would never do it at home".

Other bug bears from readers included putting bags or dogs on seats, sitting in other people's reserved seats and people
parking themselves next to the aisle when the window seat is vacant...'

Will you bring flowers to the established media's graveside?

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 09-08-2018

Remember when Tommy Robinson was accused and at the time, arrested for filming on Magistrate Court property
and possibly tainting the verdict of the Rotherham grooming-gang trial...? Remember how outraged the media were
that such a non-journalistic action was performed?

It hurts me as much as the next person to say this, but the photographed men below are innocent until proven guilty
and reporting in The Sun's manner, must surely effect a fair outcome?

Quote:'SNATCHED AWAY' Rotherham grooming gang trial.
Teenage girl ‘had sex with 100 Asian men by age 16’ and was pregnant at 15
Sheffield Crown Court heard how the girl had her childhood 'snatched away' by years of sexual abuse.

'A young girl was "passed around" and had sex with 100 men by the time she was 16, jurors in a child sex
abuse trial were told. The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, claims the abuse she suffered between
1998 and 2001 began when she was just 13 years old.

Her harrowing account was given in a video interview played at the trial of eight men accused of sexual abuse
of five girls over a five-year period from 1998 to 2003.

They were arrested and charged as part of Operation Stovewood -a police investigation into sexual abuse
launched after the Rotherham grooming scandal.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4449]
Mohammed Imran Ali Akhtar, (Left_ 36, arrived at Sheffield Crown Court with his face covered and

Tanweer Ali, 36, is accused of two counts of indecent assault, two counts of rape and one of false

Sheffield Crown Court, South Yorks., heard how her phone number would be "passed around" between men.
She said: "I can honestly say that by the age of 16 I had slept with 100 Asian men -some I didn't see again.
"The ones who come and use you for one time are the ones who are hard to remember.

"As soon as you get to know them your number gets passed around.
"Asian lads demanding to meet you - then you meet a new group and it went on like that.
"I didn't know at the time I was being passed around when I was 13 but I know now I'm older."

Tanweer Ali, 37, and Mohammed Imran Ali Akhtar, 37, are both accused of indecently assaulting the girl between
1998 and 2001 when she was under the age of 16.
Ali and Akhtar would have been aged between 17 and 20 during the alleged period of offending.

The victim described how she initially disliked Ali Akhtar, of Rotherham.
However she eventually "fell" for the delivery driver when he made her feel special by visiting her "every day" after
he finished his shift in the early hours of the morning. She became pregnant with his son at the age of 14 and gave
birth to him when she was 15.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4450]

Nabeel Kurshid, (Left) 34, is charged with two counts of rape and one of indecent assault and
Iqlak Yousaf, 33, faces two counts of rape and two counts of indecent assault.

The victim claimed sexual activity with Ali Akhtar continued throughout pregnancy.
She told how and after their son was born, she "tricked" Akhtar into meeting his child when he visited her hoping for sex.
The victim told how her sister was also allegedly abused by Ali Akhtar.
She said: "We were children one minute and adults the next.
"We were snatched away."

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4451]
Amjal Rafiq, (Left) 38, faces one count of indecent assault and one charge of false imprisonment
and Salah Ahmed El-Hakam, 38, is charged with rape.

Ali, also of Rotherham, and Ali Akhtar are on trial with six other men, all accused of committing historic sex offences in
Rotherham against five alleged victims.
The trial continues...'
The Sun:

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 10-06-2018

If I was a Journalist, I'd be wondering how much longer I have in the outrage-paradigm before someone asks me to write
a neutral report. Seriously, with all the articles that have two sides to a particular topic, how long can mainstream journalism
rely on deliberately causing the fuming from a reader to be beneficial to their word-juggling salary?

A lot of people voted for Donald Trump and the rules said he had enough of them to become President of the United States.
Yet everyday, the MSM roll out stories that have negative connotations about him and indicate that those who voted for him
were either tricked or have poor judgement.

Great Britain leaving the European Union is assumed -by the many daily reports from the media, as a bad decision and
one has to wonder, if the referendum had gone the other way and the UK had voted to stay in, what would those same
news outlets say then?
'Exclusive: What Britain has took for granted for years is just the same'?!!

Activists are never reported on to explain their preferences, press-releases from particular groups with favoured agendas
are never acknowledged in a report and official outlets -that provide substance to an article, are not enlarged on to show
that no bias is actually coming from the Reporter, merely being provided a vehicle to purvey that message.

But why only one side...? Why only offer one side of a story? Surely when the current trend of virtuous people marching on
their capital city with rage and five-word slogans, a media can report on both sides of what is for debate?
But they don't.

We're at a time when the establishment press are being seen for what they are, companies with a type of product that's
struggling in a technologically-driven environment where adaption -just like many industries, is reluctant to due to its status
position in society. You're supposed to trust the Press, not some gossiping blogger or YouTube commentator.

The nature of free-markets ensures that those who's product isn't competitive, will struggle and probably fail.
If the mainstream outlets provide a healthy all-around-appreciative commodity, then lesser -and possibly contemporary
styles of information outlets will wither. In essence, the best is best.

But choice can be a factor of course and this would be principally be based on the content of the news provided.
Due to the trust that readers/viewers have come to socially accept, the information would have to be able to -not only hold
the reader/viewer's immediate attention, but also imply that further investment of finance and time in future information
-collation should be a must.

One might think that it would dishonourable to cater for a particular section of society and provide news that holds the duel
purpose of supporting that chosen perception and even promoting it. But sadly, honour isn't something in a Journalist's
vocabulary these days. Honour doesn't pay the bills and dignity in their craft and the truth are just words that belong in a
romantic hardback from Reader's Digest.

I understand that, I really do. Reality has a habit of making you hold your nose and force you to eat shit.
Heck, just watch the in-house pundits on a Paper-Review section of news programme...! They'll take a side and argue with
acting that wouldn't be out of place in a school Christmas play!
Paper-Review... a worrying trend as well. Journalists talking to Journalists about what Journalists wrote.

So if we accept the pragmatism that catering for a parts of society who hold a particular opinion brings its rewards and by
connecting those groups using appropriate phrasing, a medium's audience can be enlarged. Views that would consider
themselves different can be brought closer by nuance prose and those deemed unpopular by the media's audience can
be painted even darker than before.

In fact, we can go further. Why not create new enemies for that avid group of readers/viewers...?! Let's choose sides with
the use of religious-beliefs, skin-colour and different perspectives. Lets divide society up and with what amounts to strife
-causing propaganda, sit back and watch the shit-show. All the while, the warring factions are paying you to dance to a tune
they never decided on.

But the unvarnished truth...? The alternative views that combat those audiences' model of the world?
Well, to maintain favour, one can omit and obfuscate pieces of information and stay with the preferred narrative.
The mortgage gets paid, the lights stay on and the in-group readers/viewers sleep confidently in their beds knowing they
are right and someone else is wrong.

But in reality, a person can have opinions that are right and wrong. We all have them. It's what makes us so pliable.
How many reading this already know that...? Don't you think Journalists know that too?!!

The death-throes of mainstream media are undignified and after all these years of supposedly 'fighting the devil' -as the
Fourth Estate liked to proclaim, they're dying in the most dishonourable manner.

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 10-07-2018

In an effort to show what I meant by the failing MSM taking a side to maintain an outrage paradigm, here's the
BBC displaying an uninformative article that leans heavily on emotional dissent. They know it annoys both sides
when penned correctly and offers a 'baddie' and the virtuous 'victims'... usually framed -via a photograph, as a
young person.

The simple truth is that the mainstream media have given-up on anyone over 45 years-old and now pursue the
kids as possible 'next-gen' customers.
Good luck with that!

Quote:Brett Kavanaugh confirmation: Victory for Trump in Supreme Court battle.

'President Donald Trump's controversial nominee for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, has been sworn in
following weeks of rancorous debate. The Senate earlier backed his nomination by 50 votes to 48.
Mr Kavanaugh had been embroiled in a bitter battle to stave off claims of sexual assault, which he denies...'

Ignoble at best. The Hearing was requested due to the claims and at the time of writing, there's indications that
the accusations were politically-driven. There no evidence of the crimes -because that's what they would be, and
due to the shrewd verve to write such implications, the divisive act shows that the alleged criminal act towards
Blasey Ford was never important, stopping Kavanaugh getting to the Supreme Court was.

Most reading this may smile at my inexperience of political-jousting and they'd be right. But it's the exhibition of
bogus affront by poor actors that I believe is the concern here. Using words like 'honourable' and 'trust' as mere
bullets to destroy ones enemy shows how crass many of the participants of this shit-show really are.

Quote:'...But after an 11th-hour investigation by the FBI into the allegations, enough wavering senators decided to support
the nomination. His confirmation hands Mr Trump a political victory ahead of key mid-term elections in November...'

And Blasey Ford...? She believes she was sexually assaulted by a young Brett Kavanaugh back in the mid-early
eighties. What are the concerned Democrats and Republicans doing about that?
You see...? Ford's claim as been relegated to a claim and Kavanaugh's name and family have been insulted,
but the real reason for the terrible carnival is now accepted as the norm.

Reporting an 'eleventh-hour investigation' is also a poor representation of what really occurred and it shows how
the FBI are used in a child-like fictive constabulary. Six investigations had already taken place into Kavanaugh's
past and nothing was found. There was never any opinions that the FBI had failed to unearth Ford's purported
situation, nor that such a failing would then be found due to a better examination.

Regardless of the Bureau's inability to referee on an outcome, why didn't the same mainstream media accuse
the FBI of suppressing the sexual assault...? Because it would possibly indicate the agency had -and still is, being
used as a political-tool instead of performing the role it was created for.

So to compound the bias and vaguely point to this -along with other histrionics, that having Donald Trump in the
White House is not the greatest of idead, the MSM turn to emotions and undeveloped minds.

Quote:'...Before the vote, hundreds of people protested against Mr Kavanaugh's nomination at the US Capitol in Washington.
During the vote, other protesters shouted "shame" from the public gallery and Vice-President Mike Pence had to call
for order to be restored...'

I'll wager Blasey Ford wasn't among the protesters, the actual alleged victim that generated all of this.
One has to wonder if the female that Vice-President Pence had removed from the gallery had been raped or sexually
assaulted and whether she has or will contact the proper authorities.
If not, it's merely a puerile tantrum in a forum where mature decisions are debated upon and decided.

