Another Wild Biden Executive Order Denies State and Local Rights - Printable Version

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Another Wild Biden Executive Order Denies State and Local Rights - xuenchen - 02-07-2021

So now all of a sudden Biden and his band of Federal Pirates are nervous about Local authorities rejecting refugees sent by the Feds.

These Marxists aren't playing around this time.

They're going for the kill at every turn regardless of how many new policies may end up in court and struck down.

They do it anyway and deal with the consequences later after the desired damage is already done.

Something big is happening and it ain't good !!

Get prepared while you can.

Time is running short.

"Walk all the Planks one at a time" minusculebiggrin
[Image: Karl-Marx.jpg]
Quote:U.S. President Joe Biden signed an executive order Thursday that denies state and local governments any authority to reject the drop-off of refugees into their towns and communities.

In essence, former President Donald Trump’s policy (Executive Order 13888 of September 2019) gave state and local governments a say in whether they have the capacity to provide refugees a pathway to become self-sufficient and successfully integrate into American society.

Biden’s new executive order (EO) indicated that the federal government would consult with American communities across the country about refugees’ resettlement.

The president’s “Executive Order on Rebuilding and Enhancing Programs to Resettle Refugees and Planning for the Impact of Climate Change on Migration”

LINK-->  Joe Biden Puts Americans in the Dark by Revoking Ability to Reject Refugee Dumping in Their Communities

RE: Another Wild Biden Executive Order Denies State and Local Rights - Ninurta - 02-07-2021

I think they should send plenty of them here, because we have plenty of abandoned mine shafts to drop the bodies into.

Here's the problem with that EO: Biden does not have the authority to deny state and local governments the authority to reject them, according to the constitution. Power to flood specific local areas with furriners is nowhere in the constitution delegated to the president or the federal government, but it IS specifically reserved to the state governments, or to the People, by virtue of the fact that it is not delineated to belong to the federal government.

So send all of 'em you want, Joe. Just make sure they know to have their affairs in order and their wills filed with the court before they come.
