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OR (hurry home): Austin Artemis Parker
Austin was looking around as the office.. "Craig.. This is not moving because of busy work.."

Craig caught one of the men going by, "Lodge brother.."

The young man paused, "Templar.."

An older SPec Ops Operator hit the young officer in the back of the head and spoke in an ancient language..

"Command Sergeant Major.. I.." Austin saw a masonic ring on the young officer as he swallowed hard, "Honored Marshall.. I.."

"For the love of F#$5ing god.. Craig," The Black CSM SO shook his head.. "The grandmaster of the mother Lodges is in the process of rescuing POTUS.. Carry on Before I have you sent to Paris Island.." The CSM glared At the Air force Second Lt, "Boy.. You forgot.."

"He is," The Second Lt.. Bowed his head looking at austin, "Honored Mistress.."

"You know what.. Just stand there," The CSM took a deep breath as he limped half a step..

"Someone kidnapped the president," Austin was wide eyed?

"Your little friend.. Mr. Macer Just gave his friend the order to rescue him," The CSM shook his head.. "Honored Mistress of the Grandmaster.. Pontiff of the Georgia Lodge of your Prince John hall.. Sylias Freeman.. Command sergeant Major.. RECON.. USMC.. I am med sep ing out.. "

Austin steps towards the door..

Craig starts to move as two Marines stand in the way..

"STEP THE F@#$ ASIDE MORONS FOR HER," CSM Freeman was loud..

Austin stuck her head in the door as her eyes glow..

"We have the package," A voice calls out..

General Heller swallows hard, "Confirmation Templar One.. Package in Navy custody.."

"Mr. President.. Keep moving," Andros's voice was clear.. "Or I break your leg and have you carried.."

The sounds of bullets  fill fill the air..

"Hostiles are re-engaging," another voice calls out.. "thats all right.. Mongoose.. Detonate their explosives.. NOW!"

a loud explosion fills the comm..

Austin see's Alex smile at her, walking over..

Stepping out alex hugs her, "andros's Pretty Lady.. Or is it andros is Awetin's Emo chrononaut? Oh well.."

After the hug, "Alex.. Littleman.. "

Looking back alex sighs, "Austin.. Do not forget.. That extra credit project for your grade.."

"He cut us out of the loop again," General Heller was pissed off.. "F#$%ing world F#$%ING finest NAVY.. THERE IS A CHAIN OF COMMAND!"

Alex hugs her and walks back into the room and shuts the door..

"Extra credit," Austin's eyes glowed..

Lt. colonel reins enters the office, "Mother F#$%er's we..We are back in but.. We need training.. God... None of them.."

Austin turns and calls out with her eyes Glowing, "Lt. colonel reins.. CSM Freeman.. May I speak with you privately.."

Reins walks over, "Thank you.. Honored Mistress. We are. JSOC and all other units have been deployed."

"You.. Are technically Blacksheep.." Ausitn grins evilly, "You do not ask.. Craig, Freeman.. Reins I need a subtle wall.."

Several others in borrowed fatigues  are called over.. After a few seconds the Black sheep quietly form a wall around austin as she kneels..

Reins and Freeman kneel as Craig keeps a quiet lookout..

"My Project Is not even finished.. I am supposed to tour the Fusion center.. The hidden one in Laurel hill alex said is there.. And then I am supposed to go visit.. Those little mother F#$%ers, they knew this.. AGH.. Texas Ranger Museum in austin Texas.. And.. I am supposed to got to the social security headquarters in DC.. Because each place has something I need to learn."

austin takes out her phone as it it starts to play Blake Shelton's austin.

She whisper, "You ASSHOLE.. I do not understand.. All I got was the images.. I was doing a second project for my criminal justice classes.. On the Fusion centers.."

"Awetin, "Bullets where firing in the background.. "Mr. President.. It is the girl back home.. Please talk to her.. I am F#$%ing busy.."

Austin was wide eyed as the President's voice filled the air, "Ms. Parker.. " the sound of the man running on the phone filled the air, "Captain colt is.. Is a little busy.. Would you be so kind.."

Several bullets sounded like the hit nearby..

Lt. colonel Reins was wide eyed as several black sheep turned at the sound of the President's voice.. The office went quiet..

"Mr. Pres.. President.. Lt. colonel reins and his men have orders but.. They have not been officially brought back in.." Austin swallowed hard as General Heller came out of the office.."They are your Blacksheep Mr. President.. The Ba Ba blacksheep.. USMC.. The only problem is paperwork.. Littleman needs them to stop something.. " Austin rolls her shoulders at a look from Freeman, "But no one is listening.. Lt. colonel reins cant move until.."

"That hurt," the President called out.. After a hard Breath, "Lt. colonel reins.. "

"Mr. President," General Heller calls out.. "General Heller US air force.. Sir.."

"Why in the hell Are my blacksheep not deployed as ordered," President Obama was not happy..


"I just got F#$%ing shoved in the mud.. General," Obama was pissed.."Lt. Colone Reins .. Ignore everyone else.. FOLLOW YOUR ORDERS AS HANDED DOWN MY... CAPTAIN COLT!"

"Sorry Mr. President.. Give me the phone.. The will track us.. Carry on Reins," Andros cut the line!

Reins stood up and looked at his men, "You heard POTUS.." Reins and his men grinned, "Boys.."

General Heller was very quiet, "Lt. colonel Reins.. You and your men are hereby reactivated by direct Order of the President of the united States.. What are your orders.."

"Command Sergeant Major," Reins put his hand on the oldman's shoulder.. "Is coming with us.. We need an experienced shot caller.."

Seeing the General's face the old Marine grinned, "We are supposed to raid the Library of congress.."

"Ausitn.. Please walk us out of the building.." Reins took a deep breath, "she is our Subject Matter Expert on Littleman.. "Seeing the Second Lt, "Mason.. you are now with the Blacksheep.. Help CSM Freeman.. NOW!"

The 2nd Lt. Was wide eyed and looked ot the General..

"son.. Direct orders from the president.. You are with Blacksheep now," general Heller shook his head.. "Lt. colonel.. I know you are lying to me.. The captain is aware he has the whole of the god D@#$ DoD to call upon.. And.. He is choosing you.. You want to tell me why.."

The blacksheep all look at each other.. In unison with the wole office looking at them..

"In 2013.. A crack commando unit was assembled by Lt. colonel reins.. To do the jobs the DoD could not do.." The blacksheep all smiled and spoke.. "these soldiers promptly beat JSOC in their first field test. At Eglin.. Today.. As now, working for Admiral Creast.. They survive as soldiers of Fortune in status.. If the Dod has a problem, and no other JSOC unit cant do it.. If they choose, maybe you can call on the.. blacksheep squadron!"

The blacksheep proudly hum off tune the Rest of the A-team intro..

Lt. colonel reins had taken out a cigar, And surprisingly the CSM lit it..

"Mission specs on the way.. Going in blind Lt. colonel," Freeman put the lighter away..


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RE: OR (hurry home): Austin Artemis Parker - by Armonica_Templar - 07-19-2019, 04:47 AM

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