Again, we all know the truth of why Judge was required to answer questions in front of partisan Senators and the
excited public, it was because of Kavanaugh's appointment to the Supreme Court and concerns regarding abortion.
Blasey Ford and her memories have faded into the background now and the 'Creepy-Porn Lawyer' has returned to
booking his client into another tit-wiggling gig far from Washington DC.

Its a disgrace that will be archived until the MSM pendulum swings the other way, but the conduct will always be frowned
at in the future and in other power-bases across the world, it will be mocked. Ironically, the reality-show environment that
President Trump left, followed him from the superficial lands of Hollywood and is dining high-off-the-hog in the nation's

Anyway, back to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford dealing with her ordeal. Er, it seems not. 

Quote:'...Mr Kavanaugh's appointment is for life and he will strengthen conservative control of the nine-judge court, which has the
final say on US law. The 53 year old was sworn in on Saturday evening in a private ceremony at the Supreme Court. Chief
Justice John Roberts administered the constitutional oath and retired justice Anthony Kennedy - whom Mr Kavanaugh is
replacing - administered the judicial oath...'

There it is, the ruse displayed that everyone knew was the real reason for the Hearing debacle.
The biased media couldn't help themselves.

Quote:'...Protesters had gathered outside the court and at one point some ran up the steps and banged on its ornate doors.
Other demonstrators climbed on the nearby statue of justice...'

Because that's what kids do. They make noise and stick out their bottom lips. But it doesn't mean their bawling and behavior
has any merit, only the subject-matter is relevant. 

Quote:'...What has Mr Trump said?
He sent out a tweet of congratulations:

Donald J. Trump
 I applaud and congratulate the U.S. Senate for confirming our GREAT NOMINEE, Judge Brett Kavanaugh,
to the United States Supreme Court. Later today, I will sign his Commission of Appointment, and he will be
officially sworn in. Very exciting!

Later he spoke to reporters aboard Air Force One, saying Mr Kavanaugh had withstood a "horrible attack by the Democrats"
and that women were "outraged" at what had happened to the nominee. Mr Trump also said he was "100% certain" that the
woman who had accused Mr Kavanaugh of sexual assault, Christine Blasey Ford, had named the wrong person...'

And oddly enough, this suggestion of mistaken identity is generally accepted by most fair-minded people looking at
this situation. Dr. Ford did give-off the impression something awful happened to her, but the evidence offered didn't
indicate the perpetrator was Judge Kavanaugh.

The BBC are said to be neutral, so we'll get back to worrying about an accusation from Blasey Ford being ignored and the
assumed reasons people are protesting against the result. Er... again, no.

Quote:'...So what were the numbers in the Senate?
The upper house is split 51-49 in favour of the Republicans and the vote was largely along party lines.
In the end, there was indeed a two-vote margin, the closest nomination vote since 1881.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4590]

The only party dissenters were Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski, who had intended to vote no, and Democrat Joe
Manchin, who voted yes. That should have meant a 51-49 tally, but the absence of Republican Steve Daines, a yes voter
who was at his daughter's wedding, altered the final figures.
Ms Murkowski opted instead to simply mark herself as "present", leaving the final vote 50-48...'

Really...? No paragraph on Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick's accusations? We've been led to believe that  people
outside the Supreme Court building are revolting about Kavanaugh being a serial sexual predator and the lack of old white
men believing the women making the accusations.

Who gives a crap about being signed-in as a Supreme Court Judge, the outrage is about the crimes he's been accused of,
isn't it? Come on BBC, don't let the females down now.

Quote:'...What was said in the Senate?
In their final summations, the two Senate party leaders reflected how bitter the divide had become.

Minority Democrat leader Chuck Schumer said Mr Kavanaugh did not belong on the bench as he had "obscured his views
to the American people", "repeatedly misled the Senate" and delivered one of the "bitterest and most partisan testimonies
ever presented by a nominee".

He also said Mr Trump had "stooped to new depths" in mocking the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford...'

Ah finally, Chuck Schumer sounds like the only rational voice in this brouhaha of political chess-playing. The women that
have been physically and mentally violated will be safe in Mr. Schumar's hands. One can be assured that a criminal court
proceedings will coming soon and the Federal Bureau of Investigation will have to answer for their deliberate failings or
even, cover-up.

Quote:'...Mr Schumer said that for all those who opposed the nomination, "there is one answer - vote" in the November mid-term

Oh, well maybe not.

Quote:'...Majority Republican leader Mitch McConnell said Mr Kavanaugh was a "serious scholar, a brilliant student of the law and
a meticulous and dedicated public servant". He said events had "strained our basic principles of fairness and justice" and
that the vote showed the Senate was "an institution where evidence and facts matter".
He spoke of "intimidation by the mob" and said the Senate vote should be one "to turn away from darkness".

Ms Murkowski had earlier said that although Mr Kavanaugh was a "good man", he was "not the right person for the court at
this time" and his "appearance of impropriety has become unavoidable". Joe Manchin is facing a difficult re-election campaign
in West Virginia, a traditionally Republican state that Mr Trump won by a landslide.
He said he "found Judge Kavanaugh to be a qualified jurist".

There were shouts of "shame" from the public gallery as he voted yes...'

'Shame' -for what?!! Blasy Ford's miraculous healing from being unable to fly?
The two doors on her house argued for four years after she'd originally had them installed?
The total lack of witnesses to the alleged assault.
The timing-problem with the alleged crime and the opening of the Safeway Store where she'd seen Mark Judge after the
alleged assault.
Julie Swetnick's belief that standing next to a punch-bowl is evidence that you're not only applying alcohol to the bowl, you're
also in a queue for gang-raping. Actions that others she'd testified were there, denied.
Deborah Ramirez's accusation of Kavanaugh wagging his penis at her, an act so engraved into her memory that she had to
phone around her friends and ask if they could reinforce that memory.

Oh yes, the word 'shame' can be used.

Quote:'...Two Republican waverers, Susan Collins and Jeff Flake, finally decided to back the judge.'

Aw yeah, I forgot... we're still doing the Senate vote-thing and women used in this battle are cast aside.
However, I'm sure the BBC will help us to salve our rage that these poor females -the real reason for the media circus,
can have their say.

Quote:Analysis: Just the beginning
By Anthony Zurcher, BBC North America reporter

'Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court has been decided. The political war, however, is just beginning.

Donald Trump's court pick generated a controversy that captured the nation's attention in a way that few political issues do.
It generated daily headlines rivalled only by the US quadrennial presidential elections.
Now that the bombs have been thrown, it's time to assess the fallout...'

Well, apart from the threat at the beginning and end, that was a waste of time.
Let's hope Mr. Zurcher can explain the disgraceful act of ignoring the distraught women that Kavanaugh is supposed to have

Quote:Why is the court so important?
'Basically, it's the final arbiter of US law.

It has the ultimate say on such contentious issues as abortion and gun control.
The Democrats are still smarting from the previous Supreme Court appointment.
Republicans last year successfully stalled the process, meaning it fell to Mr Trump, not Barack Obama, to nominate the new
justice. Mr Trump's choice of Neil Gorsuch strengthened the conservative leaning.

All eyes will now be on November's mid-term elections. Mr Trump will be able to campaign on the back of an important victory,
but commentators will be watching closely how the Kavanaugh affair affects women voters...'

Cheers Anthony, that helped.

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 11-01-2018

With Silicon Valley announcing that its goal was to silence men and turn them into feminine office-workers
that skirt around the empowered fat girl who thinks she's living in a Star-Trek world, recent events tells us
that the old-adage regarding glass-houses, is still prevalent.

Quote:Google staff walk out over women's treatment.

'Staff at Google offices around the world are staging an unprecedented series of walkouts in protest at the
company's treatment of women.

The employees are demanding several key changes in how sexual misconduct allegations are dealt with at
the firm, including a call to end forced arbitration -a move which would make it possible for victims to sue.

Google chief executive Sundar Pichai has told staff he supports their right to take the action.
"I understand the anger and disappointment that many of you feel," he said in an all-staff email.
"I feel it as well, and I am fully committed to making progress on an issue that has persisted for
far too long in our society… and, yes, here at Google, too."

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4702]

Each walkout is due to take place at 1100 local time, and the first was at Google’s Singapore office.

What led to the walkout?
Anger at the firm has boiled over in the past week since it emerged one high profile executive received a $90m
payout after he left the firm, despite what Google considered a “credible” allegation of sexual misconduct made
against him.
Andy Rubin, known as the “creator” of the Android mobile operating system, denies the allegation...'

Yeah, but #BelieveWomen. Remember, Kavanaugh is male and ergo, guilty.

Quote:'...On Tuesday, another executive, this time from the company’s X research lab, also resigned. Richard DeVaul
was said to have made unwanted advances towards a woman who was recently interviewed for a job in which
she would have reported to Mr DeVaul.
Mr DeVaul has not commented since his resignation, but in the past called the incident an "error of judgement"...'

You mean she wouldn't put out even though your position in the firm could be seen as an oppressive tactic?
It's nice to see some things never change.

Quote:'...At least 48 other employees have been sacked for sexual harassment without receiving a payout, Mr Pichai told
staff. He admitted the New York Times’ report had been "difficult to read".

What do the employees want?
Staff involved in Thursday's walkout will leave a note on their desks telling colleagues: "I’m not at my desk because
I’m walking out with other Googlers and contractors to protest sexual harassment, misconduct, lack of transparency,
and a workplace culture that’s not working for everyone."

They are also making formal demands to Google’s management. They are:

*An end to forced arbitration in cases of harassment and discrimination for all current and future employees;
*A commitment to end pay and opportunity inequality;
*A publicly disclosed sexual harassment transparency report;
*A clear, uniform, globally inclusive process for reporting sexual misconduct safely and anonymously;
*The elevation of the chief diversity officer to answer directly to the CEO, and make recommendations directly to the
board of directors;
*The appointment of an employee representative to the board.
*Forced arbitration, a common contract clause for Silicon Valley workers, demands any disputes are dealt with internally
rather than through other methods such as the courts. Critics of forced arbitration say it is used to not only protect the
reputations of both the company and the accused, but also to silence victims who are unable to appeal against decisions
or take further action.

