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NJ Teachers Union President Will “Bend the Truth,” To Cover Up Child Abuse
Here is another great capture from James O'Keefe.  I must admit, with today's disrespectful students, sometimes "old-time discipline" is required, IMO, but that isn't allowed in schools today. (I think to paddle needs to be allowed again.)
I see a teacher placing his hands on a student to put him back in his seat as being okay as long as the student wasn't physically harmed.  It's for those MILD disciplines that this man's help would come in handy, but when his power is abused to help teachers who actually harm students, then this is where the line needs to be drawn. 
What it really comes down to is parents teaching their kids to respect their elders, especially in schools. We wouldn't have all these problems if parents did their 'job'.

Quote:Hamilton Township Education Association President David Perry Explains How Unions Can Protect Teachers Who Beat up and Threaten Kids

Union President: “I’m here to defend even the worst people”

Perry on Charges Against Teachers: “We’re gonna bring it down a level”

Perry Would Misrepresent Facts of Abuse on Reports to Cast Students as Liars, “I need to know the truth, so that we can bend the truth.”

“We do turn [these reports] around to where, if it was a physical punch, it wasn’t a punch. It was a shove.”

“If he comes to me tomorrow, I’m gonna date [the report] back to the day after the incident”

Advises Teacher to “NOT TELL A SOUL” About Incident

The Longer Incident Goes Unreported the Better Because Camera Footage in Schools Erased Over Time

Watch the video and tell us your thoughts:

This one just now popped up on my subscription feed.

O'Keefe continues the investigation into school corruption.  In this video it shows how one male teacher was "let off the hook" and paid $50,000 to just go away.   tinyok 

You'll have to click on the link below to watch the short video. I can't share it here.


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