(05-10-2022, 07:22 PM)Wide-Eyes Wrote: [ -> ]Check out this "hilarious" deboonking...

My jaw dropped and hit my knee - there's a bruise now to prove it - when he came right out and called the Constitution, the very basis of American government, an "evil document". My jaw dropped again shortly after that when he accused the Republicans of stealing the Georgia election. I dunno what world he's living in, but it ain't the real one. Yes the Georgia election was clearly stolen, but it weren't the Republicans that stole it.
I also ain't buying that bullshit he was trying to sell about being "non-partisan" just because he claims to call MSNBC "MS-DNC". He's clearly partisan, and shilling for the commies. One little claim doesn't negate the thrust of the rest of his entire speech.
In what world would Trump be dumb enough to try to get re-elected right after BidenHarris fucked the entire nation up beyond repair? There ain't no fixing this mess in a single term. It's gonna take a few conservative presidencies to undo the damage that has been done to date, and that is assuming the electorate doesn't put any more commies in the Big Chair in the interim, which is not a foregone conclusion. People can be incredibly stupid when liars promise them the moon.
Trump needs to sit on his laurels and keep on king-making. Even he can't fix this mess by himself now - and there are still a couple years of fucking shit up left to go. I think Trump is intelligent enough to realize that.
I don't know anyone in their right mind that would try to follow this clown act, which is why I believe the U.S. has been irreparably damaged. Stick a fork in it, we're done. Every man for himself, and the Devil take the hindmost.88%
BTW - Geotracking is accurate within 3 to 10 feet (1 - 3 meters), not "100 feet" as this dumbass says. He needs to get up to date on his technology. Most of the geotracking I've done has been accurate to within 3-15 feet (usually closer to 3 feet/ 1 meter when selective availability was working right), and that was several years ago before the tech improved.
I was also not overly impressed by DeSousa's flick. As one example, they used the entire vote count difference between the candidates as their yardstick. It only takes one stolen vote over HALF of that difference to tip the balance in favor of the thief. Taking half of those votes that are the gap from one candidate and giving them to the other puts them in a dead heat, even vote count. One vote more breaks the camel's back.
Final analysis:
I know for certain that election was stolen. I watched the theft in real time as it was happening, with my own eyes. I watched Virginia be declared for BidenHarris when there was only 12% of the vote counted, 88% left to be counted, and Trump had a 30% lead over BidenHarris - yet they called it for BidenHarris anyhow. Someone knew that the fix was in, and which way it was going to run. I saw the banners on CNN, where BidenrHarris was in the lead on the sidebar, but Trump was in the lead on the crawler at the bottom of the screen... the vote count was exactly the same overall, but the side bar had 570 MORE votes for BidenHarris, and the crawler had those same 570 votes showing for Trump instead, because the sidebar had been updated with the stolen votes, but the crawler had not. I remember the vote count stopping in key states at 2 am with Trump in the lead, but when the count resumed BidenHarris had a commanding lead - how could that happen if no votes were being counted in the downtime gap? I saw more votes being cast than there were people voting - how else do you explain a man campaigning from his basement, drawing crowds of around 12 for his speeches while his opponent drew thousands, getting the most votes in American voting history, and enough to overcome his opponent, who got the most votes an incumbent president ever got in American history? That is a LOT of damned votes, and certainly more than were actually cast by actual voters.
DeSousa has an agenda, and he's pushing it too hard with faulty stats and made up bullshit pushed by an emotion driven agenda. Same for the "debunker" video. Neither proves any point, and no one will ever be arrested, much less brought to trial, for the theft. Be careful - both sides are trying to gaslight the shit out of voters in the runup to the mid terms.
Don't let them gaslight you, ever. Believe your own lying eyes over and way above what the propagandists are trying to sell. Think for yourself, don't just believe what the influence peddlers are trying to sell you.
The only bright spot may be that poll watchers know better what to watch for to prevent it happening again... that is, if the commies can be successfully prevented from gaslighting the People through education on what the watch for, and how to recognize when they are being gaslit. Poll watchers mean nothing, and cannot do a damned thing, if the people can still be gaslit and led down the garden path to destruction by the communists. In that case, the screams of the poll watchers fall on deaf ears. No one will listen because they have been successfully gaslighted, and so are getting along with the program.
The key is in educating the people, and getting them fired up to take back their country when shenanigans occur. BidenHarris is doing a hell of a job to motivate them by taking food out of their mouths and gas out of their tanks. Nothing motivates a man to take up arms like a growling belly or his kids crying because they are hungry. What do you suppose happens when everyone votes against the commies, and everyone they know votes against the commies, and the commies win anyhow... and their kids are screaming for more bread, and the bread line wraps around the block? Historically, gunplay starts happening at that point.