"Employees have raised constructive ideas for how we can improve our policies and our processes going forward,”
said Mr Pichai in a statement on Wednesday evening. "We are taking in all their feedback so we can turn these ideas
into action."

What else are Google employees angry about?
Co-ordinated action of this scale is unprecedented at a Silicon Valley company, but follows a trend for increasingly
impassioned employee activism. "Women are fed up, and I don't think it's just women,” said Prof Kellie McElhaney,
from the Haas School of Business.

"There are a lot of ‘manbassadors' out there who are equally as fed up and using their positions of power and voice,
which can cost Google money. I think you have to hit these companies where it hurts.
"I think it empowers other Google offices when women and men are watching this happen, that they can do a similar
action that's not just sitting by or making comments to one another or sharing emails."

In the past year, Google employees have spoken out strongly against the company’s work with the US Department of
Defense, as well as plans to re-enter the Chinese market with a search product...'

Woooah, leave that one alone! Stick to the snowflakes talking around the water-fountain about how their lives are hell.

Quote:'...The Tech Workers Coalition, a San Francisco-based advocacy group, said the day’s dispute was just one of several
tech companies need to address. “We stand in solidarity with the Google workers,” a spokesperson for the group said.
“It’s clear the executives won’t do this for us so we’re taking matters into our own hands."...'

Selfies needed.

RE: The Blue Pill. - Wallfire - 11-01-2018

I think this has more to do with him getting 90m that anything else.

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 11-13-2018

Today's loudspeaker is to tell you who to blame and not to look at the causes of problems in society.

Predominantly black and Middle-eastern Asian young men are regularly involved in the current knife
violence in London and since that city is presently doused in political-correctness, the real reason for
this destruction will continue.

It's not because of their skin colour and it's not because they're male, it's because of their background.
It is and always been a Class War, something rich black and white people don't want to talk about.
(At this stage if I was on a TV panel and wealthy, I'd offer an anecdote to weaken my statement and
put the audience back at ease. And that's why it's done.)

If the essence of a Government is to benefit those it governs, it's essential to contain order and maintain
a confidence in the country and its inhabitants for reasons of commerce and trade. These days, In-house
industry can benefit its citizens, but it can also make them feel independent and that can be a problem
when it comes to societal-conditioning

It's better to make those you govern reliant on those in power and to 'pay' them for the servitude.
This has become a culture of relying on Government dependency and learning to accept whatever rules
are decided on.
It can work, but only if things stay the same.

However, humans envy and via the entertainment industry, are told that wealth supposedly equates to
happiness, young, fit men who want the baubles of victory and want them now, will seek them in the form
of forced-taking.

The class of the wealthy enjoy having a class of the poor. They can use the poor for their needs and also
being human, subconsciously appreciate their respective mental-superiority. This isn't dislike, it's just the
nature of being a social-being.

It's easier to use the 'divide-and-conquer' ploy with insults and shaming. Tha's why the average person
is taught this in the education system. Using labels and adminstering virtuous or negative attributes to
groups in society guarantees the focus will be on the ones pointed at.
Those of colour, those of certain beliefs, those who are deemed with disabilities... all these circles merge
with another that rarely spoken of. Financial status.

Why is that?

Quote:Four arrested after murder of teen, 16, as London homicides exceed total reached in 2017.
Published 13th November 2018

Four men have been arrested on suspicion of murder after the fatal stabbing of a teen boy amid
soaring homicides in London that have exceeded the total reached in 2017.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4765]
 John Ogunjobi, 16, was the 120th homicide victim in London this year.

'John Ogunjobi, 16, was found unconscious after being attacked on Greenleaf Close, Tulse Hill, at
around 11pm on November 5. Paramedics battled to save his life but he succumbed to his injuries
and was later pronounced dead at the scene.

His devastated parents watched on as he lost his fight for life, with witnesses describing his mother’s
screams. Scotland Yard said four men aged 22, 20, 21 and 23, are being quizzed by detectives at
south London police stations after being taken into custody.

John was the 120th homicide victim in London this year, taking the total number of killings further above
that of 2017. London mayor Sadiq Khan is coming under increasing pressure to bring violent crime under
control as he desperately searches for solutions to stop bloodshed on the streets.

Last week Khan told the BBC's Today programme it could take a generation to “make really significant
progress” on tackling violent crime in the capital. He said: "They saw in Scotland what we're seeing in
London which is children in primary school thinking not only is it OK to carry a knife, but it gives them a
sense of belonging, joining a criminal gang, it makes them feel safer.

"We need to use all resources at our disposal to address this horror."

In the week from October 31, John was one of five people stabbed to death in London in separate killings.
Peter Kirkham, a retired Metropolitan Police officer of 20 years, told Daily Star Online in July that the lack
of “bobbies on the beat” is one of the leading reasons knife and gun crime is rising.

The troubling statistics show “the streets have been lost” to criminals, who are carrying knives and firearms
with impunity, the former Scotland Yard detective said.
“As far as the bad guys are concerned, the streets are now theirs,” he said.

“Not routine police patrols keeping public spaces safe.
“It’s not because the police don’t want to do that, but because there are insufficient police to do that.”
The latest incident involved the death of a 35-year-old woman who suffered an abdominal wound at an address
in Ilford, east London, on Monday. A 50-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of murder.

The official Metropolitan Police tally of violent deaths this year is 120, which includes cases of murder and
manslaughter. This tally –whch surpasses last year's tally of 116 -includes 69 stabbings and 14 shootings.
A third of the cases involved victims aged 16 to 24, while 20 were teenagers.

In total, 111 homicides were recorded in 2016 and 122 in 2015 in the capital, according to Home Office data.
Before this the number of police-recorded homicides in London had been falling, from 164 in 2007 to 91 in 2014.

Looking at official figures for financial years, there was a peak in 2003/4 when there were 212, and then, bar one
rise in 2010/11, the total gradually decreased until 2017/18 when it rose by 36% to 146. In response to the bloodshed
this year, the Metropolitan Police Violent Crime Task Force was set up, seizing 340 knives, 40 guns and 258 other
offensive weapons in its first six months of operation, and making more than 1,350 arrests.

Mayor Sadiq Khan also announced plans for a Violence Reduction Unit that would adopt the public health approach
to tackle violent crime that was successfully used in Glasgow. Police have pointed to links between violence and
so-called county lines drug networks, where urban dealers force children and other vulnerable people to courier illegal
substances to customers in more rural areas.

They are also known to take over innocent people's homes to use as a base for crime.
Middle class cocaine users have come under fire from a number of public figures, including the country's most senior
police officer Scotland Yard Commissioner Cressida Dick, who pointed to the misery caused by the drugs trade....'

Drill music, where rappers taunt rivals with lyrics laced with violence and threats, and the role of social media in
escalating disputes have also come under the microscope, as have cuts to youth services and the police...'

Quote:BREAKING: Woman found dead at home as cops launch murder probe
amid London violence spree.

Police have launched a murder investigation after a woman was found dead in her home in south London
amid a grim spate of bloodshed in the capital.

'The Metropolitan Police said in a statement: "A murder investigation has been launched following the death
of a woman in Balham. "Police were called at approximately 11:40pm on Monday, 12 November, to reports
of a woman deceased at an address on Balham Park Road, SW12.

"Officers attended along with colleagues from the London Ambulance Service.
"The woman, believed to be aged 62, was pronounced dead at the scene.
It is believed she had been assaulted."...'

RE: The Blue Pill. - guohua - 11-13-2018

You're absolutely correct, the Sheeple need to get off the Government TiT and Open their Eyes, they've been on the Government Plantation Way To Long!
The believe everything they are told and don't see the Fact that the NWO in the E.U. has Control of the MSM so they believe what they are told to believe. JMHO

There needs to be a Rogue-Nation 3 Movement there, they need to come here for the FACTS!

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 11-13-2018

(11-13-2018, 06:34 PM)guohua Wrote: ....There needs to be a Rogue-Nation 3 Movement there, they need to come here for the FACTS!

Oh yes and just as Nigel Farage indicated when his fellow EU members mocked him
for announcing the European Market were secretly wanting an army. Here we are
with them suggesting a EU-controlled military force is a good idea.

The truth can be laughed at and be packaged to suit a narrative, but the core remains
in its real state.

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 11-15-2018

Now here's a thing. Whenever you get pundits and Journalists on the UK's television mainstream media programmes,
they cannot help themselves but remark that a second referendum -a vote to remain in the European Union, is always
on the cards.

They can't resist it and one might think that since they are supposed to be a reliable source of information, their comments
must have merit. To the majority of UK citizens, trying something like remaining on the EU chessboard would cause major
problems on the continent and make the EU organisation a weak laughing stock.

But now the final aspects of the United Kingdom leaving the ponzi scheme EU and the MSM cannot be caught in a lie,
maybe the main players in 'Brexit' can help them out?

Quote:Brexit: EU leaders dismiss talk of renegotiating draft agreement.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4776]

'EU leaders have dismissed talk of renegotiating the draft Brexit deal and warned the UK's political situation could
make a "no-deal" more likely.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said there was "no question" of reopening talks as a document was "on the table".
Meanwhile French PM Edouard Philippe said there was a need to prepare for a no-deal because of UK "uncertainty"...'

Nothing yet. Just the EU big-wigs posturing about having their versions of negotiations dropped in the 'Done' tray.

Quote:'...The EU has set out a series of meetings leading up to 25 November when it plans to approve the Brexit agreement.
However leaders admit that there is still much ground to cover after the UK Prime Minister Theresa May won backing
on Wednesday from her cabinet for the 585-page draft agreement.
"We still have a long road ahead of us on both sides," the EU's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said.

On Thursday, Mrs Merkel said she was pleased that progress had been made.
But following news of resignations from Mrs May's cabinet, including the UK's Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab, she said
it was possible that Britain may still leave without a deal...'

Nothing about not leaving...? Considering everyday the BBC and others, mention the possibility -or favoured outcome,
that the UK Government 'might' have another vote whether to stay in or not. I'm just surprised Merkel et al, haven't been
asked about the possibility by these razor-sharp Reporters.

Quote:'...She also said that there was no appetite for further talks on possible amendments to the current agreement.
"We have a document on the table that Britain and the EU 27 have agreed to, so for me there is no question at the
moment whether we negotiate further," she said.

