Bad Company: Men Of Iron - Printable Version

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Bad Company: Men Of Iron - Armonica_Templar - 05-23-2016

[Image: f78b35077a2c67c60b2c90cca24891b6.jpg]

"F#$%ing Amazing," The Ten year old watches Spiderman swing by.. "I want to say it is very cool but crap.." Looking down at his hands, "They are so small.. What did those AIM bastards do to me.."

A police officer whispers into his mike, "I have spotted the kid.."

"F#$%ing morons," The ten year old closes his eyes.. The Kid rises in the air, "I see why he enjoys this S#$%. So.. The NYPD is infested with terrorist agents.. Hydra Nazi's.. "

The police officer pulls his gun, "Mutant freak.. You think we.."

The kid smiles as the crowd gets a look on their Face.. "Well technically no.. I do however have one of their awesome powers.." The Kid raises the Police officer into the Air as several of the officer pull their guns..

"Put the officer down.. You F#$%ing mutant freak," One of the NYPD officers yell..

"Mutant.. Ok," The kid freezes every person on the street.. "The funny thing the writers have never realized about ole Magnet boys powers.. I do not need to play fair.."

All the police officers hit the ground..

The Aim Agent in NYPD uniform is stuck in the air, "You.. there is no way you have mastery of his abilities that quickly.."

"Mastery.. Dude its called youtube and years of trying to build crap.. " The ten year old grins, "All I did.."

"Was create a gravity well.. No.. You.." The NYPD AIM man moved, "You are not using the metal around my body you are manipulating the earths gravity field.."

"I read the papers here.. Seems the NYPD has the same reputation here as it does at my home," An EM Pulse comes from the kid waving his hand.. "Enjoy your flight. Remembers to tuck your legs in the kiss your A$$ position..."

The NYPD Aim Agent goes flying and screaming as the police officers are all seemingly pinned to the ground..

"Its called about five times earths gravity.." The teen pauses and looks out over the area, "Got to go.. Seems the flying Aim agent has gotten attention.."
The kid quickly drops to the ground and takes off letting the crowd return to normal..

"I have to find a way home.." The kid shakes his head as he is quickly moving, "Before they decide to reboot the universe.."

Quietly a figure floats in the air over a manufactured home. With his eyes closed the teen sighs and floats away as the Arizona mountains flash with lightening.. "She is happy at least.. this is bullS#$%.. Two years stuck in the marvel universe.. Welcome home Trent.."

F-22 raptors come flying through the air as a tear falls from the kids eyes..

"Chairforce," A wave of the kids hand and the raptors lose power. As they planes start to fall out of the sky the kid floats there and watches them fall.. "I guess they forgot to file the proper paperwork.."

Three squads crash to the ground, with some crashing into the city. Flames rises, Sirens can be heard, as only one of the pilots managed to eject in time is caught in her chute..

Metal from the destroyed plane floats to her surrounding her waist, ankles, and wrist. The pilot starts panicking and tries to reach her knife as shards of metal cut her chute off..

A vodered voice speaks as rain falls, "Tell your commanding officer I have the recordings on the attack.. I will make sure they are released to the families of the other pilots if he tries to kill me again.."

"You destroyed," The female pilot screams as the knife blade cuts her face..

"That is to remind you Major I will come for you later.. Tell the family members you were just following illegal orders.. I am a US citizen and you opened fire on me,"

The lightening revels an armored teen with a black cape fluttering in the wind. "They are dead Chairforce and their blood is on your hands alone.. You were their squad leader.. "

Struggling as tears fill her eyes, "You monster.. They were good men with families.. They.."

A piece of metal seems to bend over her mouth, "Good just tell the general to retire or I come for him personally.. Make sure your supervisors know this also.."

The Major notices that the Missiles from the planes are floating in the air, "What are you going to do with them?"

"Sell them to the highest bidder of course," the Armored teen grins evilly.. "Operation Fast and Furious.."

The Major struggles as she is gently set on the ground.. She tries to pull off the metal and cant get it to come off.. It takes her a second to realize that the Armored teen is pointing his open palm at her.. A n electrical charge comes from his gauntleted hand and knocks the Major out cold.

A man in a thee piece suit walks down under the bridge and has an issue immediately..

