
Full Version: Free Episode From GAIA t.v. for 48 hours only on False Flags
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Watch it while GAIA is offering the inaugural episode on False Flags FREE for the next 48 hours.

Quote:In this inaugural episode of False Flags, Richard Dolan guides us to see through the fear mongering of mass manipulation and free ourselves from the shackles of lies and deception.

Click on this link to go to the video.  Hurry!
He is pushing a agenda it sounds like to me.
Yes our Government and Other Government has created False Flags, but he failed to mention (or I didn't catch it) that News Outlets do also.

I'm sorry but Pearl Harbor was not a False Flag event, America restricted Steel and oil shipments to Japan because of the Human Atrocities they were commenting in China, who at the Time was a Democracy and had class ties to America and other Western Powers.
I could go on but these people who have the backing of the Media  (TV) to push their agenda gives me a headache.

(08-02-2017, 01:15 AM)guohua Wrote: [ -> ]He is pushing a agenda it sounds like to me.
Yes our Government and Other Government has created False Flags, but he failed to mention (or I didn't catch it) that News Outlets do also.

I'm sorry but Pearl Harbor was not a False Flag event, America restricted Steel and oil shipments to Japan because of the Human Atrocities they were commenting in China, who at the Time was a Democracy and had class ties to America and other Western Powers.
I could go on but these people who have the backing of the Media  (TV) to push their agenda gives me a headache.


I haven't watched it yet.  I plan on watching it on t.v. in the comfort of my recliner later.   mediumcouchpotato
(08-02-2017, 01:15 AM)guohua Wrote: [ -> ]He is pushing a agenda it sounds like to me.
Yes our Government and Other Government has created False Flags, but he failed to mention (or I didn't catch it) that News Outlets do also.

I'm sorry but Pearl Harbor was not a False Flag event, America restricted Steel and oil shipments to Japan because of the Human Atrocities they were commenting in China, who at the Time was a Democracy and had class ties to America and other Western Powers.
I could go on but these people who have the backing of the Media  (TV) to push their agenda gives me a headache.


From what I gathered, he is explaining what False Flags are, how they work, and why they happen (the agenda).  He only briefly mentioned Pearl Harbor, that I heard.
I thought it was a very good show, and I hope it will open the eyes of the public about how our government, and others around the world, use False Flags to lead the masses blindly to do their bidding.

As for Pearl Harbor, I've come across others who said it wasn't what the public thinks. Douglas Dietrich went into it in detail on an interview with Leak Project. First time I had heard his version, but he seemed to know what he was talking about, as to the true history of everything.