Mr Philippe appeared to echo her sentiment over UK political uncertainty.
"It will escape no-one that the current political situation in Britain could fuel uncertainty... over the ratification of the accord,"
he said.

How have other European leaders reacted?
The European Parliament's Brexit chief Guy Verhofstadt said the deal had been hammered out after two years of
"intense negotiations" and he hoped UK MPs would accept that "there is not a lot of room [for] manoeuvre to say,
'OK, let's start again'".

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said the deal was "good news for the French economy" but also issued
caution, saying the UK must be made to respect all EU rules...'

Notice that throughout the article, nothing about the UK remaining in the EU is commented on, suggested or stated by
anyone involved the arbitration. Then why would it show up in newspapers, traditional news websites and television news
Because the MSM bubble want to taunt those who voted to leave and believe the p*ss-taking will improve their ratings.

But don't be alarmed, they usually add their own analysis and drop their 'we might stay' invective in their own explanation.

Quote:'...Skilled swerve
Analysis by BBC Europe editor, Katya Adler

The EU knows there is a very real possibility the Brexit deal could be voted down by the UK Parliament in a few weeks' time.
I put the question to Michel Barnier on Wednesday night at his press conference -but, skilled politician that he is, he refused
to engage.

Brussels is very keen indeed not to give the impression that the EU might change or come up with a "better" Brexit deal text
if this one ends up being rejected in the House of Commons.
Mr Barnier quoted Theresa May as saying that this is a deal in the UK's interest.

Finland's Prime Minister Juha Sipila tweeted to say that while Wednesday's developments were important,
"decisions on both sides are still needed for a final agreement".
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said he was "very pleased" and "optimistic", adding: "We are pinning our hopes on it."

What has the EU said and what happens next?
Speaking on Thursday alongside EU Council head Donald Tusk, Mr Barnier said the agreement was fair and balanced,
took into account the UK's needs and laid the ground for an "ambitious new partnership".

Mr Tusk praised Mr Barnier's work and said the agreement had "secured the interests of the 27 member states and EU
as a whole".
He laid out the timetable for the days ahead.
*EU member states will analyse the document and at the end of the week national envoys will share their assessments
*A political declaration on future ties between the EU and the UK will be agreed by Tuesday and members will have 48
hours to evaluate it.
*The EU Council will then meet for a summit on 25 November to finalise the agreement "if nothing extraordinary happens",
Mr Tusk said. The leaders of the 27 EU nations must approve the deal

Mr Tusk said: "Since the very beginning, we have had no doubt that Brexit is a lose-lose situation, and that our negotiations
are only about damage control." Addressing the UK, he added: "As much as I am sad to see you leave, I will do everything
to make this farewell the least painful possible, for you and for us."...'

Still nothing about a u-turn or staying in, just an itinerary to solve the details of trade and border problems.
I must've been wrong.

Quote:'...Mr Barnier later took the document to the European Parliament. Its president, Antonio Tajani, said MEPs would vote
on the deal in early 2019. If the agreement is approved by both sides, a 21-month transition period will kick in, during
which a trade deal and the thorny issue of how to ensure there is no physical border between Northern Ireland -part of
the UK -and the Republic of Ireland will need to be worked out.

A smooth border-free exchange underpins the peace deal that ended the Northern Ireland conflict...'

Oh wait a moment... what's this? A diagram. A diagram that gives the BBC the opportunity to stick the 'remain'-knife
into the side of Brexiteers at the eleventh hour. Maybe it's from some documents from the European Commission or
even from the UK Conservative Government...?
No, just the BBC's 'Political Research Unit' -whatever that is.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4777]

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 12-10-2018

Never giving up hope that the Remainers against the referendum will get their way, the BBC proudly announce that
the Elite that we're supposed to serve have said that democracy is for the birds.

Personally, I tend to think this is another last-ditch attempt before the House of Commons debate Theresa May's
exit-plans -to enrage those who want to wave bye-bye to the EU without a deal and to make the Remainers feel a
little better.
But I'm a deplorable, so what do I know?

Quote:"UK can cancel Brexit, says EU court
The European Court of Justice rules that the UK can cancel Brexit without the consent of the other EU states."...'

States...? other EU states? I thought they were individual countries that agreed to a pact that benefited each other.
Now the Beeb is calling them states. Therefore within the London media bubble, California is now a country.

Still, it's very kind that the Kings and Queens of the European Union has decided that the UK public can go and
f*ck themselves if they believe that an outcome of a vote has any relevance when it comes to what Juncker wants.

Quote:[Image: attachment.php?aid=4904]

'The European Court of Justice has ruled the UK can cancel Brexit without the permission of the other 27 EU members.
The ECJ judges ruled this could be done without altering the terms of Britain's membership...'

Don't leave us Britain... France needs repairing and the the French/Spanish/Italians are undermining confidence in
 'The Project'. F*ck off.

Quote:'...A group of anti-Brexit politicians argued the UK should be able to unilaterally halt Brexit, but they were opposed by the
government and EU. The decision comes a day before MPs are due to vote on Theresa May's deal for leaving the EU...'

And right there is the real story, if you can call it that. Some unnamed politicians wanted the UK to stay in the EU and
because of the referendum result, it's been turned down. But the biased BBC wanted to not only fill the page with their
usual scare/pandering tactics, they also wanted to make sure their decreasing viewers still believed that the EU was
in charge. Basically, sovereignty is for Europeans... not for their perception of Nationalists.

Quote:'...MPs are already widely expected to reject the proposals during a vote in the House of Commons on Tuesday night.
BBC Brussels correspondent Adam Fleming said the ruling made staying in the EU "a real, viable option" and that may
"sway a few MPs" in the way they vote...'

Oh yeah? A Journalist said something that tows the media-line and that gives it credibility?!!
Now don;t forget BBC, back-tracking will be needed soon.

Quote:'...But he said "a lot would have to change in British politics" to see the UK remain in the EU, with Mrs May and the
government having to change its mind to make it a "political reality"...'

A political reality... not the reality, then.

Quote:'...A senior ECJ official - the advocate general -said last week he agreed the UK should be able to change its mind
about leaving. His opinion was not legally binding, but the court tends to follow his advice in the majority of cases...'

Hmmm.... a neutral comment that deflates the whole article.

Quote:'...On Monday a statement from the ECJ said the ability for a member state to change its mind after telling the EU
it wanted to leave would last as long as a withdrawal agreement had not been entered into, or for the two-year period
after it had notified the bloc it was leaving.

If that two-year period gets extended, then a member state could change its mind during that extra time too.
But the court said the decision must "follow a democratic process", so in the UK's case, it would have to be approved
by Parliament.
The member state would then have to write to the EU to notify them of the "unequivocal and unconditional" decision...'

That's very slippery of the BBC, at no point is the UK public mentioned. The same public that reached a majority vote
against remaining in the EU. The 'democratic process' is the key that isn't emphasised, Parliament -the officials elected
by the public would be obligated to the decisions their individual constituencies (areas of the country they represent).

Quote:'...The ECJ said it made the ruling to "clarify the options open to MPs" ahead of voting on Mrs May's deal.
The campaigners hope the victory in their legal case will increase the chances of Brexit being called off completely,
potentially through another referendum.

This is because they believe it sends the message that MPs are not facing a choice between accepting Mrs May's deal or
leaving the EU with no deal, and that "there are other options, and we can stop the clock."...'

Thanks for the translation BBC, it really shows that the 51% that voted to leave -some your viewers, by the way, can be
dismissed and Westminster can maintain their lucrative pro-Euro business lobbying income.
Unbiased commentary at its best!

Quote:'...The case was brought by a cross-party group of politicians, including Scottish Green MSPs Andy Wightman and Ross Greer,
SNP MEP Alyn Smith and MP Joanna Cherry and Labour MEPs David Martin and Catherine Stihler, who have been supported
by Jolyon Maugham QC of the Good Law Project.

They received a major boost last week when one of the ECJ's advocate generals, Manuel Campos Sanchez-Bordona, issued
a statement which backed their position. Mr Campos Sanchez-Bordona said it was his opinion that if a country decided to leave
the EU, it should also have the power to change its mind during the two-year exit process specified in Article 50 of the EU treaty.
Crucially, he also said it should be able to do so without the consent of the other EU states...'

A person's opinion means a lot when it falls in line with a preferred narrative, but wouldn't you think the BBC would be more
concerned with why the other 'EU states' cannot give consent or not? Unelected officials deciding what's good for a number
of countries regardless of their opinions?!

I aplogise, this is a non-story for scare-tactics... I forgot.

Quote:'...But he said the possibility of revoking the decision would be subject to "certain conditions and limits".
This includes the withdrawal being a parliamentary decision, and observing "the principles of good faith and sincere co-operation...
to prevent abuse of the procedure"...'

Again, a media that claims to have ethical standards not being diligent to it's viewers/readers. It ignores the outcome of a
public referendum and focuses on how Parliament would decide whether to stay or leave. What ever happened to real

Quote:'Dangerous precedent
This was despite the EU warning during a previous court hearing that it would set a dangerous precedent by encouraging other
countries to announce they are leaving in an attempt to secure better membership terms, before cancelling their withdrawal...'

So now we have the EU saying make your mind up once and don't cause temptation from other countries to leave the EU.
Good sense if you want to keep your machine running, but no mention of what the British public think.
If there's still anyone out there doesn't believe how mainstream media is being used to manipulate the masses for the rich
and powerful, here's a perfect example.

Quote:'...The UK government's lawyers argued that the case was purely hypothetical as "the UK does not intend to revoke its
notification", and ECJ judges should therefore have refused to rule on it. They also claimed that the politicians behind it
wanted to use the case as "political ammunition to be used in, and to pressure, the UK Parliament"...'

More word-smithery from Auntie Beeb. It's an hypothetical situation given credence by offering only side that favours
an alternative result. 'Claimed' is an old trick when reporting, it implies it's only a point of view... like all of this article.

Quote:'...The case was initially taken to the Court of Session in Edinburgh, which ultimately agreed to pass it to the ECJ.
Two attempts by the UK government to appeal against the referral to the European court were rejected, and the case
was heard by all 27 ECJ judges last month...'

