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The banning on social media and the non subjects of what passes as news these days reminds me of the outlawing of political opposition which is a classic hallmark of totalitarian systems. It does not have to be even political as anyone who goes against the official story can be labeled ???? Undesirable, a terrorist, a no fly person, a no can leave your house person, maybe a no can live person etc etc ??? Kinda sound familiar ?

The outlawing of political opposition is a classic hallmark of totalitarian systems and IMO once the despots get control it is almost impossible to wrestle control back as all they do is make the present LEGAL into something ILLEGAL so they can proceed with their totalitarian plans... One thing that helps is the presence of the so called "Tribal Mentality" either agree or you are kicked out of the tribe. It applies to everything from vaxed to unvaxed to jab or no jab and 10,000 other things.

You summed it up very well.

The most powerful quote In Aldous Huxley's letter to Orwell is this:

Within the next generation I believe that the world's rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.

Huxley also wrote this:

"The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats."

Crome Yellow

The totalitarian Marxist network has it's tentacles the world over.

Totalitarian Regime:
- Massive expansion of State power
- Information control / psychological warfare
- Destruction of the individual (Shutdown of social life & activities, isolation, mask nonsense, child torture & high number of teenage suicides)...
- People are then easier to control
- Wealth transfer & loss of economic freedom; destruction of small businesses causing uncertainty, fear, hopelessness...submission.
- Significant travel restrictions
- Overt tracking of the population
- Radical expansion and militarization of police powers
- Forced & heavily coerced multi-million dollar vax campaigns
- Strong emphasis of the cult group think over the individual and safety over freedom
- Orwellian censorship
- Erasure of history & patriotic & traditional values; proud of being free; no fear of questioning authority
- Widespread attacks on dissenters, academics, critical thinkers
- Demonization/dehumanization of dissenters to create domestic enemy
- Creation of a climate of FEAR & paranoia...
- Creation of learned helplessness (Gov't please help us; do something! Protect us!); the "Bystander effect"
- Mass state sponsored propaganda (Edward Bernays on rocket steroids)...
- State sponsored collaboration with corporations & media to propagandize the population. (straight out of RAND Corp playbook)
- Symbolism of conformity and Motto's & slogans - "Trust the science" - very important, very effective in mind control.

The end game with all totalitarian revolutions is the acquisition of centralized power for a small elite group.

I believe this is why they have installed easily manipulated (many were chosen/indoctrinated by the WEF cabal) & blackmailed leaders throughout the world. Many were also probably promised $$$, higher level positions, etc., but the greedy elite also eat their own. The one's at very top of the pyramid want the days of Pharaoh to be resurrected into a new neo-feudalism technocratic utopia for themselves. tinyangry

The bad news is perhaps this is all going to continue through this decade. The good news is I think it will eventually collapse though will probably have a messy ending.
Talk about hating AR-15s!

Quote:Handguns: Canada proposes complete freeze on ownership

'Canada should introduce a total ban on the buying and selling of all handguns, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said.
His government is proposing a new law that would freeze private ownership of all short-barrelled firearms.
The legislation would not ban the ownership of handguns outright - but would make it illegal to buy them.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=11480]
The Human Tool.

Mr Trudeau's proposal comes days after a deadly shooting at a Texas primary school, in the neighbouring US, killed 21 people.
The bill, which was presented to Canada's parliament on Monday, makes it impossible to buy, sell, transfer or import handguns
anywhere in the country.

"Other than using firearms for sport shooting and hunting, there is no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their
everyday lives," Mr Trudeau told reporters. "As we see gun violence continue to rise, it is our duty to keep taking action," he said.
It marks the most ambitious attempt yet by his government to restrict access to firearms.

The bill would also require rifle magazines to be reconfigured so they can hold no more than five rounds at a time.
And it would take away firearms licences from gun owners involved in domestic violence or criminal harassment.
Unlike in the US, gun ownership is not enshrined in Canada's constitution, but firearms are still popular, especially in rural parts
of the country.

Canada already has stricter rules on gun ownership than its southern neighbour and records fewer firearm incidents every year.
For example, all guns must be kept locked and unloaded and anyone wishing to buy a firearm must undergo extensive background
checks. But there have been calls in recent years to tighten gun legislation there even further, especially following a number of
deadly shootings.

In April 2020, a gunman posing as a police officer killed 22 people during a shooting spree in Nova Scotia - the deadliest in
Canada's history. Within days, Mr Trudeau announced an immediate ban on 1,500 different kinds of military-grade and assault-style
weapons. The new bill would effectively limit the number of legally-owned handguns in Canada to present levels...'
(05-31-2022, 08:44 AM)BIAD Wrote: [ -> ]Talk about hating AR-15s!

Quote:Handguns: Canada proposes complete freeze on ownership

'Canada should introduce a total ban on the buying and selling of all handguns, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said.
His government is proposing a new law that would freeze private ownership of all short-barrelled firearms.
The legislation would not ban the ownership of handguns outright - but would make it illegal to buy them.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=11480]
The Human Tool.

Mr Trudeau's proposal comes days after a deadly shooting at a Texas primary school, in the neighbouring US, killed 21 people.
The bill, which was presented to Canada's parliament on Monday, makes it impossible to buy, sell, transfer or import handguns
anywhere in the country.

"Other than using firearms for sport shooting and hunting, there is no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their
everyday lives," Mr Trudeau told reporters. "As we see gun violence continue to rise, it is our duty to keep taking action," he said.
It marks the most ambitious attempt yet by his government to restrict access to firearms.

The bill would also require rifle magazines to be reconfigured so they can hold no more than five rounds at a time.
And it would take away firearms licences from gun owners involved in domestic violence or criminal harassment.
Unlike in the US, gun ownership is not enshrined in Canada's constitution, but firearms are still popular, especially in rural parts
of the country.

Canada already has stricter rules on gun ownership than its southern neighbour and records fewer firearm incidents every year.
For example, all guns must be kept locked and unloaded and anyone wishing to buy a firearm must undergo extensive background
checks. But there have been calls in recent years to tighten gun legislation there even further, especially following a number of
deadly shootings.

In April 2020, a gunman posing as a police officer killed 22 people during a shooting spree in Nova Scotia - the deadliest in
Canada's history. Within days, Mr Trudeau announced an immediate ban on 1,500 different kinds of military-grade and assault-style
weapons. The new bill would effectively limit the number of legally-owned handguns in Canada to present levels...'

We know this has nothing to do with the shooting of 22 people. 

Just like in America, the government sits by and lets people be kicked out of their homes, as government backed Ponzi schemes with businesses with the government at the helm.

The government here in America allows people to die by the thousands because they can't afford live saving treatments and medicines. So neither of our governments give a damn about our lives.

It is about complete control.

My question to all is, what do you think your life will be like once your government owns and controls you?

The government must not think it is something we will embrace, if they have to get our guns from us to pull it off.
Give me liberty or give me death..... but not before I take out as many freedom haters as possible before I am put down. I simply will not live with their tyranny if and when its comes to my door. Political leaders don't determine my liberty. I was granted that at birth by my creator, and my creator will deny my liberty when I cease to breathe and not until that time.