
Full Version: Welcome to R-N 3 matafuchers
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Hi,,, :minusculehi:

Come on in and look around, post or start a thread.

You can just relax and enjoy the company if you wish.

Need help, just ask.  minusculebeercheers
Hi @"matafuchers",

Welcome to Rogue Nation, it's like a proper nation, but more rogue-ier and with softer borders and nice curtains in the break room...

There's a handy Shoutbox for chatting live to staff and members on the front page.
If you need anything - just ask.

Explore, Enjoy!

What's up, Brother?  Good to see another familiar name over here.

Holy shit. For a second there, I thought that Samuel L Jackson just came through the door... tinylaughing

Welcome to Rogue Nation.

Take a seat, relax and enjoy. Looking forward to seeing you around the boards !