There's nothing positive in the last paragraph for Remainers and that is why it's the last paragraph.
That f*ckin' Westminster political-media bubble... no wonder Guy Fawkes to a walk one November night!

Edit: They've added to the linked page since this posting.

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 12-16-2018

I don't get it... honestly, I just don't understand how this works.

It's like someone has stopped the world and replaced it's residents with strange resolute children who can only pick one
of two sides of a situation. When it comes to the mainstream media -a trade that regularly reminds its flagging customers
that they carry a neutral position on everything, they seem to be the captains of this divisive ploy.

In the US.
Hillary Clinton is deemed the best candidate for the Presidency and the only other person in the race is a reality TV guy
who owns hotels. Donald Trump is elected as President and the media instantly deliver negative news about him and those
around him since the election began.

The majority who chose to put him in office -possible customers of the waning MSM, are continuously insulted for making
what the mainstream media believe is the wrong choice.
He's a bad man, a bad orange Russian spy who doesn't like people abusing the US system.

In the UK.
Former Prime Minister -David Cameron adheres to his party's manifesto and asks the country via a vote, if they wished to
stay in the European Union. It was close with those wishing to remain (16,141,241 votes. 48.1%) and those who wished to
leave (17,410,742 votes 51.9%).

Those wanting to leave the EU won the vote and again, the mainstream media jumped on the notion that another referendum
should be organised because they believed the UK public didn't really know what they were voting for.
Even at the time of writing this, so-called Journalists, political pundits and 'influencers' appear on national television and
newspapers with vague -yet dire, warnings that the British public made the wrong decision.

Maybe they all did vote poorly, maybe Trump is bad for the US and maybe leaving the European Union was a stupid idea,
but what does it tell you about the state of an industry that has been altered from delivering balanced information into a
political force that plays on a certain global narrative?

One suggestion is that the people don't listen to the biased rhetoric of the media anymore and possibly, another is that there's
a gulf between those who live in the bubbles of Washington DC and London.

Can it really be that those who work in the media business are risking their livelihoods on a point of view that goes against a
civilised manner of outcome? Some day, Trump will have moved on to be a former President and Great Britain will once again,
have it's sovereignty back. Where will the media business go to when that time arrives?

With the UK's decision to go it alone, there's never any information about what lies ahead for Great Britain's future except
dark, turbulent days of misery. There's no upbeat talk of opportunities in trade, commerce and improving the lives of those
who took part in the referendum. There's just juvenile mewling about having another vote.

In Trumpland, newspaper columns and minutes in televised interviews are taken up with silly name-calling, accusations of
non-crimes and an over all insinuations that those who voted for President Trump are uncouth racists who like to shoot before
they think.

In my humble opinion, the ruling classes have lost their grip on the power they believed they once held. The system that was
devised to benefit the rich and oppress the masses is still working and keeps the public's eye on the what they're supposed
to be looking at, namely everyday requirements.

But the Elite, the power-merchants who see the owner of the boiler as more important than those who shovel the fuel for it
to operate, took a step too far with their selfish global desires and the residents of this globe waggled a finger to say enough
is enough.

Does the mainstream media believe that those who use their word-skills for their own ends will maintain their lifestyles
when everyone turns to social media instead of the ink and the television screen?

When it comes to today's affluent, powerful classes and those who serve them... they're not sending their best.

RE: The Blue Pill. - guohua - 12-16-2018

Quote:I don't get it... honestly, I just don't understand how this works.
@"BIAD"  To be honest, if You Don't Get It,,, neither does this little Evil Minded Old Chinese Lady Understand it.   minusculethinking I think it has to do with the Elites and NWO thinking the have total control but at times find there are still independent thinkers out here and that Triggers Them into Action Exert More Power and Control.

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 12-22-2018

Here's another fine example of the differences between the average working person in America and the controlling elite.

I can only guess at the amount of stocks and shares a shelf-stacker or checkout employee has at Walgreens or Home
Depot, but I'd think it would be fair to say the Dow-Jones ratings aren't usually on their mind as they make their way to work
in the early hours.

Five billion dollars for a border wall might seem a  lot of money to the a Data Entry Operator or a Texan farm labourer, but
up there in the world of Wall Street, the word 'billions' has become standard parlance.

So what is important to you...? It's obvious to most that the stock market can and does have an effect on whether you clock
-in to work on Monday. But would it be better to go back to a country-wide perception that food-banks and vouchers are the
staple diet of the working-class? Or do you think getting up off your knees and putting a shift in is a better way to go?

Does national pride belong in the past and we should just all embrace global unity...? The media seem reluctant to show how
the USA has improved over the last year and yet, with the latest Government shutdown, they're screaming to the same average
working person that global markets are at risk.
And of course, it's all Trump's fault.

Quote:US government hits partial shutdown after $5bn spending deal fails
The deal was over funding for President Donald Trump's wall on the Mexico border, which is staunchly opposed by Democrats.

'The US government has entered a partial shutdown after Republicans in the Senate failed to secure the votes needed to approve
$5bn demanded by Donald Trump for a border wall.

Vice-President Mike Pence and White House officials were on Capitol Hill late on Friday night trying to broker a compromise over
funding for the wall on the Mexico border, which is staunchly opposed by Democrats.
Without a deal, funding for around 25% of the government expired at midnight (5am GMT).

Nine cabinet-level departments and dozens of agencies, including homeland security, transportation, interior, agriculture, state
and justice, will be affected by the shutdown...'

(That chilling 'expired at midnight' word-smithery...! How long are they going to use that one?
Anybody can use it!)

But what about Valerie who drives the school bus or the truckers out on the highways tonight...? If she doesn't turn up on
Monday, the children won't get to their brain-washing lessons and the vital transportation system that keeps the whole of
the US stocked with what they really need...?
Will those guys just be laid-up in a truck-stop somewhere wondering if they'll get paid this month?

A US Government shutdown means thousands of employees from certain departments will be furloughed, sent home without pay.
Most of the mainstream media will tell you that. What they omit to mention in the same shock-horror terms of proclaiming what
effects the semi-closure will have on the stock market, is that they're retro-paid later.

During a shutdown of Obama's time in office, the cost of the closure was two billion dollars. So would five billion be such a big
deal for a security decision? A wall needs employment and I'm sure those on the inside-track will invest in the many companies
paid to provide the barrier. The vital departments paid by Washington will stay open and the Smithsonian won't have to dip into
its cash it saved from last year to keep its customers smiling.

No... the real problem isn't building the wall, it's the message it sends to the electorate when it's decided to tear it down.
Granted, the cheap labour is a valuable component to certain aspects of the US economy, it keeps Valerie the bus-driver and
those at Walgreens on low pay and in their place.

Maybe a glance at what President Trump has done over the last year may instil a bit of confidence in the future for these terrified
money-making markets...? Maybe -just maybe, the real people that fuel the engines of economy know what they're doing.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4965]
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4966]
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4967]
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4968]

Yeah... It's all Trump's fault.

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 12-27-2018

Holy-Moley... the black people have found out the Klan are running British businesses and the BBC is on the case!
There's no way around it, the facts that the BBC  provide are inescapable, CEOs and bosses of companies -all white
of course, are deliberately victimising their ethnic minority employees because of their skin-colour and penchant for

Quote:UK ethnic minority workers face £3.2bn 'pay penalty'

'Britain's black and ethnic minority workers face a "pay penalty" and earn less than white colleagues in the same jobs,
according to a research group...'

Well we'll assume the quotation marks are just that and not an indication of a euphemism. Same jobs... must remember

Quote:'....A report from the Resolution Foundation says overall the 1.6m BAME workers are paid about £3.2bn less than their
white counterparts every year. It used data from a survey of 100,000 people over 10 years.
The government says it is planning measures to help employers tackle ethnic disparities in the workplace...'

That's a lot of money to screw from the non-white folk... I'm surprised 'the Guv'ment' (what does that even mean?!) would
let you release this condemning article considering it funds the BBC.

Quote:'...The Resolution Foundation report calls on the government to follow its initiative requiring companies with more than
250 employees to publish gender pay gaps highlighting the different treatment of male and female employees by doing
the same according to ethnic background...'

Okay, but releasing information to somebody doesn't improve wage packets and I would guess the robbing of ethnic minority
employees would be the main concern here. Stay on target BBC.

Quote:'...It noted that BAME workers have long earned less, on average, than white male workers, due in part due to differences
in qualification levels and the types of jobs they do. But the foundation said its "pay penalty" calculation took into account factors
including industry sector, occupations, contract types, education level and degree attainment of individual workers...'

Woooah, wait a minute. You said same jobs and because of having a different colour or culture are the reasons they were paid less.
You can't be a brain-surgeon or a car mechanic unless you put in the learning. External human differences and cultural convictions
have nothing to do with earning money for labour.

The BBC's Diversity Department must be in a mood for working over Christmas.

Quote:'Diversity good for businesses'
The foundation's research says the biggest impact was on black male graduates, who were paid 17%, or £3.90 an hour, less
compared to their white peers. Pakistani and Bangladeshi male graduates earned an average of 12% less an hour, while among
female graduates, black women were said to face a pay penalty of £1.62 an hour, or 9%.

Among non-graduates, Pakistani and Bangladeshi men were reported to be the worst affected.
The research said they earned £1.91 an hour, or 14%, less than white colleagues, with black male non-graduates £1.31 an hour,
or 9%, worse off...'

But... but the factors you provided in the previous paragraph imply that these categories are effected by failure to obtain adequate
qualification levels and the market-rate for particular tasks. Forgive me if I use real-world facts, but a Uber taxi-driver will not earn
the same pay as the CEO of HSBC and it's got nothing to do with skin-pigment or praying eastwards.

Quote:'...Kathleen Henehan, research and policy analyst at the Resolution Foundation, said: "A record number of young BAME workers
have degrees, and a record number are in work. "However, despite this welcome progress, many... face significant disadvantages
in the workplace."...'

And those significant disadvantages are...? illegally paying certain parties less than others for the same job?
That's not what the policy analyst at the Resolution Foundation said, she merely indicated that there are 'significant disadvantages
in the workplace', concerns all employees deal with. Of course -to make the BBC feel better, these significant disadvantages are
not specified, only alluded to.