"Mr. Ironstein.." A man with an SDPD badge takes a deep breath, "Are you sure this kid is here?"

Several other officers have thier weapons drawn.

"Put those away.. Trailvin" Mr. Ironside growls, "Tasers only.. Or you will be stuck giving directions on redeo drive.. That or they will find everything you have done wrong.. My client's son is here and we must find him.."

A surprisingly clean kid stops when he sees them.. He gives a worried scream nd runs off..

"They know we are here.. This little gang is," The cop freezes when he hears a click of a rifle..

A twelve year old kid walks out as several officers all draw there weapons.. "Good evening officer.. I will let you know now that the whole area is mined and I will blow it up to F#$% you up.." Sighing the Twelve year old snaps his fingers and a formerly well dressed man is dragged out, "I knew you would find us.. Here take the pedophile.. I want concessions for letting him go.."

The lawyer holds his hands up, "I am not here for the perv.." Mr. Ironstien smiles , "Officer Trailvin.. I beelieve this is the socialite you were looking for.. "

"Pedophile.." Trailvin takes a deep breath, "Ironstien.. His family is VERY powerful in the area.."

Ironstien holds up his hand, "Mr. Mortimer.. I am Johnathan Ironstein.. I am here because I am with your late father's estate.."

Narrowing his eyes Mortimer looking at the armed kids, "How much was he worth?"

Ironstein's phone rings and he holds up his hand, "Its one of the men your father supported over the years.." Answering the phone, "Your honor.."

The police officers go wide eyed and immediately put up their guns and take out the tasers..

"My family has," The pedophile is taken by the closest officer as he tasers him..

The kids get a look in their faces, "You have the right to remain silent.. " As the officer reads the pedophile his rights, "Your honor we have an issue with another of your supporter's son.."

"Lock him up in a mental health facility for twelve years.." Mortimer looks at some of the younger kids, "Tell his honor I would like to continue my father's support .. I need something.. I want all these kids placed in witness protction across the united states.. "

"Son.. I am not sure that is," The judge on the other end pauses.. "Well .. If it is the missing person his family has enough power to cover this up and I can leverage this.. "

"Then I would like to congratulate you on your recent victory in the election.." Mortimer smiles, "So my father was a rich man.."

"He arranged for placement of you," Ironstien grins.. " It is weird but she is on the way with her husband from Texas.." The lawyer sees the look, "They were skeptical at first but your father always paid in cash ahead of time.. They get their own house paid for and a small stipend for the next six years or till you move out for college."

Several more kids all come out and are whispering.. One of the older ones looks down and walks over and she coughs, "Mortimer.. Is it true .. I.."

Seeing the way the older one behaves the Lawyer smiles politely..

"Yes Julia.. Everyone is going into custody but it is Federal custody.." Mortimer sees terror on some of the kids faces making the cops close their eyes..

"I do not want to go to another home.. they," The little boy grabs Mortimer with tears in his eyes as his side arms is in his hands..

Going to one knee, "Its a warm bed.. And these people who will be taking care of you are the good guys.. They hunt the monsters who hurt you.. Plus you will probably be to busy swimming .. Fishing, hunting in the wild outdoors with your new father.." Mortimer sees the doubt as does the officer..

"Kid," the officer walks over.. "I am retiring in a few weeks.. Me and the old lady plan to move out of this area.. Tell you what.. If you come quietly.. You have my word we will go fishing and hunting.. My granddaddy owns over a thousand acres of land.. There are so many fish you stick your hand in the water and just pull them.."

The officer smiles, "Of course I will have to show you how to fight the Grizzly bears up there.. They .."

"Don like sharin," The kid smiles.. "Mortimer is.. Is he one of the.."

"You have to learn to decide that for yourself.." Mortimer smiles, "See if his wife makes your favorite food before you decide.."

The scared kid looks at the Police officer,"I cant believe I am trusting a Po-po.." The kid hands the gun over to the cop..

The whispers approvingly and very low, "Me and gramps will teach you to shoot properly.. Then we can go deer huntin.." Seeing the kid go wide eyed, "Relax.. We will be using bows .. Guns are better for bird hunting.."

[Image: 51db5b49de021f7b193d9ef7a80cbaeb.jpg]

Sitting with now clean Jeans and a simple T-shirt with Magneto was right on it, Mortimer sees the 23 year old woman walk out of the office..

