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The President Finds Me Insulting, His Words Not Mine
I can't really say much more than this guy hasn't said in his vid... I will say that he nailed it tho.

Wow, he is really upset, and for good reason.

Man, I cannot believe Obama stooped so low talking to the black folks as he did, trying to shame them or guilt them into voting for Hillary.
Sounds like desperation on his part IMO.
Or assuming that black folks are stupid/uneducated, which they are not.
Maybe Obama being a black president (bi-racial technically)  figures they will side with him, being as they have the same skin color. But that goes back to Obama thinking they are dumb/narrow-minded, which they clearly are not.

I do not blame this guy one bit for being pissed off.
As he stated, all they do is put 'labels' on our backs, and put us in boxes or as Hillary so eloquently stated, baskets separating us, keeping us divided.

People are living in turmoil/chaos, that is a fact, regardless where they are from.

And what is it with Obama afraid to call terrorism just that,  when an act of terror occurs???
I am so sick of all this PC correctness, people worrying about offending someone.
Just call it like it is and be done with it.

Pretty soon, offending someone will get you arrested at the rate our country is going. sigh.
Unless you are Obama or Hillary and her "basket of deplorables" remark.

Good video, thanks for sharing!

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

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