
Full Version: Ocearch: Tracking The Oceans Of The Planet
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I love nature. It pains me that we are such poor stewards of this planet. 

I spent years allowing SETI to use three of the computers in my house. Hoping to help them find that signal that would confirm we had the ability to actually communicate with beings from other planets. So when I heard about Ocearch, it intrigued me.

I had to give up tracking for SETI when I moved to the country, and signals of even a terrestrial nature were outside of my capabilities, without a satellite and a lot of money. I heard about this organization and it peaked my interest.

I won't be downloading any apps, but found the onsite trackers interesting. The search for the missing sharks is what led me to the site, but they track other species as well. They track alligators, whales, dolphins, and turtle.

I hope you find it as interesting as I do.
What a cool site! All of them have names and everything! Pretty fascinating stuff. Thanks for posting this.
(08-20-2020, 03:07 AM)ChiefD Wrote: [ -> ]What a cool site! All of them have names and everything! Pretty fascinating stuff. Thanks for posting this.

I think when you name something you treat it with more compassion and respect.

Maybe that is why God had Adam name everything in the Garden of Eden.   minusculebiggrin
Very awesome site. Thanks for posting.  tinybiggrin