Nominating Kyle Rittenhouse for both a Presidential Pardon and some Medals! - Printable Version

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Nominating Kyle Rittenhouse for both a Presidential Pardon and some Medals! - OmegaLogos - 08-30-2020

Explanation: I can fully see that Kyle Rittenhouse did everything to deescalate the situation he found himself entangled in Kenosha and when cornered and attacked he defended himself very well by utilizing his 2nd Amendment rights.

And the result was two out three foolish scumbags are now sucking dirt and the 3rd may be scarred for life.

Well, two outa three aint bad as Meatloaf would say and sing it ...

But we are not here to discuss that crap at all ... No! The focus of this thread is about nominating Kyle Rittenhouse for a Presidential Pardon and rewarding him with some medals.

I am not exactly sure which medals to award him but I feel these three choices are obvious ...

Personal Disclosure: The longer that Kyle , who is still a minor by the way, is locked up upon unfounded charges, the longer INJUSTICE continues to be done and Trump, the POTUS, could simply circumnavigate that by PARDONING Kyle Rittenhouse immediately and rewarding him with one or two medals, as designated above.

He crushed America's ENEMIES and he drove them before him and now we are all listening to the lamentations of their Karen's women.

@ Trump, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if Kyle Rittenhouse was a good man or bad. Why he fought or why those he shot died. No! All that matters is that he is one who stood against many. That's what is important! Valor pleases you, Trump ... so grant me one request. Grant Kyle Rittenhouse a Presidential Pardon and some medals!  And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!

So my fellow Rogues ... what say you eh ... how would you vote?


1] No POTUS Pardon and No Medals!

2] No POTUS Pardon and Some Medals!

3] A POTUS Pardon but No Medals!

4] A POTUS Pardon and Some Medals!

Please post your vote and why you feel that your vote is qualified as the right thing to do.  minusculebeercheers

RE: Nominating Kyle Rittenhouse for both a Presidential Pardon and some Medals! - Mystic Wanderer - 08-30-2020

No. 3, but we need to wait and see how his court case goes first. He has an excellent lawyer; the same one who helped Nick Sandmann.

The videos clearly show it was self defense, so I don't know how they could convict him and put him in prison.  I heard that the gun laws there made it legal for 16-17 years to carry a gun, so really the only thing would be him being across state lines. He lived about 20 minutes away, but this town was the one he "hung out" in, so he felt convicted to protect it.

If he is found guilty of murder, then yes, I think he should get a pardon, but I think giving him medals would be going too far. Talk about inciting more violence! 
The President has to be careful what he does.
Plus, lots of people have had to use self defense but never received a medal.
We can just know that he deserves one in our own minds and send him a letter thanking him for ridding the world of a few more scumbags.

He's a good boy, wanted to be a policeman when he got old enough. I hope the judge takes all this into account.

RE: Nominating Kyle Rittenhouse for both a Presidential Pardon and some Medals! - Snarl - 08-30-2020

Kid has the right to a speedy trial.  Let him have it.  I strongly doubt they could find 12 folks to unanimously say, "Guilty!"

If they did, then the President could offer him a pardon.

Problem with this situation is that (like the one down in Georgia), the accused isn't demanding their right to a speedy trial.  Bad counsel?  Stretching it out just means more money into the pockets of those participating in 'the system'.  Everyone's probably terrified though.

Quote:Sixth Amendment:
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

If it was me, I'd want my trial 'tomorrow' ... or let me go.