Satanic Rituals & Holidays - Mystic Wanderer - 07-19-2018
There is a member on Twitter, Sarah Ruth Ashcraft, who grew up being a victim of those who practiced satanic rituals by "Elite" members of Hollywood, politics, etc. She has been telling her story for the past few months, and in the one I'm sharing here, she educates us on the dates and practices of these evil people, and this is why there is so much pushing back against President Trump at this time; they are losing control.
Some information may be hard to swallow, but I've seen others saying the same thing, so I do believe her.
Twitter only allows a certain number of characters in each post, so there will be many as I copy/paste them here.
I'll start with the post from June 27, 2018, as it begins her discussion on the dates/riturals topic. Here is a link to the first Tweet, for those who have Twitter accounts and can follow there:
Quote:Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Jun 27
Tomorrow is a "Strawberry" or "Rose" Full Moon. It is also the day when Saturn is closest to Earth this year. Thus, it's a big "holiday"/ritual night for the cult. The weeks/months that follow are bad. Please keep the victims, @POTUS, #QAnon & all the operatives in your prayers.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Jun 27
July/August were always particularly awful for me. 7/1 Satanic/Demon Revels (blood); Druid sexual association w/demons; Sacred Heart of Jesus 7/4 Independence Day (USA) 7/19-7/20 Sunfest 7/17-7/23 Sacrifice of 1st born males, communion w/ flesh & blood
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Jun 27
Summer gets worse from there: 7/23 Beginning of Dog Days (Sirius, Dog Star, Sothis, star of Set) 7/25 Festival of the horned god 7/20-7/26 Abduction, ceremonial preparation & holding of sacrificial victim for-> 7/27 Grand Climax (animal &/or human sacrifice); Full Blood Moon
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Jun 27
August is no better. Every month there's something, but summer & fall are the worst for a "Goddess Incarnate" in this Family They won't stop. They will NEVER stop. They won't stop unless #WethePeople stop them. It is the ONLY way. #ItEndsNOW #ByePhoenicia
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Jun 27
These people break human beings. They deliberately break children. They rape adults, children & animals. They kill people, a LOT, especially babies. They sell people. They EAT people. They are beyond saving, helping, or rehabilitating. They are GUILTY & need to be dealt with. NOW
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Jun 27
They have disqualified themselves from society & this life on Earth through their own BEHAVIOR. Their demonstrated unwillingness & inability to stop themselves REQUIRES that we stop them, IN SELF DEFENSE, for the sake of EVERYONE, including them. #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon @POTUS
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Jun 27
Correction: the full moon is tonight (not tomorrow). These ritual dates are listed at #HivitesGetLit #ByePhoenicia #ItEndsNow #theGreatAwakening #WeThePeople #QAnon @POTUS #theStorm #MAGA
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Jun 27
The only thing these people are feeling right now is dread. Unending, limitless dread. In direct proportion to their deeds. #theGreatAwakening poses an existential threat to them. @POTUS is the piper, #WeThePeople are making them pay up. They needed control. They lost it. #QAnon
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Jun 27
Use logic, understand their comms & read between the lines. Know that they pathologically reverse the truth & psychologically project. They cannot #SayBraveThings so they tell the lesser truth, the truth in reverse, or as an accusation instead of an admission (projection). #QAnon
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft
When you re-read their statements with this understanding, the truth is plain & easy to see as daylight. These people have literal skeletons, lots of them, in their mental closets. They are FREAKING OUT in a way they NEVER anticipated. Psychopaths simply don't consider failure.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Jun 28
Now, as they begin to understand that the failure already happened, #theGreatAwakening is happening, and what they planned will NEVER happen in the future, the only thing left for them to feel is dread. Endless, constant dread. They can numb it with booze, but they can't erase it
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Jun 28
It is, quite literally, "easier" to erase a person's memory than it is to erase the dread they cannot divorce or dissociate themselves from now. They are stuck like a deer in the headlights, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. The stress & anxiety & pure rage must be toxic.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Jun 28
When you KNOW you are guilty and you KNOW the #WeThePeople already know, your life is over. I don't think any good people can truly empathize with what the bad actors must be experiencing right now because we don't know the depth of guilt & shame they do. It's all consuming.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Jun 28
It is irrational to expect them to behave any differently right now. See the behavior for what it is so it's less scary. They are desperate. They are dying and they know it. They failed and they know it. They are guilty and they know it. They will degranulate quickly now. Watch.
Case & point. She's worried about "Internment camps for some Americans" because she knows that's where ALL the #Hivites will wind up. Soon. #Darkness2Light #WWG1WGA #theGreatAwakening #WeThePeople #theStorm @POTUS #QAnon #HivitesGetLit #ByePhoenicia
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft added,
Quote:CherVerified account @cher
5 replies 57 retweets 111 likes
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Jun 20
Thus, they want to make all of us unequivocally RENOUNCE concentration camps all together, before #WeThePeople have a chance to put them in one. They are FREAKING OUT and getting VERY open about their hatred for America/liberty/peace. #EnemyCombatants #AmericanTerrorists #Hivites
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Jun 20
In reality, when you are faced with an aggressive, unrelenting enemy who is hell-bent on your total annihilation, what other response is there? Segregation from society &/or DEATH. Period. No two ways about it. Their BEHAVIOR made it this way, not our laws. @POTUS #QAnon #MAGA
I don't know if the picture and the claims below are true, but others who have researched this say it is. I wouldn't put it past John Podesta; he is heavily involved with Pizzagate/Satanic practices.
![[Image: attachment.php?aid=4159]](
RE: Satanic Rituals & Holidays - guohua - 07-19-2018
Powerful Article, Thank you @"Mystic Wanderer"
RE: Satanic Rituals & Holidays - Mystic Wanderer - 07-21-2018
Blood Moon 2018: Longest Total Lunar Eclipse of Century Occurs July 27
Hold on to your children!