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WikiLeaks Has It All!
WikiLeaks Has It All! Pedogate, 9/11, Kennedy, & CIA Hacking, Says Pentagon Insider

I can't wait for the next reveal.  I think things are about to get very...  exciting, for lack of a better word.   tinybighuh

It will be nice to have all us "critical thinkers" vindicated, once and for all.   minusculeknocks

[Image: 700_e837889815a966f6e56f072e9e60bde5.jpg?v=1489785917]

Quote:After the recent Vault 7 leaks that the WikiLeaks site released, the CIA has been scrambling in an attempt to erase its cyber footprints and tie up various loose ends throughout its operations. There is a bevy of potential information that the agency does not want us to know about, this is certain, but in an age where the potential to be hacked is very real, shouldn't the old saying of "turnabout is fair play" come into realization?

Victurus Libertas, the Pentagon insider, gave this interview:
Q. Vault 7 is the biggest story of the year, right?
A. It gets bigger by orders of magnitude.

Q. So what happens now?
A. The story will go well beyond Implants, C2’s, and LP’s.

Q. What does that mean?
A. Listening posts, Malware. The danger is in how the CIA declassified “war code”. They also failed to keep different eggs in different baskets. This can be blamed on the agency not wanting to loop NSA in their plans. In essence, the CIA sought to create their own NSA.

Q. What do you see happening next?
A. Well, “Whack A Mole” takes on a whole new meaning!
A. The media steps in. Talking heads bemoan the “threat to national security”, blame Russia, avoid any mention of Uk involvement or Israel, which by the way, is furious beyond belief and scared shitless at the release of Vault 7… as are the Brits.

Q. We keep hearing this. Why? The Brits and Israeli’s are allies, right?
A. Define ally? The CIA, MI6 and Israeli secret service have been engaged in asymmetrical espionage on civilians, both domestically and abroad. They turned their tradecraft on the civis[civilians]. That's not going to play out well. There are bigger floods ahead, I fear.
A. It's a term used to denote large-scale leaks or breaches in intelligence.

Q. What type of things can we expect?
A. Right now, the first dump concentrated on the CIA’s toolkit. The fear and loathing barometer tells me there is a real concern the source code will get leaked, and even bigger concern the CIA’s past ‘activities” get exposed. If that happens, we will have a shockwave and an instant realignment of friends and foes.

Q. Could you explain further?
A. Let's say Wikileaks divulges that the CIA engages in domestic espionage in tandem with Mossad and MI6... Let's say CIA looks the other way while foreign nations are allowed to surveil American citizens… Let's say the people find out we created Isis with Israel, or the CIA really did neutralize Kennedy. Imagine how the citizens will view the CIA, Mossad, and MI6. In truth, these entities are not the beast, but rather the claws of the beast. The combination of the CIA, Mossad, and MI6 can be considered the greatest sponsors of terrorism in the world.

Q. Wow. So you are saying Wikileaks may leak the secret history of the CIA?
A. I am sure it's coming. Why did they use a Kennedy quote referencing the CIA’s destruction as their passphrase? I am pretty certain they plan to expose just who was behind the Kennedy assassination.

Q. If foreign nations were behind 9/11, will the people sit idly and forget about it and go back to their everyday lives?
A. 2 years ago, I would have been confident they would have behaved as the lemmings the CIA expects them to behave like. But the foundation of trust is eroding. People no longer trust DC, MSM, Banks, our courts, etc.[/url]

Q. Will Pedogate ever be fully exposed?
A. Vault 7 will make certain that Pedogate is exposed. CIA and Mossad are behind much of it. Many in my close circle welcome what Wikileaks has done. Most military servicemen serve honorably. Most law enforcement as well. We want the swamp drained. If Trump muzzles Pence, and guides this nation by his instincts, my guess is he will gut the CIA, modernize it, kick the MI6 and Mossad out of the tent and start re-evaluating who our friends are. Start with Saudi Arabia. Our relationship with the UK is very good from a military standpoint. That will not go away. But, we need to weaken the power and reach of our current intelligence community as it is forced to disengage from foreign intelligence services like Mi6 and Mossad. We have to stand alone.

We are in age, thanks to our growth in technology and the development and grooming of computer hackers, where everyone is a potential victim. What makes the CIA any better than the rest of us? What action can the common citizen partake in to conduct a potential cyber war with our corrupt government?

(03-17-2017, 11:30 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: ...We have to stand alone.

Right there is the key to what has happened and what needs to be done to re-set
the agencies with the USA.

By aligning with other countries to assist in the many causes that the CIA and other
agencies have undertaken, the tendrils of organisation have become so tangled with
outside groups that have their own agendas, that anyone... anyone is seen as an item
of investigation.

Of course, if one of an agency's main responsibilities is to discover what harm could a
particular group of people can inflict on the agency's country, there may be times when
an individual in question may actually reside or visit in that agency's country, then what?

On and on it becomes more complicated until groups with opposing ideologies can be
working together in a common goal. But make no mistake, both parties are also working
to undermine each other.
It get's to a point where both parties cannot be recognised for their original stance.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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