Quote:'...The Equality and Human Rights Commission said it supported the mandatory reporting of staff recruitment, retention and promotion
by ethnicity. A government spokesperson said "diversity is good for businesses" and it is committed to ensuring the workplace "works
for everyone".

They added: "We've introduced new laws to help companies ensure the make-up of their boards and senior management is
representative of their workforces and we're currently consulting on proposals for mandatory ethnicity pay reporting as part of a
series of measures to help employers tackle ethnic disparities in the workplace."...'
A Government-Funded Broadcasting Establishment

A diverse accumulation in a senior management situation is formed to better the company and promote growth in its product.
It's hoped that improvement will not only ensure continuous employment for its current workforce, it can expand and benefit society
by bring prosperity to all.

See BBC...? You don't need to use scary click-bait-outrage words to say ethnic minorities should be felt sorry for. If they
have a shovel, then they should shovel the same sh*t as everyone else.

How's that for equality?

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 01-08-2019

Here's something that's only three hours old from posting it on Rogue Nation.
It's written by the BBC and on their website and yet for the last year, they've discussed within their
circles about having a second referendum and leaving the European Union might be doubtful.

But now with 29th March creeping closer -the official date of the UK leaving, the BBC have to get
their act right with the public and hope that they forget about their anti-Brexit narrative.

But it hurts to concede, so if they can word-smith a chance to promote the dying Project Fear
plan, they will.
Remember, any title with a question mark in it is usually bullshit and why set the title in the form
of an opposing point to the result of the referendum?

Quote:No-deal Brexit: Can Parliament stop it?

'There's a big problem facing members of Parliament who want to avoid a no-deal Brexit.
They can't just show there is a majority in the House of Commons against no deal -they need to prove
there is a majority in favour of an alternative outcome.

That's because leaving the EU -with or without a deal -is currently the default.

If the agreement the prime minister has negotiated with the EU fails to pass the House of Commons,
the UK will leave with no deal at all unless something changes, because leaving the EU is written into
UK law.

The EU Withdrawal Act sets 29 March as the date of departure.

The wording of the act does allow a minister to change the definition of "exit day" relatively quickly using a
statutory instrument - a piece of secondary legislation -rather than an entirely new act of Parliament that
would need to be debated. A minister would have to propose the change and MPs would have to approve it.

Article 50
But there is a second and more significant reason why no deal would become the default position: that's what
EU law says.

Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty is the formal route for any country leaving the EU and it allows for a two-year process
of negotiation. At the end of that period "the treaties shall cease to apply to the state in question" unless Article 50
is extended or revoked.
The most obvious way therefore to stop a no-deal Brexit, or any form of Brexit, is to revoke Article 50...'

Why would the BBC suggest this last sentence?!!

Quote:'...The European Court of Justice has now ruled the UK can do that on its own, without asking the other 27 countries,
and stay a member of the EU on its current terms -including opting-out of key policies, and keeping the budget rebate.

But it seems highly unlikely that the House of Commons would vote to revoke Article 50 unless there had been another
referendum, or maybe an election, in which the public backed the UK remaining in the EU...'

See...? Even after the BBC states the UK is leaving -deal or no deal, they have to position their article as reluctant
discussion on how to ignore the public's choice. 

Quote:'...The government rejects the idea of holding another referendum anyway -and the time to do so before the end of
March has run out...'

So this would show the reader that this entire article is pointless in regards of halting the divorce from the EU.
But it hurts them... oh it hurts them.

Quote:'Extending Article 50
So, the other way to avoid a no-deal Brexit in the short term is to play for time and extend the Article 50 period.
The government would need to propose that and MPs would have to approve it.
But, crucially, unlike in the case of revoking Article 50, to extend it the UK would also need the agreement of all
27 other EU countries...'

On and on with their wriggling in hope. The BBC looking for unicorn-rainbows that will save their bubble from being

Quote:'...It would probably need to persuade them that something important had changed in UK politics to warrant an extension
-perhaps a looming election, or another referendum, rather than more of the same argument.

One of the constraints for the rest of the EU is that European elections will take place at the end of May and the new
European Parliament (without UK MEPs if Brexit has taken place) is due to meet for the first time in July.

The only other circumstance in which a brief extension to Article 50 would probably be approved by the EU is if there
had been a vote in favour of Theresa May's deal but a little more time was needed to dot the "i"s and cross the "t"s.
But if Article 50 was extended without a deal passing the House of Commons, no deal would still remain the default
outcome at the end of the extended negotiating period...'

Drat... and double-drat! 

Quote:'...So what else can MPs do for now?
In a word, amendments.
An amendment to the Finance Bill, limiting spending on no-deal preparations unless authorised by Parliament, was
backed by MPs by 303 to 296 votes on Tuesday night. This amendment, likely to be the first of many, will make it
"harder for the government to drift into no deal without Parliament being able to direct it", according to Labour MP
Yvette Cooper...'

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5063]

Yes, a member of Parliament -elected by her constituents, is saying "fuck democracy, we want what we want"
Maybe it'll pay the BBC to list other ways of ignoring the ethical manner of social management.

Quote:'...What we're likely to see over the next couple of months is what some are calling "guerrilla warfare by amendment"
in the House of Commons. The trade bill is likely to be another target -it would be needed in the event of no deal, to
try to keep the UK trading on the same terms as it has now with the rest of the world.

The chair of the Brexit Committee, Hillary Benn, has also tabled an amendment to the government's motion on the EU
withdrawal agreement (Theresa May's deal) itself. His amendment rejects no deal altogether.
The idea behind all this parliamentary manoeuvring is to demonstrate that there is a clear majority in the House of
Commons against no deal.

But none of it, taken in isolation, will prevent the Article 50 clock ticking away until it stops at the end of March...

Bastard reality, huh BBC? It keeps creeping in.

Quote:'Indicative votes'
That's why a growing number of MPs support the idea of holding a series of "indicative votes" on different potential
outcomes, to try to find an alternative to no deal that would enjoy broad (or even sufficient) support.

Senior MPs argue that the government would be unable to ignore the political pressure if the will of the House of
Commons was clearly expressed on numerous occasions. But political pressure is not the same as legal reality.

Three ministers have said publicly they would resign if the government pursued a no-deal strategy, while others are
thought to hold the same position in private. A handful of backbench MPs have said they would quit the party.

The Work and Pensions Secretary, Amber Rudd, is understood to have told cabinet on Tuesday that history would take
a dim view of the government if it accepted no deal and it would leave the UK a less safe country.
But if the prime minister did decide to press on regardless, it may well be that the only way MPs could stop a no-deal
Brexit at the last moment would be to vote down the government itself...'

It's a diificult one, the BBC cannot be seen to support the Labour Party (which is basically a type of Antifa and a
group called 'Momentum') because they're incapable of being elected into power and at the same time, they need to
currently cow-tow to the current Government.

There's always the idea of reporting neutral news... nah.

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 01-22-2019

This article is touching on what could happen if the peasants see that their betters are ignoring their decision.

Quote:I PREDICT A RIOT Theresa May raises threat of violence on the streets if Brexit is reversed as Amber Rudd
warns 40 Tories will quit if No Deal is not stopped

The Prime Minister has told MPs she has 'deep concerns' about trying to halt Brexit with a second referendum.

'Theresa May for the first time raised the threat of street violence yesterday if Brexit is reversed.
The PM also pleaded with Parliament to give her a mandate to go back to Brussels and toughen up her Brexit
deal after signalling she had no Plan B.

Meanwhile pro-EU Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd warned up to 40 ministers will resign unless they
are allowed to join a cross-party bid to halt a No Deal scenario.
Mrs May told MPs of her “deep concerns” about trying to halt Brexit with a second referendum.

She said: “There has not yet been enough recognition of the way that a second referendum could damage social
cohesion by undermining faith in our democracy”. Fuming Labour MP Peter Kyle hit back: “When did the Tory Party
start running away from fascists rather than standing up to them?”...'

Or to put it another way, who's in charge here? The people or the ones who're supposed to serve them?!

Quote:'...And ex-Labour frontbencher Chuka Umunna said it would be “wholly wrong to allow any group to intimidate us” into
ruling out another vote. Mrs May had been forced to address the Commons to fulfil a demand to come up with a Plan
B after her EU agreement was thrown out by a record majority.

But it emerged Plan B was still very much her Brexit deal with the EU -her original Plan A. She conceded there would
have to be modifications to it, as last week’s disastrous vote proved “the Government’s approach had to change”.
The PM added: “We need to see where we can ensure the support of this house, and then take that forward to the
European Union”.

Her declaration tees up a Commons showdown next Tuesday when her revised plan will be voted on. If she wins that
she would need fresh negotiations with Brussels. She kept her proposed changes to the hated Irish backstop vague,
though they are expected to involve asking for a legal time limit or unilateral exit mechanism.

A No10 source told The Sun: “This is about tactics. If we propose something now, such as a backstop time limit, the
EU will shoot it down. "If backbenchers propose something we might agree with a lot closer to the vote -well that’s a
different matter.”...'

A 'backbencher' is a Member of Parliament who does not hold office in the government or opposition and who sits
behind the front benches in the House of Commons. Basically, their job isn't reliant on their opinion!

Quote:'...Pointedly, Mrs May also raised Brexiteers’ fears by refusing to rule out implementing a customs union if that is what
Parliament demands. A senior Government source said: “Tory MPs need something to focus their minds, so the PM is
quite happy to see a lot of unpalatable alternative options being voted on at the same time as her motion”.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said her proposals for cross-party talks had been “exposed to be a PR sham”, adding:
“Nothing has changed. This really does feel like Groundhog Day”...'

That because in reality, nothing has changed. When we leave the European Union, we will still deal with European
businesses. Europe and the United Kingdom will still be part of planet Earth and industry doesn't act like a petulant
sulking child!

Negotiations will be needed to deal with these European companies and instead of waiting until after 29th March,
regulations in regard of transport and tariffs can be locked in before that date. Of course, this means the authenticity
of the referendum result will have to be acknowledged and for those who live in a world where change is a terrible
monster and may effect their lobbying income, it's something to rally against.

And he [Jeremy Corbyn] last night tabled his own amendment to the PM’s motion.
It would order the Government to rule out “a disastrous” No Deal Brexit, as well as offer all MPs a vote on whether to hold
a second referendum...'

