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  Comet Neowise
Posted by: kdog - 07-12-2020, 11:08 PM - Forum: Science and Space...the Other Final Frontiers - Replies (9)

I have yet to see it, but I will be looking for info so everyone has a chance to see it. 

Quote:A comet has been captured on camera streaking across the skies over Stonehenge.
Comet Neowise has been spotted by stargazers across the UK and around the world as it heads past Earth.
It was discovered in late March and became one of the few comets in the 21st century that can be seen with the naked eye as it approached the sun.
The comet will be closest to the Earth on 23 July but will still be about 64 million miles (103 million km) away.

[Image: comet-neowise.jpg]



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Shocked Planet Nine Maybe a Blackhole
Posted by: kdog - 07-12-2020, 10:13 PM - Forum: Science and Space...the Other Final Frontiers - Replies (15)


Some scientist are speculating that the fabled Planet Nine does exist and might be a black hole the size of a grapefruit. 

Quote:The hunt for the ever-elusive “Planet Nine” has taken scientists down some very strange roads. The idea that a planet exists in the outer reaches of our solar system and can’t be easily seen has been floating around for some time, and observations of other objects in the area suggest that there’s something big generating a gravitational pull. The easiest explanation would be a planet, but it’s not the only possibility.

Now, scientists from Harvard University in partnership with the Black Hole Initiative want to test the theory that the object that appears to be lurking on our system’s edge is actually a black hole. Yep, you read that correctly; there may be a black hole lurking right in our cosmic back yard.

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  My RANT about defunding the police
Posted by: beez - 07-12-2020, 09:08 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (5)

. . . Is very simple.


If all the lefties want to defund the po-po, the "Five-Oh". . . . 

Quit committing crimes.

Just stop.

Then there'd be no need for police.

Easy-Peaasy, Lemon-squeezy.

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  Being A Better You
Posted by: NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-12-2020, 08:33 PM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (3)

I sat on the porch just a few minutes ago watching my crits eat. As always, from the time that Goliath and Tamar started eating kibble, their Father Maxx, has left them a portion of his food to eat. When they were little puppies I thought it was cute. The pups just turned two years old on July third, and Maxx still leaves them a portion of his food. He won't let the Mother eat it. He only lets the pups, that are not pups anymore, eat it.

By now he should know they don't need it, but he does it anyway. It made me think that maybe he is just trying to be a better Father, a better pack leader. Watching him today made me think. We believe as humans we are better and smarter than all the other lifeforms on our planet, but we don't always make that true. Especially when we go through our lives just functioning, and without purpose. When we live without purpose there is little meaning or joy in our lives.

Maxx is a dog, but he has always put those little pups first. He still lets them beat him up and he still feeds them.  Watching him, makes me feel like I could do better at being me. I think we all can learn from the beauty around us. I think we can learn from kindness and compassion. I think we can be better. Especially at times like today, when we need better.

Pic of Maxx with Goliath and Tamar.

[Image: IMG-20180906-073257.jpg]

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  The Others: 1966
Posted by: F2d5thCav - 07-12-2020, 01:04 PM - Forum: Short Stories - Replies (6)

Williams' view was fixed on the security guard but his mind's eye was decades in the past.

Camp Mackall, North Carolina, 1966


The Special Forces candidates marched in formation on the dusty road, lustily singing Barry Sadler's new hit ballad.  Off the road, Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Williams' jeep was parked.  Rich noted his driver was engaged in animated discussion on the vehicle's radio.


Williams' driver, an older Specialist Five, came running up.  The Spec-5 had fought under Williams' command in Korea, and Williams both liked and respected him.

"HEY SIR !  WE GOT A MISSING CANDIDATE.  He was part of patrol training, they were told to move along this path ..."

Rich studied the patrol route.  The better portion of it was in the forest across the road from where he stood.  Involuntarily, his mind recalled the odd lights they had seen over the ranges the night before -- floating, and changing in color and intensity.

Flares don't change color.

A sense of alarm he hadn't felt for a long time began to rise within.

"Stay here. I'm going for a walk in the woods."

