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Yes it is his Party and the Democrat's are Scared To Death! 
Quote:Despite being booted from social media, unfairly impeached twice, the victim of constant harassment and hoaxes and the target of six years of horrific and biased press coverage, Donald Trump remains the only towering figure in the Republican Party. A recent poll showed that 57% of Republicans favored Trump to win the nomination in 2024. His nearest potential challenger registered only 10% support.

With such popularity, it was no surprise that his return to the political stage Saturday night in Greenville, North Carolina was eagerly anticipated. In his triumphant speech, Trump wowed the state’s GOP convention for almost 90 minutes.

It was clear from the beginning of his address that President Trump intends to exercise strong control over the Republican Party. He wants to make sure “America First” Republicans are elected, instead of the establishment types who have led the GOP to recent defeats.
DAMN. now that I have started a Trump for POUS Forum (Basically) you can Expect the Trump Haters to start Posting Again!  tinywondering
I'd appreciate it if he would take the Republican Party of VA aside and have a word with them about the goddamned Neocon RINOs they are pushing and foisting off on an unsuspecting populace...

'Coz I ain't voting for their RINOs. I would not vote for that asswipe Marxist "Republican" they picked to nominate if Trump himself endorsed the bastard. I'd just stop listening to Trump if he did that, 'cause it would be a sign the fix was in.

I've been taking a lot of shit from "Republicans" who are afraid I will split their vote by writing in America First, Conservative candidates instead of just checking the box for their hand picked Democrat Globalists in Republican clothing, and campaigning for others to leave the reservation and write-in actual America First, Conservative candidates instead of rubber-stamping the trash they're leaving laying in OUR lawn.

They can kiss my ass. I'm gonna do what's right, not what's easy.

One had the nerve to tell me that if I kept pushing the write-in angle, I'd end up throwing the election to Democrats. I laughed, right out loud, and asked him what the hell was the difference between voting for a Democrat with  "D" beside their name and voting for a Democrat with an "R" beside their name... and then I told him that if he wanted me to vote for the Party nominee, they should have damned well picked one worth voting for - or else they should have held a primary instead of a convention, so that we could pick a candidate we would vote for rather than letting the honchos hand-pick a loser.

That's right - it's time to go balls-to-the-wall and get this shit lined out and straight. it starts here and now.

Let's get the party started and this show on the road.

I can't even imagine what would happen if he won in 2024.

What would they pull out to torpedo that? Intergalactic invasion?
(06-08-2021, 07:40 PM)guohua Wrote: [ -> ]Yes it is his Party and the Democrat's are Scared To Death! 
Quote:Despite being booted from social media, unfairly impeached twice, the victim of constant harassment and hoaxes and the target of six years of horrific and biased press coverage, Donald Trump remains the only towering figure in the Republican Party. A recent poll showed that 57% of Republicans favored Trump to win the nomination in 2024. His nearest potential challenger registered only 10% support.

With such popularity, it was no surprise that his return to the political stage Saturday night in Greenville, North Carolina was eagerly anticipated. In his triumphant speech, Trump wowed the state’s GOP convention for almost 90 minutes.

It was clear from the beginning of his address that President Trump intends to exercise strong control over the Republican Party. He wants to make sure “America First” Republicans are elected, instead of the establishment types who have led the GOP to recent defeats.
DAMN. now that I have started a Trump for POUS Forum (Basically) you can Expect the Trump Haters to start Posting Again!  tinywondering

I don't hate Trump. I tried to be supportive of him, in the beginning, because he was President, and I have respect for the position, even if I don't respect the person holding the position. I guess that is just a bit of holdover from my time in the military. 

Over time it became more difficult for me to support many of his actions and decisions. I truly hope we don't start with the bread and circus games again. I know it is wishful thinking, but I would really like the schoolyard antics to be put aside, along with all the partisan cheerleading, brawling, and name calling.

We have some serious adult problems. We need some serious, mature, adult leaders, that are willing to do what it takes to get our country back on its feet. Even if it means gutting the corrupt system that is presently in our way.

I don't hate Trump, I just don't like him.
(06-09-2021, 02:25 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-08-2021, 07:40 PM)guohua Wrote: [ -> ]Yes it is his Party and the Democrat's are Scared To Death! 
Quote:Despite being booted from social media, unfairly impeached twice, the victim of constant harassment and hoaxes and the target of six years of horrific and biased press coverage, Donald Trump remains the only towering figure in the Republican Party. A recent poll showed that 57% of Republicans favored Trump to win the nomination in 2024. His nearest potential challenger registered only 10% support.

With such popularity, it was no surprise that his return to the political stage Saturday night in Greenville, North Carolina was eagerly anticipated. In his triumphant speech, Trump wowed the state’s GOP convention for almost 90 minutes.

It was clear from the beginning of his address that President Trump intends to exercise strong control over the Republican Party. He wants to make sure “America First” Republicans are elected, instead of the establishment types who have led the GOP to recent defeats.
DAMN. now that I have started a Trump for POUS Forum (Basically) you can Expect the Trump Haters to start Posting Again!  tinywondering

I don't hate Trump. I tried to be supportive of him, in the beginning, because he was President, and I have respect for the position, even if I don't respect the person holding the position. I guess that is just a bit of holdover from my time in the military. 

Over time it became more difficult for me to support many of his actions and decisions. I truly hope we don't start with the bread and circus games again. I know it is wishful thinking, but I would really like the schoolyard antics to be put aside, along with all the partisan cheerleading, brawling, and name calling.

We have some serious adult problems. We need some serious, mature, adult leaders, that are willing to do what it takes to get our country back on its feet. Even if it means gutting the corrupt system that is presently in our way.

