Cast your Vote. Who will be winning? - Printable Version

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Cast your Vote. Who will be winning? - Sol - 11-03-2016

THAT is a loaded question.

The reason I ask is that there is so much bullsnip going left right and center, according to the media, that it's almost impossible to decipher the truth from the lies.

The second reason I ask is to test the Rogue-Nation Poll : )

I haven't closed the writers contest yet, time being an issue. But it will get closed early next week and a Poll will be attached for everyone to vote on their favorite entry.

But let's give this a try, all of us : )

Question is simple (but the answer is more complicated that understanding who built the pyramids).

Who will win the 2016 Elections?

- Hillary Clinton

- Donald Trump

- Gary Johnson

- Jill Stein

- The American people (ok..won't be putting this one up. Cause you won't. No matter who you elect. Sorry.) : )

Here goes...(this poll will last for 7 days so we can compare when it all goes down on the 8th...)

RE: Cast your Vote. Who will be winning? - Daitengu - 11-04-2016

Nuclear Annhilation / Zombie Apocalypse / Giant Meteor 2016 .......

RE: Cast your Vote. Who will be winning? - Chiefsmom - 11-04-2016

Ok, I'll bite.

I think Trump will win, which will throw the MSM into Frenzy.  At least that will be fun to watch tinyangry

But I agree, We the People, will lose no matter what.

RE: Cast your Vote. Who will be winning? - Sol - 11-04-2016

(11-04-2016, 12:34 AM)Daitengu Wrote: Nuclear Annhilation / Zombie Apocalypse / Giant Meteor 2016 .......

Fairy tales compared to one of the candidates. Or even both...maybe...

I think Trump is going to win. But I might be wrong.


RE: Cast your Vote. Who will be winning? - Sol - 11-04-2016

(11-04-2016, 12:44 AM)Chiefsmom Wrote: Ok, I'll bite.

I think Trump will win, which will throw the MSM into Frenzy.  At least that will be fun to watch tinyangry

But I agree, We the People, will lose no matter what.

Oh I agree ! Not just the Media...a whole LOT of people would absolutely freak out.

Trump gives hope that a certain established system could change. But a lot of people thought that Obama would also be a savior, eight years ago, especially after a Bush/Cheney fiasco.

That didn't turn out too well. We aren't privy as to what goes on in the background, be it with Clinton or Trump. We truly aren't.

5 days... : )

RE: Cast your Vote. Who will be winning? - guohua - 11-04-2016

My husband was told by an Old Associate that the Fix was in for Hillary.
We voted Trump, Of-Course. 
We're well armed for the coming Revolution!

RE: Cast your Vote. Who will be winning? - senona - 11-04-2016

It was kinda depressing today, when they were going over how many delegates Hillary will have even if Trump won the toss up states.

Didn't they last election talk about how unfair the delegates were passed around in some states?
Or could have been the 2008 election.
But not fair for California to have 55 delegates and most of the Rep red states only have 5, 6 or 9.

I know there is a reason to it, but just seems unfair that the states that are primarily Democratic have higher number of delegates.

They said the only way for Trump to possibly win, would be to get all the toss up states and a couple of Dem leaning states, which not many thought that would happen.

Unless they either do not turn out to vote for Hillary (as their long time friend and supporter Doug Schoen is going to do)
Or vote Trump....being as 3rd party hasn't a chance.

I would like Trump to win.
Whether or not he'd be a good president remains to be seen.

But we do know what we will get with Hillary. More of the same Obama policies, not to mention 3 FBI investigations going on.
Just what this nation DOES NOT need.

Unless we want to think about a President Kaine. sigh.