The Spec-5 studied Williams and knew nothing routine was taking place.  Williams was wearing his war face, a visage the Spec-5 hadn't seen since the fighting in Korea.  Rich took a pair of 30-round banana clips that were taped together end-to end, and slapped one end into his M3 Carbine.  He then clipped two hand grenades onto his load bearing equipment.

Rich crossed the road and headed into the woods, matching the planned route of the patrol.  All the patrol members had returned save Michaels.  Somewhere along the patrol's route, -something- had happened to him in the darkness.  The forests of North Carolina concealed many hazards to Man.  Bears, bobcats, poisonous snakes ... and yet, Rich was filled with a gnawing suspicion that whatever had happened to Michaels, threats native to Earth were not to blame.

Further into the route, Rich began to experience a deep, primal fear.  Bingo, he thought.  Low frequency radiation.  The Others employed it to spook both humans and predatory animals.  The sun was beginning to set over the hardwood forest, and the birds had abruptly become silent.  Rich swallowed the sensation of fear and gripped his carbine tightly.  This time, he thought, the sons of bitches will get it up close and personal.

Almost imperceptibly, an angry moan could be heard, and then faded away.  Rich advanced quietly, stepping over branches and ensuring his footfalls landed on moss or dirt.  The carbine faced steadily forward.  Approaching a small clearing in the dusk, Rich could see Michaels lying prone.  But Michaels was not alone.  A small, reprehensibly ugly grey figure was kneeling beside him.  The grey figure reached, not to, but -into- Michaels, setting off another angry groan.  Michaels was wounded and his wounds were being violated by the grey entity, who was too focused on his actions to realize that Rich was approaching.

Rich felt almost frozen with fear, but years of training took over.  The carbine trained, he expertly fired a three-round burst.  All three rounds struck the entity's cranium and blew its brains out.  The grey monster slumped and fell, its head a disfigured, bloody mess.  Michaels was trying to reach his combat knife that lay a few feet away.

Rich fired two more rounds into the entity's head to ensure its brain stem was obliterated.  He approached Michaels.  The man was clearly dying, but his anguished expression somewhat relaxed when he saw Rich.

Michaels was fading fast, but he looked up.  With a plaintive voice, he spoke. "Tell my mother ... you know ..."  A terrible spasm of pain gripped him, and he tried to cover his torn belly with his hand.  His look at Rich was one of awful pleading.

Rich nodded grimly.  "I know.  I will tell her.  And I will get you out of this godforsaken forest."

As Michaels nodded his head, once, Rich's perception returned to being in Nevada at Area Six.  De Oppresso Liber, he thought.  But against the most oppressive enemy, we have known no true liberation ...

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  UK Not joining the Eu's Covid 19 vaccine scheme
Posted by: TheDoctor46 - 07-12-2020, 09:24 AM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (28)

https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-health...KKBN24B2EL...Never been a fan of the European Union. This part to me seems like stupidity quote....Under the EU plan, the bloc wants to buy or commit to buy promising vaccines before they are ready, taking the risk of potential clinical failures. In exchange, it would get priority access to the shots.

So basically if the shots don't work or are deadly...The EU will still buy them and put them in you're families arm!!!  Great work guy's!!!!

Or are we as bad?

Britain has already struck a deal to secure 100 million doses of an experimental vaccine that has been developed by the University of Oxford and licensed to British drugmaker AstraZeneca.

This is one reason i wont be taking any vaccines (Maybe it's the conspiracy theorist in me though lol minusculebiggrin)

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  MisterSpock movie review.....Patriots Day
Posted by: MisterSpock - 07-12-2020, 08:26 AM - Forum: Movies and TV Shows - No Replies

A long time favorite series of that, umm, other place and now my first installment here. 

So lets kick it off......

Opening thoughts.....Awkward.....in the sense that I just watched this today. My how fast times have changed.

It's a loose retelling of the story of the boston marathon bombings.

Why did I watch it? Mark Wahlberger, I actually like most of what he's in. 

Not really much to comment on the story, because most pretty much know the outline. Even though I knew the real life events, it was actually still entertaining and was pretty solid with regard to acting and pacing throughout most of the film.

The awkward part? 

Casting police in not only a positive light, but actually "celebrating" their sacrifice and dedication....My god...what a difference a few years make. 