I don't hate Trump, I just don't like him.

@"NightskyeB4Dawn"  That is OK, it is the people that make up Lies about his wife and son and the Russians that make me angry.
(06-09-2021, 05:42 PM)guohua Wrote: [ -> ]@"NightskyeB4Dawn"  That is OK, it is the people that make up Lies about his wife and son and the Russians that make me angry.

It has always bothered me that Americans had become so partisan that they lost all respect for their country, the office of the Presidency, and ultimately,  respect for themselves.

Saying and distributing mean things about the children or wives of politicians, is petty, childish, and serves no purpose. How we have destroyed the respect of the office, is one of the reasons, it is so hard to get anyone that has a halfway possibility of pulling us out of this mess. No one truly worthy of the position is going to put their family or themselves through four to eight years of partisan BS.
(06-09-2021, 06:45 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: [ -> ]Saying and distributing mean things about the children or wives of politicians, is petty, childish, and serves no purpose. How we have destroyed the respect of the office, is one of the reasons, it is so hard to get anyone that has a halfway possibility of pulling us out of this mess. No one truly worthy of the position is going to put their family or themselves through four to eight years of partisan BS.

It's a longstanding axiom that those best suited to leadership want no part of it. The only people drawn to power are those who seek to abuse it.

I did not like Trump as a person, but cannot argue with what he accomplished as a leader. Some of the comments he was prone to make left me shaking my head, but the more distance I get from them, the more I begin to think there was a method in the madness, that they were probably being used as a distraction and diversionary tactic.

BidenHarris, so far, has the stupid comment methodology down pat, but I've not seen any positive action to justify them, and we are on a fast downhill slide. The US is gonna die if we don't course correct, and that mighty soon. I too used to have respect for the Office of President, but that ended when I watched with my own eyes how easily it was stolen and perverted - and there are, miraculously, still folks out there who appear to believe the last election was legit, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. Either they didn't see what I watched with my own eyes on election night, or they are willfully ignoring it.

I reckon it's OK in the grand scheme of things. Nations are like people in a way. None of us live forever.

I am willing to bet in 2024 he will not make a run for POTUS. Listening to him now he is also in decline mentally IMO. Trump's policies about America first and all the slings and arrows (lies) thrown at him during his time in office made me respect him .. Unlike the present POTUS and his airhead V.P.  It is like the controllers want someone stupid and easily swayed to hold the that executive branch of government.

There are those who say the election was not stolen... You have to look no further than all the shenanigans being pulled to try and stop the audit of the votes to figure, if they had nothing to hide, then why all the blockage.
(06-09-2021, 06:45 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: [ -> ]Saying and distributing mean things about the children or wives of politicians, is petty, childish, and serves no purpose.

unless they think that they can ride their husband and daddy's coat tails like billary and chelsa. who many think was webbs kid, looked just like him before the nose job.

any way riding coat tails and acting like shes the boss, you can't say enough bad things about her. thank God she didn't win.
One thing that is always in the back of my mind is the stated goals of agenda 21/30 . That coupled with the video which said in the future you will not own anything and will be happy is as plain as day IMO. Trump threw a wrench into their well oiled machine with his American first,  so now it is full steam ahead...or at least it appears that way to me...

There are to many similarities to past actions to not be concerned with present events IMO.
This is what the NWO gave us,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Quote:Joe Biden: ‘I Keep Forgetting I’m President’
And where was Old Joe when he said that, in the UK.  tinysure

[Image: Capture.png]
Quote:Oh no, Joe!

Biden arrived on Wednesday in the United Kingdom to mark his first trip overseas.
While speaking to U.S. troops, Biden forgot to say “at ease” so the troops could sit down after standing to applaud him.

“I keep forgetting I’m president,” Biden said.

Kamala Harris is also out of the U.S. and has been embarrassing herself on the world stage.
Watch the attached video here: Link
(06-09-2021, 10:02 PM)727Sky Wrote: [ -> ] Trump threw a wrench into their well oiled machine with his American first,  so now it is full steam ahead...or at least it appears that way to me...

Me too. I think he has served the purpose he set out to accomplish - shaking folks awake and demonstrating that if they want their country to succeed, all they have to do is stick to their guns and damn the torpedoes. He showed us what works, BidenHarris is showing us what won't work, and the next several years will tell the tale of whether or not anyone was watching.

Trump's main thrust appears to me to have been to make folks aware that if they want America First, then all they have to do is set that course,  pursue America First policies, and stay on that course whatever is thrown at them. He did that with bells tied on while at the same time re-installing the America First spirit so that it keeps on going.

Now I don't think he will run again, either. Instead I think another will be groomed to fill that position and carry on his work. Trump would be a little bit off to subject himself, his family, and everyone around him to that shit-show once more. His job in office is done - why keep doing it?

Still, it is always good to keep your opponent guessing, and so long as they THINK he might run again, he draws the focus and all the attendant attention, which gives his successor breathing room to develop and grow into the job.

With all the hell President Trump and his family went through since he ran for office the first time, I can't see another term being good for anyone involved unless he has a fool proof plan to drain the swamp once and for all.

I'd say that he doesn't have anything to prove now by running again, plus it cost him a butt load to stay in office the first time so unless he found a shit ton of mad money stashed somewhere, it would be foolish to break the bank by running again.

IMO, he would do more by working behind the scenes and showing support where and when it can be effective. He could up his so called 4-D chess game that way.
Your videos give credence to the belief that there is nothing new under the sun. And they sure make it look like we never learn.

The scary thing for me is how easily we are led, and how easily we forget.

To complement your videos, and to hopefully help make the picture clearer, I will share a video that I believe adds some perspective. 

I chose the one that I felt was short and sweet.