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Something You "Need" To See That They Do Not Want You To See
Although this film is deeply disturbing, it needs to be brought to the public's attention so we can put a stop to it.
People are still saying this type of behavior doesn't happen. After seeing this video, they should realize it DOES.

Spread awareness!
(04-02-2017, 05:26 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Although this film is deeply disturbing, it needs to be brought to the public's attention so we can put a stop to it.
People are still saying this type of behavior doesn't happen. After seeing this video, they should realize it DOES.

Spread awareness!

That picture on the vid is so disturbing, I'm afraid to watch it. Can you summarize what's in there?
@"Night Star",

At the beginning, it has a little boy talking about what they do at "parties".  He talks about cutting off a baby's head and cooking it, then eating it.
He talks about some of the Elite by name who come to these parties; then it moves into other women telling their story of what happened to them when they were captured and placed into this cult and used for sex slaves. 

It shows the woman who told her story on Dr. Phil, and also shows a clip of where President Trump was talking about how he was putting more people on this child trafficking problem to arrest as many as possible.

That's just some of what is on there.  To be honest, I stopped watching it myself after about half way through; that's all I could take. mediumnotlooking

As I said, it's very disturbing.  They kidnap some children to use as organ donors, and drink their blood during rituals because young blood is thought to purify the ones who drink it and help them live long lives.

People don't like to see or think about things like this, but we must make the public aware of the inhuman acts that go on in these cult practices.  People need to keep a very close eye on their children when they are out. They can be snatched up anywhere!  tinycrying

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