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I can't count the number of times I've tried to use the search bar to find a particular thread, but it won't find anything without putting in the entire title. If you don't know the whole title, or remember who authored it, you're out of luck.

It would be great if the search bar would pull up threads using a word or two based on the topic.

I'll just ask here right now if anyone knows where the latest thread is about the Bundy trial?  I have some info to add.
Explanation: I had no trouble putting in the single search term 'bundy' and got this thread as top response in the final search ...

Ammon Bundy's lawyer tackled, Tasered by U.S. Marshals in a surreal ending to the Oregon trial

Personal Disclosure: I hope this link helps you MW and I am so glad you will be updating us on the Bundy trial as I have heard some good news has transpired very very recently [ie today] and I await your vital post to the above thread to see if that has been confirmed.
The search bar has it's faults.
But I've found with the right word or words in a sentence, I can find the topic.
(01-09-2018, 03:40 AM)OmegaLogos Wrote: [ -> ]Explanation: I had no trouble putting in the single search term 'bundy' and got this thread as top response in the final search ...

Ammon Bundy's lawyer tackled, Tasered by U.S. Marshals in a surreal ending to the Oregon trial

Personal Disclosure: I hope this link helps you MW and I am so glad you will be updating us on the Bundy trial as I have heard some good news has transpired very very recently [ie today] and I await your vital post to the above thread to see if that has been confirm
I don't think things work the same on the other side of the board where the MODs are.  I put in BUNDY, and got no results.  Other things are also different for regular users too, like Gordi said there was an edit key in the shout box, but I don't have one on this side. 
Okay, well the main thing is OL found it, so I will go add my updates now, if I remembered to save them.