"We take custody of the Twelve year old.." She puts her hand up stopping the man with a three piece suit, "I take custody of the Twelve year old.. We get a house, A car.. it is his but we get to live there till He graduates from high school or college. Then it is ours.."

A 23 year old male walks out, "Baby.. Esters, we get it rent free.. We only pay for food.."

"Rique, But why would Trent leave custody of Mortimer to us.. My brother was his friend not us.. I tolerated him," Esters looks at her husband then to Mortimer . "I mean its.."

"Listen.. " Mortimer smiled to himself, "Lady it could be because it would cause issues for me apparently to be left with his ex-girlfriend.. She is banging your brother his friend.."

"Why not leave you with other family members.." Esters is suspicious as she looks at Mortimer, "This is way off.." Seeing her husband, "Rique.. We are a young couple.."

"Who are broke and trying not to live off Mama's and Daddies.. Trent Probably did not want to leave his son to an older couple.. It gives us practice.. And Mortimer probably will be low maintenance.."

"You just want someone to play video games with," Esters shakes her head as she looks Mortimer in the eyes. "This is a mistake.. A huge mistake.. Ok.. Mr. Ironstien we will take the kid for a little bit of time and see how it works.."

"No.. " Mr. Ironnstien responds coldly, "All or nothing.."

"If she doesnt want me then fine," Mortimer looks away.. "She is snob Mr. Ironstein.. Is it because I have been forced to live on the street most of my life? I am not good enough.."

"Mortimer," Esters sighs.. "It is that everything is odd littleone.. You are not.. Something is off here.." She looks at Mortimer in the eyes, "No your lying to me.."

"Dad said you were young and stupid.." Mortimer laughs, "You will go places but are still in that young stupid phase.."

"You met your father," Mr. Ironstien walks over.. "He never mentioned it in any of our conversations.."

"No offense Mr. Ironstien.. You are the hired help according to what dad said.." Mortimer looks at the group, "He told me he would make arangement for the safest place.. Esters.. He chose you for some reason.."..

Looking at her very different, Esters became self conscious. Instinctively she covered her chest, "Trent.."

Mortimer smiled evilly, "Probably thought you being a young coupe might be better equipped to handle a teenager.. What do I know.. Business is.."

Esters is wide eyed, "Business on days that end in why.." Esters crinkles her nose and shakes her head, "So your FATHER talked with you?"

"Not a whole lot.. said he was taking a trip, aint been seen since," Mortimer took a deep breath. "Two years ago.. If I recall correctly Essie.."

Esters go wide eyed and partially pissed, "Thats.. Thats not possible.." She pokes Mortimer, "Your a ten year old.."

Crinkling his nose, "Your still not a genius.." Mortimer whispers, "Biness iz biness.."

Esters quietly gulps, "My brother.. S#$%.. S#$%.. "

"Esters.. Mr. Ironstien of course we will take residential custody of Mortimer," Rique smiles.. "We will move into the house.. It should save us thousands of dollars.."

Esters pokes Mortimer on the arm.. She takes a minute, "My god.. What happened to you? I mean.. God Bless.." Esters squeezes Mortimer's arm..

"I guess my father wanted to make sure you got a place to live," Mortimer looks Esters in the eyes.. "I was on the streets for a little bit of time.. Went to New York..
Came back here.."

"You.. You.. You are so young," Esters is in shock.. She closes her eyes and speaks, "I.. I owe Trent.. Mortimer can move in.. We will pack and move into the house in about a month.. I take it we will have no issue with CPS.."

"I am licensed to practice law in the south south west.. " Mr. Ironstien grins, "They will not be an issue.."

"Mortimer.." Esters takes a deep breath as she parks the SUV, "You cant just walk into the bathroom like that.."

"It was a nightmare.. You were hairy in places I thought you kept sculptured," Mortimer opens the cars door.. "Great social engineering camp.."

Exasperated, "You.. You said you did not see anything.." Ester raises her finger, "You are just as bad as Trent was.." Narrowing her eyes she looks at Mortimer, "I.."

"Did you sleep with my father Esters?" Mortimer turns back around from stepping out of the car and looks right at Esters.. Seeing her bite her bottom lip, "You and no D#$% are high school sweet hearts.. "

"Just go to class Mortimer.. that is none of your business," Esters swallows hard..

