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Daily Chit Chat

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  1. Some doom stuff in our future ? (7 Replies)
  2. WWG1WGA (15 Replies)
  3. Overwhelmed by this place (25 Replies)
  4. An Idiosyncrasy (15 Replies)
  5. Crimes of the Future... (3 Replies)
  6. Welp...Some days go as planned...and others..? (10 Replies)
  7. 18 Ft Python @ 215 pounds Florida (8 Replies)
  8. Shared From My In-Box (21 Replies)
  9. How to break the back of the woke public school system (2 Replies)
  10. Operation MF (2 Replies)
  11. I'm comin' home (20 Replies)
  12. That Feeling...That Moment (20 Replies)
  13. When Spiderman ... Is REAL! (2 Replies)
  14. SO MUCH to write here!!! (15 Replies)
  15. The Veterans Administration sent me a letter (13 Replies)
  16. The big plan for world government (4 Replies)
  17. Biden open borders what could go wrong (2 Replies)
  18. A Prediction you do not have to wait to long for (4 Replies)
  19. Being an empath (3 Replies)
  20. I Was Proven Wrong (16 Replies)
  21. A school like this (10 Replies)
  22. Moneypox Song (2 Replies)
  23. Does being a spook pay well? (14 Replies)
  24. Double Speak (1 Reply)
  25. The Daily WhiteHouse Shit Show (7 Replies)
  26. Putting God back into schools. (43 Replies)
  27. What to do with all these useless people ? (12 Replies)
  28. Wagner Battle Musicians (0 Replies)
  29. Mindfuckers: A Source Book on the Rise of Acid Fascism in America (1 Reply)
  30. WEF and their sick stuff (3 Replies)
  31. 18 Major Airlines, FAA, and DOT to Be Sued Over COVID Vaccine Mandates (3 Replies)
  32. Trouble Grows Up (4 Replies)
  33. Shopping in Russia 3 months after sanctions (4 Replies)
  34. Who Let The Dogs Out? (2 Replies)
  35. Once Upon A Time In Japan. 3 Old Shoguns And A Emperor Youngun! (1 Reply)
  36. Will You Go Or Will You Stay? (22 Replies)
  37. Hydrogen powered cars and guess who ?? (3 Replies)
  38. War, Fear, Psychological Propaganda on the Population (2 Replies)
  39. Speculation on what is coming next (8 Replies)
  40. A Shampoo That Is All It Is Cracked Up To Be (8 Replies)
  41. They Have Taken Control Of The Children (7 Replies)
  42. Internet providers to cut broadband costs for low-income Americans (13 Replies)
  43. Ancient Egypt's old old capitol destroyed (5 Replies)
  44. We Are Way Too Trusting And Very Very Gullible (9 Replies)
  45. Philippines election win returns Marcos to power, and polarisation (0 Replies)
  46. Frustrations (11 Replies)
  47. Where to they come from???...The snakes?? (12 Replies)
  48. The grass isn't greener.... (9 Replies)
  49. Happy Birthday ChiefD (11 Replies)
  50. Elon Musk Just Bought Coca-Cola! (5 Replies)
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