Labour-leader Corbyn had to, his party is made-up of Remainers, yet his voting-core is mainly people who chose to leave.
He's in a bind, does he bend the knee to embedded Momentum and the 'political wing' of Antifa and risk the loss of thousands
of potential Labour voters...? or walk the tightrope of the grey?

Quote:'...Former Labour Cabinet minister Yvette Cooper tabled a joint bid with senior Tory MP rebels to enforce a nine-month delay
to Brexit if the PM still has not got her deal rubber-stamped by February 26.
It would mean the UK not leaving the EU until the very end of 2019.

Sources revealed Ms Rudd has told the PM’s aides she faces “dozens” of resignations unless there is a free vote on the
proposal. Neither Ms Rudd nor No.10 would comment last night. Business bosses criticised the lack of new ideas.
Allie Renison, of the Institute of Directors, said: “We desperately need politicians to get serious about finding a way forward”.

But Nigel Dodds, whose ten DUP MPs are propping up Mrs May’s minority government, said her approach was “encouraging”.
He added: “The backstop is the problem and that is where the focus must lie”...'
SOURCE: (No Boobs Though)

The Backstop is in regards of Southern Ireland remaining in the the EU and Northern Ireland -part of the United Kingdom, still
wishing to trade with Europe, but now having a border. The silliness of it is that right now, if there's no regulating of transported
goods from Southern Ireland to Northern Ireland, why change it?!

The truck-drivers wouldn't pay any tariff -just like now, finance is done electrionically has no connection with geographical borders
or political location. As far as a Customs infrastructure is concerned, does anyone think migrants and criminals haven't utilised the
non-patrolled 'border' yet and are just waiting for the 29th March?!!!

The Backstop is a political pawn of the Remainers in Parliament and the those in the EU Parliament who are resistant of releasing

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 01-26-2019

A couple of weeks ago, I saw the article below appear in the majority of local news-outlets around
Britain and after failing to find an original source, I passed it off as just more evidence of over-reach
by those wishing to control their hated men-folk.

However, this week shows evidence of how these laws below are enabling The Thought Police
to perform under this uncalled-for legislation. (See article underneath the 'rules')

Quote:It is now illegal for your partner to do these 11 things in a relationship Domestic abuse
no longer simply means physical violence in the eyes of the law.

'Recent changes to the law have now made psychological abuse within a relationship illegal.
The offence of coercive control now recognises that domestic abuse can take several forms
and is not strictly limited to physical violence.

Changes to legislation The changes now outlaw a number of things that were not previously
covered by existing legislation, meaning emotional abuse of a partner is now also illegal.

Coercive control is the psychological abuse of a partner, which can be committed through threats
and restrictions, as well as physical violence, and carries a maximum sentence of five years in

In Scotland, changes to the Domestic Abuse bill were passed by Parliament earlier this year, making
psychological abuse and coercive controlling behaviour within a relationship a criminal offence.

The bill was amended to include behaviour that could not easily be prosecuted using the existing
criminal law. The laws have now been enforced in England and Wales, with the amendments making
the following 11 acts towards a partner illegal.

1. Sharing sexually explicit images of you –either online or not
New laws surrounding ‘revenge porn’ 
make it illegal for someone to share intimate photographs of
you with anyone, whether that is on or 

2. Restricting your access to money
Even if they are the breadwinner, the law says one partner cannot stop the other from accessing money
and should not give them “punitive allowances”.

3. Repeatedly putting you down
Constant insults from a partner might not be typically thought of as domestic abuse, but under the new law,
persistent name-calling, mocking and other forms of insulting behaviour are now illegal.

4. Stopping you from seeing friends or family

If your partner continually isolates you from the people you love –whether this is in the form of monitoring
or blocking your calls or emails, telling you where you can or cannot go, or preventing you from seeing your
friends or relatives –it is against the law.

5. Scaring you
Your partner might not physically assault you, but if they are doing enough to frighten you, they are committing
an offence. Women’s Aid says this can include, but is not limited to:
*Making angry gestures Using physical size to intimidate
*Shouting you down Destroying your possessions
*Breaking things Punching walls Wielding a knife or a gun
*Threatening to kill or harm you, your children or family pets
*Threats of suicide

6. Threatening to reveal private things about you
Whether your partner is saying they will tell people details about your health or sexual orientation, repeated threats
to reveal personal and private information is a form of abuse.

7. Putting tracking devices on your phone
The Crown Prosecution Service says it is illegal under the new legislation to “monitor a person using online
communication tools or spyware”.

8. Being extremely jealous
If your partner persistently accuses you of cheating, simply for looking at another person, then this could constitute
grounds for prosecution. Humberside Police say “extreme jealousy, including possessiveness and ridiculous
accusations of cheating” all come under the new legislation.

9. Forcing you to obey their rules
A relationship should be a partnership, with neither partner having control over the other. If you are forced to abide by
rules set by your partner, it could mean they are committing a crime. The Crown Prosecution Service says these
include rules which “humiliate, degrade or dehumanise the victim”, while Women’s Aid says examples include your
partner telling you that you have no choice in decisions.

10. Controlling what you wear
Your partner taking control over any part of your life is highlighted in the new legislation, including restricting who you
see and where you go. Controlling what you wear or how you look could also now be grounds for prosecution under
the changes.

11. Making you do things you don’t want to
Your partner forcing you to commit crimes, neglecting or abusing your children, or forcing you not to reveal anything
about your relationship to the authorities all count as abuse. Forcing you to have sex when you don’t want to, look
at pornographic material, or have sex with others also falls under this bracket.

Tackling domestic abuse head-on
“These new powers mean this behaviour, which is particularly relevant to cases of domestic abuse, can now be
prosecuted in its own right,” said Alison Saunders, director of public prosecutions at the Crown Prosecution Service.
“Police and prosecutors are being trained to recognise patterns of abusive behaviour which can be regarded as
criminal abuse. “We will do everything in our power to tackle this abhorrent crime.”...'

Here's the latest proof that George Orwell was a prophet.

Quote:Humberside Police tell man to 'check his thinking' after he likes 'offensive transgender limerick' on Twitter

'Humberside Police questioned a man for more than half an hour after he liked a Twitter post which was appearing
to mock the transgender community.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5161]
Harry Miller, the terrible transgender-hater!

Harry Miller said the formal investigation by the force was into his "thinking" and his reasons for liking the tweet,
which was a limerick.

The former policeman said he faced 34 minutes of phone questions from a police constable after liking the post.
The officer, Mr Miller claims, told him he was investigating a report of "hate speech" after an unnamed complainant
contacted the force, reports Grimsby Live.

He spoke out about the probe on his own Twitter page and said: "Cop said he was in possession of 30 tweets by me.
I asked if any contained criminal material. He said...No.

"I asked if any came close to being criminal...and he read me a limerick. Honestly. A limerick.
A cop read me a limerick over the phone." After telling the PC he did not write it, he reportedly said: "Ah. But you liked
it and promoted it. It's not a crime, but it will be recorded as a hate incident."

Mr Miller said he does not live or work in the Humberside area and told how the conversation turned "incredibly sinister"
as the officer tried to probe his "thinking." He said: "The cop told me that he needed to speak with me because, even
though I'd committed no crime whatsoever, he needed (and I quote) 'to check my THINKING!' Seriously. Honestly.

"Finally, he lectured me. Said, 'Sometimes, a woman's brain grows a man's body in the womb and that is what transgender
is.' You can imagine my response...
"Lastly, he told me that I needed to watch my words more carefully or I was at risk of being sacked by the company for hate

Mr Miller later told The Spectator the incident made him feel like a "criminal" -so much so he has now changed his Twitter
username to Harry The Owl -Limerick Criminal.
He said: "I just find this all unbelievable and sinister. I've broken no law, the police don't suggest that I've done anything illegal.
"But here they are, investigating me for tweeting a limerick. It's mad, completely mad."

The incident has sparked his Twitter supporters to write a string of limericks and even the Police and Crime Commissioner
for Humberside, Keith Hunter, has got involved.

A Pauline M Barten wrote: "If you want to fill your arrest sheet, and no go out on the beat,
make limericks a crime, spending your time, collaring folk for a tweet."

Keith Hunter said: "The force has provided an explanation. I think it was a reasonably proportionate
response to a report, following national guidance on such issues. U r of course permitted to disagree."

Mr Miller, who believes "trans women are not women", is determined to continue sharing his views.
He said: "Free speech is a hill that we have to fight on. "If we can't express ourselves freely within the law, none of the other
rights we have mean anything."

A spokesman for Humberside Police said: "We take all reports of hate incident seriously and will always investigate and take
proportionate action."

The limerick that was reported to the police
The limerick which was liked by Mr Miller and which was subsequently reported to Humberside Police, said:

"You're a man.
"You're breasts are made of silicone
"Your vagina goes nowhere
"And we can tell the difference
"Even when you are not there
"Your hormones are synthetic
"And lets just cross this bridge
"What you have you stupid man

"Is male privilege."...'
Humberside Police seem to have embraced the idea that your thoughts can be a criminal offence, let's see if such draconian
demands are used against all the diverse sectors of their society and not just the white male!

Damn...! If he'd only been ginger-haired, they'd have left him alone!

RE: The Blue Pill. - BIAD - 02-03-2019

As we all know, information can be delivered and accepted in different ways according to personal
preferences of the transmitter and the receiver. A preferred narrative can be used to sway the person
or persons you wish to convince and yet in its true form, it still remains a deceitful act.

When it comes to abusing an assumed trust, there are always consequences, even if the information
isn't known to be false by the person relating it. It could -and usually means, that the conduit is no longer
relied on and those consequences will often involve negative fallout, especially if one's income relies on
Just ask 'Journalists' at Vice, Buzzfeed and The Huffington Post that have recently found themselves at
the pointy-end of those on social media who believe the information was bogus.

As Hooper from 'Jaws' said when he spoke of mismanagement of his scuba oxygen-tanks.
"Yer' screw around with these things and they're gonna blow up!"

Mainstream media has dismissed such underwater technology at the moment, it's just holding its breath
and hoping the masses will just fall back to sleep. The 'Man-Bites-Dog' story that used to be offered at the
end of a news-cycle has been bumped up to the front-line because of poor ratings and just as Quint's boat
that Hooper and his cohorts used in the movie, the MSM are sinking.

