
Full Version: MKULTRA Survivor Has Important Message to Share. Listen Before You Vote!
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Cathy is a whistle-blower/survivor who shares names of high-up officials who are part of the Illuminati's MKUltra program who have infiltrated our gooberment. She bravely tells her unbelievable story to arm the public about what is going on.

For all you Hillary supporters, she says Hillary is one of the worst out there. She believes strongly in using mind control technology on the mass public. You might want to think about that before casting your vote!!

You can hear her discuss the gooberment members beginning at the 30:00 mark.

She also talks about how aspartame is a chemical that was put in our food to dumb us down and make us easier to control. It is very addictive and hard to stop using.
If you are one that drinks diet drinks, or uses this chemical as a sweetener... stop!

Oh, and get this... One reason marijuana was made illegal is because it keeps people from being as easily controlled due to some kind of neurological process it causes in the brain! (Not to mention all the health benefits it offers!)

Below are the topics Cathy discusses. I encourage everyone to listen to the entire message she has to share.

Quote:ronald regan, dick cheney, george w. bush, george h.w. bush, senator bird, gerald ford, torture, trauma, programming, mkultra, cathy o'brien, CIA, project paperclip, sex slave, prostitution, governor's mansion, free-masons, mormons, george romney, mitt romney, the osmonds, the jacksons, mind control, jack valenti, bill clinton, drugs, cocaine, new world order, marijuana, military, compartmentalized, brain, the occult, consciousness, sexual abuse, washington DC, hillary clinton, population control, politics, elections, change, church, pedophiles, mark phillips, trans-formation, government,

Source: You Tube

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