This movie today, would be all but verboten. The way it highlighted(in a positive light) the service of law enforcement was sickening(2020 sickening). I'm actually amazed Netflix(where I watched it) even still has it available on it's platform.

There is almost no excuse to allow such a divisive film to still be available to the american public...

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  F-15 mid air breakup great Pics
Posted by: 727Sky - 07-12-2020, 04:46 AM - Forum: Aviation Developments - Replies (3)

This happened several years ago but I had not seen this sequence of pictures.

Quote:..... Another Day in the Office .....
There I was, just flying along, enjoying the flight
at 20,000 ft, minding my own business.....
[Image: mail?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.tinyletter....gLpBQA--~D]
And what's so cool is they actually pay me to do this!
[Image: mail?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.tinyletter....7d3MoQ--~D]
When....Hmmm.....What's that strange sound? Something feels different!
[Image: mail?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.tinyletter....KXNQJQ--~D]
Hey, why am I looking up?
[Image: mail?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.tinyletter....1sDWVg--~D]
Whoa there. What the hell?? Controls aren't working.
[Image: mail?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.tinyletter....c2M9aA--~D]
Time for a mirror check.....Hey, where's the rest of my F-15?
[Image: mail?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.tinyletter....k.FB7w--~D]
Uh oh, it's over there.....I think I've got a definite.....
Aw, sh*t. What the hell is going on here.
[Image: mail?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.tinyletter....oHUT6g--~D]
I gotta wonder, am I the first guy to ever experience a 'cockpit-airframe separation anxiety attack'??
[Image: mail?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.tinyletter....GBioTA--~D]
OK, enough is enough!....I'm outta here! But first, the canopy has to go.
[Image: mail?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.tinyletter....eJknyA--~D]
Phew.....At least that's now out of the way.....
[Image: mail?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.tinyletter....u2BBOg--~D]
OK, now it's my turn. I'm gonna be gone as soon as I find that frickin' lower handle.
[Image: mail?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.tinyletter....k76ooQ--~D]
Got it...... I'm gone !!!!!!

Kudos to the guy who took these pictures!
Just another 'average day at the office'?

It was determined that what caused this mid-air break up was the main "longeron" (stringer) behind the cockpit failed due to corrosion.

This 'incident' caused the USAF to ground its entire fleet of F-15s.
Talk about being in the right place at the right time for the photographer.....

and the wrong place at the wrong time for the pilot!

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  Russia Vs Germany movie
Posted by: 727Sky - 07-12-2020, 04:28 AM - Forum: Movies and TV Shows - Replies (5)

Many Russian movies are slow and have bad acting especially the old movies. However this particular Russian Movie (English subtitles) shows some of the action during the opening of the war. The best war is the one you can avoid IMO but these folks had no choice.

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  Couples are individuals too!
Posted by: GeauxHomeLittleD - 07-12-2020, 03:23 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (10)

Not really sure why but for some reason it seems there are people out there who just can't get it through their heads that couples (married or otherwise) are actually individual people with thoughts and opinions of their own. 

Over the years I have lost friends not because of anything I did or said but because of things my (now ex) partner did or said. In more recent times I have been "unfriended" or "unfollowed" on social media just because someone got pissed off at my (current) husband, and he has experienced the same because someone got pissed off at me. I have also had people be very rude to me on forums because they don't like my hubs, I'm sure he has probably experienced the same.

So just a bit ago I found out I got banned from another forum. I should have expected it since the husband just got banned- but at least they warned him they were possibly going to do it. I got no warning, no reason. Haven't posted anything questionable, been rude or nasty, haven't bad mouthed the website, haven't "stirred the pot", but because I am married to someone that likes to "poke the bear" I got banned. Yeah, technically I was banned from there back in 2014 (because the hubs ex-wife threatened to sue them, true story) but I have been back on there since 2015 with no issues. I got banned because my husband pissed them off!

So please remember folks, people who are married or in a relationship are two separate people. Just because you don't particularly care for one of the pair doesn't mean you have to disassociate with the other. This kind of crap reminds me of when I was a teenager and my Dad made me break things off with a guy I was dating because he found out the guy's father was one of his enemies when he was a teenager. It's childish! 

Guess that was kind of a rant. Didn't intend it to turn out that way but it is what it is. Just remember that people are individuals whether they are married to each other or not!

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