No amount of bailing -whether it's with a bucket or funding, will save them. They have duped the public for
years and slowly, the same public are waking up to that fact.
Those the media protected and lied for will not help them, they have their own vessel to protect. My only
concern is that the next channel of information -namely those who comment on the mainstream press, are
up to the task and don't keep to the shallows.
It's not called 'Deep State' for nothing.

The Sun newspaper takes the line of giving its customers entertainment in the form of news.
I would hope that most readers see the tabloid as a place where slanted information is merely smiled at and
then browse onwards to decode the real backbone of the story.

If the rag can, it will offer some nudity and a weird perception that's quickly translated from the original
story into a tale where the reader rolls their eyes and flicks to the next page where something about aliens

The Sun shouts that it's a clown and demands you enjoy its garish make-up!
A complexion such as this one...

Quote:'THEY LOVE ME' Tanning addict Martina Big says she is moving to Africa to ‘be with her people’
as she shares pics from her Kenyan house-hunting trip

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5201]

The German former glamour model opens up about what she claims to be her transformation into a
'true African woman'

'A group of tribeswomen in traditional African garb stand singing in the grasslands of Kenya -but one
woman stands out and it's not just because of her 32N boobs...'

The first and second rule of The Sun are accomplished straight out of the gate.
A tanned, wealthy white woman wants to be non-white and she has large breasts. You couldn't make
this up!  It's hard to believe that such a yarn exists out there and especially in a time of divisive control.

Lets just hope the article is full of halfhearted trigger-words and the usual faint outline of what all of this
is really about!

Quote:'...Martina Big is the naturally fair-skinned glamour model turned tanning addict who is so convinced that
she has changed race she appeared on This Morning last week declaring she will conceive "black babies".

Remarkably, the 30-year-old who has been taking melanin injections for two years, now plans to leave her
native Germany to move to Africa to be among "her people", despite a psychologist saying that race is a
biological construct.

Nuts to the psychologist, Ms. Big has invested a lot of time and money into tanning her skin and admittedly,
not as much as those she wishes to live with in their adobe dwellings, but her commitment is there.

Being a model with balloon-like frontage doesn't mean you can stereotype her into a 'hair-head' that's just
after raising her profile and willing to trample on two cultures to do it. No, being African is being black and
Ms. Big is merely revealing her true inner-self.

Quote:'...Here, Sun Online can reveal that Martina recently went on a house-hunting trip in Kenya -and was baptised
'Malaika Kubwa’ -meaning ‘Big Angel’ in Swahili -along the way.
"I not only look like an African woman, I also feel that I’m now an African woman," she tells Sun Online.
"I spent time in Kenya last year and I felt so at home. Now I have a lot of invitations from all over Africa.
"I wanted to go to different countries there and learn more and to decide which place is best for me to live."...'

If the Zeppelin-chested lady has any sense, she'd choose Wakanda. It's a great place where everyone enjoys
equality and the facile concept of external appearance means nothing to those who live and work there.

I've seen the movie and nobody is financially-shackled or struggling to raise their family in a land smothered with
rolling greenery and crystal-like towers. A well-endowed German model can could go a long way there

Quote:Tanning injections and the biggest boobs in Europe
It’s the latest bizarre chapter in a story which started seven years ago when Martina, a former air steward,
quit her job to pursue her dream of having an "extravagant Barbie figure". Twenty-four surgeries followed all
over her body, including increasing her natural 32D breasts to the 32N they are now, which she inflates using
a saline pump...'

That title may become problematic. Having the largest udders in Europe will mean nothing when Ms. Big
begins her life in Africa. True, she could occasionally shell-out some euros and take a boat-ride across the
Mediterranean and display her inflated mammilla in the coastal towns of Spain and Italy, there are hundreds
of African-continent folk who do it every day. (The boat-ride -I meant, not the boob-flashing)

But with settling down in a quiet African village and enjoying the tranquillity brought on by Ebola or typhus,
Ms. Big should really forget about those lands to the north and even why she oxygenated her breasts in her
quest to improve her modelling career.
Those things are behind you now.

Quote:"'...I hope to have them made even bigger soon," she says. "I want the biggest breasts in Europe".
Then in January 2017, Martina, who had previously used sunbeds to boost her pale skin, had a series of tanning
injections claiming at the time she was "obsessed" with darker skin...'

I'm getting the impression that Ms. Big is a little confused. She has carefully weighed her situation and after
transitioning into a full negroid (see obvious change below) -Martina should be more focused on locating a
hut where she can rest her burdens. Maybe a place with two hammocks... just sayin'.

Quote:'My eyes have changed colour'
Now however she insists that the injections were in fact experimental medicine designed to boost the body's
resistance to skin cancer. "I had three injections. Lots of people had the same treatment and everyone reacted
differently," she says. "Some people had only a little change, but for me it changed me entirely.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5203]

"At first I could only see my skin tone changing from light to dark to really dark, then after a while I could see my
eye colour change to darker, and my eyebrow and my hair changing too.
"It’s a change that is inside as well as out. These changes are not superficial but deep inside me."...'

To be honest, this is where Virginia Governor Northam f*cked-up, to embrace the non-white paradigm is to fail
to shed one's self of the evils that Martina has realised. Obscene wealth and power cannot supplement the emolient
that brings grace to our true inner-being.
That of carrying water five miles and wondering if that leopard will come back tonight.

Quote:'Baptised by Kenyan pastor
So deep in fact that last year Martina travelled to Kenya accompanied by her long-term partner and now husband
Michael. "I wanted to learn more about my history and black culture," she says. While there she was baptised by a
Kenyan pastor and renamed Malaika.

"The African people loved me," she says. "On the first day I wanted to go into downtown Nairobi to a tailor to get
some new clothes and when I left in the car I had people surrounding me." In footage taken by Michael -who also
received the same injections as Martina, but who is left with only slightly darker skin –Martina, clad in traditional
tribal clothes is shown alongside a local tribe, carrying water from a well and cooking over a campfire.
“It felt very natural, very normal to me," she says...'

One can only wonder why Ms. Big didn't visit a village tailor shop and show some real investment in what her
life is going to be like in the future. Browsing the latest fashion with fellow females would have been a boon to
-not only her marvelling neighbours, but helped herself become accustomed to what is démodé in the circles
she'll frequent.

Cooking on a campfire -hopefully not too close to her car, seems to bring a contentment to the model that it seems
she's never took part in before back in the Rhineland.
(Seriously, she used the words 'The African people'?!!)

Quote:'...Martina hasn't decided on a final location for her move but said the northern part of Kenya, in Isiolo,  "near the 
Equator" was her favourite part. "I like the dry hot climate. I was able to spend all day in the sun without sunscreen
and did not get sunburned. I only got darker."...'

Ah yes, choice. The luxury often attributed to those born into the simple life. By the way, does a saline-pump charge
quicker when you're closer to the Equator?

Quote:'I have more in common with my African friends'
She maintains she has effectively changed race in the face of understandable cynicism from some quarters of the black
community. "I have seen a few comments saying ‘you are still white whatever the colour of your skin on the surface’
–but they mainly come from places like America," she says.
"In reality I have made lots of African friends who understand who I am and that I am trying to learn.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5202]

Martina's hopeful neighbours and the man in her life who failed to go full-black.

"I think they see that I am genuine, that this is not just the surface, I want to understand more about their history."
"I spend most of my time with them now as it feels easier. Compared with my white friends I have more in common with

Blast those pesky American Nazis...! and where is Rachel Dolezal when you need her?

Quote:'My favourite meal is cooked goat'
Since she has returned to live in her native Trier, a German town near the border with Luxembourg, she has continued
to embrace African tradition. "My favourite meal is cooked goat meat, ugali, which is boiled corn meal flour, and sukuma
wiki which is a Kenyan vegetable."...'

Since Merkel's EU directive on no borders, one could suggest that Martina can still enjoy her favourite meal back
in Germany. Preparation for the food may still involve pulling the lustful-male out of the goat, but the principle will
remain the same.

Quote:'...Embracing this new life alongside her meanwhile is Michael -a former pilot and Martina’s childhood sweetheart
–who she insists is nothing but supportive of her new life. "He also had the injections although they did not have the
same effect.
But he was and is very supportive, very relaxed about my body modifications and so is his family," she says.
"My life has changed a lot since my transformation," she says. "Now I mostly wear traditional African dresses and I cook
African food...'

Wearing traditional African dresses and cooking African food... the clothes maketh the man, eh?
Of course you'd be wearing such garments, you're living in Africa now, aren't you?
This isn't about a vacation you took recently...? where the realisation that one can choose for or against to live the
life of an African villager, brings an easier shallow perception of a tourist. Tell me it ain't so, Martina?

Quote:Family car crash tragedy
Tragically, her father and mother and younger sister were killed in a car accident in 2011.
Given that Martina had her first surgery the year after they died, it’s hard not to wonder if her extreme surgery and skin change
is not some extreme reaction to her loss. She insists not.
"I had started wanting to change my body in 2010. The next year was very hard for me obviously, but the next year I felt ready.

"It was not about not liking who I was. I liked the white person but it is like a boy with a car that he loves –he wants to change
things here and there. It’s like fine tuning."...'

No... loading one's chest with -what amounts to a pair of dirigibles that wouldn't look out of place in a people-smugglers collection,
buying weave and showing 'racial fluidity' for what it truly is, cannot be symptoms of someone dealing with a family tragedy.
Martina was always Wakandan, she just waited until her parents and sister were dead before she blossomed out... that's all.

Quote:'My babies will be black'
Today that "fine tuning" is ongoing: Martina says her skin is continuing, naturally, to get darker, while she is also planning more
surgery. "I want to widen my nose, make my lips bigger and have butt implants," she says. "I am still a work in progress."
And there’s one further deep-seated change planned: Martina and Michael are hoping to start a family in the future -and Martina
believes her babies will be black. "My doctor has told me it is possible as I have changed myself internally," she claims.

"You only have to look at my old pictures: When you compare me now with who I was I am a completely different person.
The age in which you have to stay the race you were born in is over."...'
The Sun:

Isn't there an age-limit in Tanning Salons?

When the sun goes down on Fake News, the true Sun will always be there to fly the flag!