Mortimer starts to walk towards the private school's front and then pauses.. Sighing he walks back to the car, "Have good day job searching.. I know it is hard moving and then have to find employment.. Just have a little faith.. I get a good vibe from you and have since I met you.."

Esters closes her own eyes, "Try not to be the street kid Mortimer.. Thank you .."

Mortimer walks towards the doors to entrance of the Private school..

Esters phone rings as she starts to pull out, "Hello..."

"Hey Esters this is Mr. Ironstien.." After a short pause, "Is Mortimer still near you? I need him to sign a few pieces of paper.. It appears that the IRS is having an issue with some of his father's investments.. I need to have him come in after school because an IRS agent wants to interview him.."

"Let me go get him," Esters puts her car back into park.. Rolling Down the Window she sees Mortimer talking with an Asian lady.. Mortimer does not seems to be hearing her, "Give me a second.."

Getting out of her car, Esters starts walking over to where Mortimer is..

An eighteen wheeler comes rolling backwords catching Mortimer's attention, "Esters!!"

" Your Attorney is on," Ester Freezes as she sees Mortimer start to close his eyes and then open them.. "Mortimer.. I.." Esters freezes when she hears the driver trying to stop the truck..

She turns in time to see the truck coming right at her, knocking her car right out of the way..

As her life flashes through her eyes as Mortimer yells, "Move God D#$% it.."

Esters just freezes and realizes death is coming for her..

Mortimer somehow is right next to her tackling her out of the way.. Rolling in the dirt one way then another, She grasp Mortimer tightly very scared.. Her eyes are tightly closed as she waits for something..

"I am right here," Mortimer whispers as he holds her .. "You stupid cow.. Do not scare me like that my little Cinderelly.."

Shaking Esters responds to her senses as she had her head buried in his chest, "Trent.. I.." She opens her eyes as a familiar smell filled her nostrils.. "Trent," She looks Mortimer in the eyes, "How?"

"Uhm.. Esters," Mortimer responds.. Pointing up to the bottom of the Semi load above them, "Your alive little one.. Take deep breaths.." Mortimer seems to change as Ester is wide eyed.. "E E.. Breath.."

The Asian school teacher comes over slowly expecting a massacre, "My god.. You two are alive.." The Teacher yells, "I need some help over here now.. The two of them are alive!"


Esters was shaking in the ambulance when Rique got out of the Mr. Ironstien's car, "Esters!!!"

Esters was sipping a cup of dunkin Donuts coffee with both hands as she was wide eyed. Wrapped in the blanket she looked at Mortimer, "Trent?"

Mortimer smiled kindly, "You husband is here.. Comfort him.. He is more scared then you are.."

Mr. Ironstien had walked over to the cops as the scene had been outlined..

Taking a hand off the Coffee as Rique was stopped by the cops, "Trent.." Esters took a deep breath, "You .. Promise me we can talk later.."

"Trent was my father Esters," Mortimer took a deep breath as Esters still held his hand gently. "S#$%.. Listen.. Dont say S#$%.." Mortimer closed his eyes and then stood her up, "She is right here Rique.. Officer My guardian needs her husband sir.."

One of the officers that had sealed off traffic caught the go ahead nod from the on scene leader and Let Rique pass, "Go straight to your wife.."

In a whisper, "Please wait.. I want to talk with you.." Esters held Trent/ Mortimer's hand, "It.."

"Oh my god," Rique hugged his wife nearly spilling her coffee.. "It was a miracle you two were not killed.."

"I am already late for class.. Take care of Esters," Mortimer looked at his hand.

The Asian lady saw Mortimer heading away and walked over, "Mr. Tallyrand.. You do not have to rush.. This is.."

"Mam.. their is no excuse to miss training, as my father told me the one time I met him.. No excuses in life," Mortimer Tallyrand smiled evilly.. " That and some garbage about Responsibility and power I can never keep straight.. Besides what type of example does that set for my lessers?"

"Mr. Tallyrand," the asian lady sighed as she caught a look from Esters.. "I see a bad dynamic.. I expected trouble from you.. Not this.. Your file indicates you were on the streets for two or three years.."

Tallyrand sighs as he looks up at the door, "Some days you just feel small but inside their is always the power to forever alter the world."
